The Coming Storm.


Closing the main door, I sighed loudly. Standing in the middle of our sitting room, I quickly scanned the condition of our house.

Our house wasn't close to appealing but it was home. It was a two-bedroom house that had a mini kitchen, a joint bathroom and toilet. The furniture was old, the floorboards were loose and the wallpaper barely hanging on the walls.

We tried making it as lively as we could but the house was still bleak. We were grateful because having a roof over our heads was all that mattered.

"Jasmine, is that you?" Mom called out from the kitchen.

Heading to the kitchen, I saw her going through the cupboards that were obviously empty.

"Hey mom." Pecking her on her cheek, "What's for dinner today?"

My mum was at the age 46, even though sickness was taking a toll on her, she still looked beautiful, her health on the other hand was deteriorating.

Sarah Evangeline Millers was a short plump lady who had short auburn hair and warm blue eyes. Her son, John Dean Miller had the same eyes and hair color as his mum.

After Sarah adopted me after her husband's death, John ran away from home at the age of 18, we've never seen or heard from him since.

"We're out of food, I was wondering if you could order some take-out."

"Mum, you know you're supposed to eat healthy food," I said letting out an exasperated sigh.

"I'll go grocery shopping then make us some nice healthy dinner okay?"

"Now, please go lie down and relax , I'll be back soon."

"Child, you do know that I'm not cripple right? I'll cook dinner, you've done enough." Mom said in finality.

"Please don't be stubborn, it's for your own good and you also do know that, that tone doesn't work on me anymore right? Now, Please for me?" I pleaded her.

"Alright, alright I'll go, take care then." She said finally heading to her bedroom.

"You know I will!" I shouted to her retreating form.

After grabbing my purse, I opened the door. A cold breeze slapped my face and I shuddered. Dark grey clouds loomed over us, the wind was getting stronger, there was a storm coming.

Taking out my cell, I called Cole but before the call went through, my phone died.

Low battery shit!

"Not now, God! I have to walk all the way to the store now."

Groaning, I started jogging, the store wasn't far from home, just a few blocks away. It'd take me 15-20 minutes to get there on foot.

Once I get to the store, I'll just go to Cole's place since he lived nearby and get a ride back home, perfect, I thought.

I got to the store 15 minutes later, by the time I was done shopping, It was already pouring heavily outside.

Today hasn't really been my day.

I held my bags close to my chest and ran to Cole's house. As soon as I saw his truck parked outside the building, I muttered a small prayer of thanks.

Cole and Brenda both lived alone in their own apartments. They were both from well-off families. Cole worked in a newspaper company as an editor and Brenda owned her own boutique. Brenda's family was actually rich because her dad was the mayor, Mr. Bill Simms.

I climbed the stairs one at a time till I was standing in front of his apartment door. Ringing the door bell once, twice, no response. Hmm, maybe the storm's too loud.

Turning the door knob, the door creaked open.

"Thank God," I muttered under my breathe and went in. I had no idea that the moment I set my foot inside his place, I would get out of it broken.