The Girl Behind the Mask.


I quickly hopped to the front seat as soon as Jasmine was out of sight.

Grabbing Cole's manhood through his pants, squeezing it lightly, sending him a clear message, "Now that the bitch is gone, where do you want me baby?"

Leaning in. I licked his neck slowly.

He took hold of my shoulders and pushed me back with so much force that I hit the car door, hard.

Gasping loudly from the impact, my head snapped to his direction, "What the hell crawled up your ass today?!"

"Jesus Brenda! Couldn't you at least wait till we get off her fucking driveway!" Cole points out harshly.

"I don't fucking care if she sees us, I JUST DON'T CARE ANYMORE!!" I shout in anger.

"I'm done being your dirty little secret!" I yell back.

"Can't you see how much she makes our lives miserable? Can't you?" I ask him desperately.

He keeps quiet not even bothering to look at me. I see his jaws clenching but he still says nothing.

I've had enough of this shit.

Turning back and glaring at him, "You know what?! It's time you choose, it's either her or me Cole. Enough of this bullshit, you can't have both of us."

He still doesn't move, his eyes staring ahead.


I open the car door and get down, turning to face him I kept yelling at him

"I hope the two of you get your shitty happy ending!" With that, I bang shut the door.

Walking away the other direction, Inwardly cursing both of them. I was so done being the third wheel in this relationship. I was so consumed in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear his truck behind me. Smiling smugly, I stopped walking and stood waiting.

"BRENDA! BRENDA! Please get in the car, we can talk this out baby ,please." He pleaded.

"I'm not getting inside your car until you choose Cole, I mean it."

He went mum and I started walking away again.

"OKAY! OKAY!I choose you! Now get in the car dammit! There's a storm coming!" I smirked as I settled back in the car seat, smiling mischievously.

"Now that you've chosen me, let's go back to your place and show me how much you really mean it."


"Cole?!" I call out but I'm met with silence.

Hmm, that's odd, car's at the parking lot and his door is unlocked. He's definitely home.

"Cole!" I call louder, again, no response.

The house was quiet, only the raging storm could be heard. That was definitely it, he is probably asleep and can't hear me because of the storm.

I walk softly towards his bedroom. Once I got close to his bedroom door, I heard faint sounds coming from inside.

My heart fell to the pit of my stomach, I leaned in closer, putting my ear against his door, trying to listen clearly.

Was that a moan?

Furrowing my brows in confusion, I grabbed the door handle ready to twist it open.

What if Cole was in danger? I asked myself.

My heart was beating frantically so hard it felt like it was going to rip through my ribcage. Taking a deep breathe, I slowly turned the door knob.

The door softly creaked open, saying a quick prayer, I pushed it wider, my heart broke as I took in the sight before me. I couldn't move or make a sound. I just stood there frozen as my heart broke piece by piece.

The two individuals were so engrossed in their love-making, that they didn't notice me standing there.

"Cole?" I whispered when I found my voice.


This time his head snapped up and turned to my direction. His face was a mask of anger and irritation, probably wondering who was interrupting them and why.

When he saw me standing there looking at them, shock and hurt painted on my face, his face paled in realization.

"Shit! Shit!" He cursed repeatedly as he scrambled off the bed, quickly taking his boxer briefs from the floor and putting them on ."Look, Jasmine, baby, I can explain please."

My eyes were still glued on him in bewilderment, I just couldn't believe it.

What did I do to deserve such cruelty?

As if fate wasn't cruel enough, I saw a flickering movement on the bed and my eyes quickly snapped to the bed.

"Oh God! No. No. No. This can't be happening."

There Brenda was, basking in her naked glory, clearly not even bothering to cover herself up.

She had a devilish smirk on her face, I thought that pain in my heart couldn't get worse but, oh wrong I was.

I suddenly felt nauseous, they were basically my family, why would they betray me so!

"Why?" I croaked out softly, turning my gaze towards Cole whom refused to meet my eyes.

"Why me? What did I do to the both of you?" Silence.

Brenda had the audacity to pretend to be looking bored, this ticked me off.

"I ASKED WHY?!" I scream in rage.

"Jasmine," Cole called out softly and I turned to him. His eyes pleading with me but I was having none of that. I wanted answers.

"How long has this been going on?" My voice barely audible but Cole heard me because he answered.

"Six months and a half." I let out a muffled sob, I felt my tears on the verge of falling. I couldn't give them the satisfaction to see me break so I turned around and bolted out of his apartment. I didn't bother going back for my things, all I knew was that I had to be far away from them as possible.

"JASMINE! JASMINE! WAIT!" Cole shouted behind me but I couldn't hear his pleas or the storm.

Running into the storm and towards home.

Once I made sure I had put up a good distance between us, I let it all out. Falling to my knees, I cried so hard that I couldn't even breath. My emotions were overwhelming me, all the betrayal, all the lies, all the heart-ache, I couldn't just take it anymore.

That's when I felt it, a sharp pain in my heart, literally and before I even realized what was happening, I had blacked out on the cold empty street, all alone, under the storm.