New Beginnings.


"Mum! The mail just came in! Check them out please! I'll be late for work!" I shout from the kitchen, picking up an apple from the kitchen counter as I head towards the front door.

"Okay dear! See you later and good luck!" Mum shouts back from her room.

"Thanks mum, bye!" Quickly dashing out of the house and catching the first cab I spot. Settling back on the cab seat, I relax.

I got released from the hospital a week ago. Mom insisted on bed rest for a week but I got tired of doing nothing in bed after 3 days. I decided I was done feeling sorry for myself, it was time to wear my big girl pants and get back to the real world.

The first day back to the diner, I saw Cole and Brenda sitting in one of our booths. I swapped tables with my friend who was also my workmate, Mary Fetcher. I was ready to move on with my life but I couldn't just face them, my wound was still fresh.

A day after I was admitted, Cole and Brenda came to visit me.


Looking outside my room's window, the clear skies took my breathe away, birds of various colors were flying around happily chirping and singing.

The day was bright and full of life, unlike how I felt. Will I ever be as free as these birds?

A knock brought me out of my reverie and I answer still looking out the window. I had no mood to see anyone. When I had multiple approaching steps, I turned to see my visitors but I regretted as soon as I saw them. Holding hands, oblivious to the torment they were putting me through with that simple gesture. I quickly looked away.

Stopping beside my bed, I bit my lip to prevent the sob that attempted to break out. Cole tried touching my hand but I moved it away before he could make contact, his presence repulsed me let alone his touch.

I heard a loud sigh from him and then he spoke.

"Jasmine? I know we are the last people you want to see right now but we..." there was an eerie silence and it made me even more uncomfortable.

Turning to face them both, I gestured for him to continue so that they could both leave me alone already.

Cole had an apologetic look on his face and for a moment, I thought I saw a flash of regret in his eyes while Brenda's face was void of any expression. Nothing at all.

"We're sorry for the pain we caused you, you never deserved any of this and you weren't supposed to find out like that. I was going to tell you everything the next day. I know you won't believe me but I swear I was, I also know it wouldn't hurt less but we are sorry," he finishes off.

Shutting my eyes so tight, "Just leave please." My voice coming out strained.

"We are leaving then, hope you recover soon and maybe someday find it in your heart to forgive us, bye Jasmine."

I hear them leaving my room and once my door is shut, a few tears escape my eyes. Getting angry at myself for being weak, I furiously wipe them off. I was done crying over people who don't deserve my tears.

Deciding there and then, I was beginning a new phase in my life.


"Ma'am? Cab fare." The cab driver calls out again snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry! Here," handing him a few bucks and climbing down from the cab. Dusting my skirt off, I immediately remember where I was going.

"Shit! I'm so late! Mr.Crane is going to kill me!"

Dammit! These heels are slowing me down. Cursing inwardly I attempt running. Running in heels should be classified as a talent, I mused.

I normally don't wear heels to work, or go extra on my looks and dressing but today is an exception especially as all the waitresses were instructed to dress in black skirts, white blouses and a pair of black heels to complete today's uniform.

We were catering some wealthy business people luncheon. It's said to be the most biggest event to ever take place in our town. The biggest five star hotel was being built here, in BROMELY! That was huge!

I rushed in the diner and found Mr.Crane and everyone else in a meeting. Mr.Crane glared daggers at me that I shuddered.

"Sorry! I'm really sorry!" I pleaded. He just ignored me and faced the others,"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, these people are very important to this town, one mere complaint about any of you, you are fired! Do I make myself clear?" A wave response of 'yes' are heard.

"A van will be here in 20 minutes to take all of you there, get ready by then." He adds as he heads to his 'office'.

I let out a big breathe of air that I hadn't realized I was holding.


I turn to face my Friend Mary who was approaching me.

"Thank Heavens! I thought Mr. Crane would send you packing today!" She says now standing in front of me.

"Yeah me too," I say back giving her a small smile.

"Oouh girl! You look extremely breathtaking!" Mary exclaims loudly when she finally sees my face. My cheeks redden at her compliment. "It's nothing extra though, just mascara and some lip gloss. Thank you though. You look pretty amazing yourself. " I beam back at her.

"Oh dear friend, why flatter me so?!" She says back in a fake British accent and we both burst into a fit of giggles.

After we calm down, Mary asks me.

"Did you hear what the other girls are saying?"

My eyebrows arch in confusion and she rolls her eyes getting my response.

"Some girls are planning on snaring some rich men from the event."

"WHAT?! What makes them think that these people will even spare us a glance?" Mary shrugs in response.

"Plus didn't Mr. Crane just warn us about such behavior?" I ask puzzled.

"Well yeah, but I don't think they care, they actually think they'll get lucky." She says winking at me.

"Besides, aren't most of these people going to be old?" I still ask in disbelief.

"I don't know but I guess we have to wait and see."Mary adds.

We spend the last few minutes doing touch ups until we heard the van arriving.

We all get in and we get at the event' s venue in 20 minutes. Standing at the entrance, I take in the surrounding.

The tables and chairs inside the tents are arranged and decorated beautifully. Everything looks posh.

No guests had arrived yet giving us time to organize ourselves.

Girls started getting excited when they saw expensive sexy cars arriving.

I honestly didn't get what all the fuss was all about but what I did know is that it was going to be one long hell of a day.