Eager To See You Too.


I felt like I was floating, my heart was swell with joy and relief as I stepped in the hotel. I got a call from the management office in the morning saying there was vacancy for one more employee and that I was to report immediately.

My mood switched from feeling sorry for myself to feeling ecstatic in a few seconds. Leaving home, I was here in approximately 20 minutes.

As I took in the surroundings of the hotel, I felt right, like I was where I was supposed to be. After seeing Mr. Anderson, I was ready to start.

Joining the others, March and Ally embraced me, it was emotional I almost cried, well, March did. There wasn't much time for introductions with the other employees as our supervisor, Madam Nora was strict and the no-nonsense type.

The three plastic barbies did notice me alright, they made my first day unbearable, I kept on apologizing for things I didn't do, they broke utensils on purpose and blamed it on me or even swap my orders.

It bothered me but I was going to put up with them if it meant keeping this job. As days passed on, everything seemed in place for the first time in my life. The job had a very good pay which was deposited in our accounts weekly, we were tipped generously, perks of working in a multi-billion hotel.

I had real friends and I had money to look after mum properly, whatever the reason as to why they reconsidered taking me will forever be a mystery to me, I was thankful nonetheless and I was going to dedicate myself to building a better future, for me and mum.


Cleaning the last table before I was completely done with my late night shift, Lydia almost managed to stop my heart when she came up quietly behind me. How this girl manages to do that is beyond me.

"I just over heard Mr.Anderson and Madam Nora talking in the kitchens."

Rolling my eyes I asked jokingly, "Were you eavesdropping again?"

"You know me Jazz, anyway guess who's coming?!" Before I could even answer her, she literally jumps and squeals from excitement like a 5 yr old.

"THE BOSS, I mean like THEEE BOSS!" I felt my heart beat accelerating just at the mention of him.

"They say he'll be here for a month, apparently he has another project around here...."

Lydia kept on talking but I couldn't hear what she was saying, I had zoned out and all I could think about was him, the anticipation to see his face again.

How was I going to bear being around him for a MONTH! I was bound to embarrass myself one way or another.

Why would I care anyway, he deliberately chose not to hire me...."Hey girl you there?" Lydia snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah yeah uh...I heard you. When is he coming?"

"I think tomorrow." I felt the blood drain from my face. That was soon, I wasn't prepared mentally!

Taking a deep breathe to calm myself, I thanked Lydia for informing and retired for the night. I'm sure my face was flushed, I hope Lydia didn't notice, even though she was a sweet soul, she sure didn't know how to keep her mouth shut.

I certainly didn't want such information going around, I would hear it from our superiors or even worse, the plastic barbies. Since they thought of themselves better than the rest of us, they would be on my neck again, worse than they've ever been.

Heading back home, I couldn't stop myself from wondering, was he eager to see me too as I was to see him. As quick as the thought came to mind, I expelled it out my mind. We're from different worlds, he would never see me like that and for some reason, that hurt so much.


"Excited to see her again?" Alexander asked me while scrutinizing my facials.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

Alex chuckles and gives me a pat on the back," We all know why we're here, why you're here. We're all family Raph, keep that in mind. We'll be with you all the way."

I kept quiet as Alex walked away, everything he said was true, I could have easily handled my project from Seattle, but I wanted to be here. My friends knew why and they all wanted to come.

As Brian said, I quote, "Guys we can't miss this opportunity, Raph is totally whipped!" That's why we were all here right now, settling into our suites getting ready for dinner.

I was nervous, I had personally instructed that Jasmine be assigned to our table. Taking the elevator, I fixed on my tie, relaxed and put my game face back on.

Walking towards my table, I smirked internally when all eyes were on me. The guests and staff quiet. I knew how much my looks affected everyone, my powerful aura adding to the intensity, commanding submission.

Settling down next to Steph, "You enjoy the attention jerk face."

Steph states casually when rolling her eyes. Smiling smugly, she got my answer.

The hotel's atmosphere went back to normal, people were mindlessly chattering, enjoying themselves over dinner.

My friends were also conversing on God knows what, I wasn't just here mentally. My eyes quickly scanned everyone looking for the one person I wanted to see.

"Hey Raph, remember the blonde bimbo secretary of yours that claimed her baby was yours?" Brian asks but my eyes and thoughts were trained on someone and I couldn't look away as she struggled to walk gracefully towards our table once she saw me. Good, I wasn't the only one affected.

Standing next to Steph, she avoided my gaze as she talked to us. "Hello, I'll be your server today. Is anyone ready to order?"

I was holding back a smile as I saw how uncomfortable she was. She kept on wringing her hands behind her back, a trait I've noticed she has when she's nervous.

She looked everywhere but at me, I held back a grunt as Steph stepped on my foot. Giving her a hard glare, she just smiled sweetly.

"Ah yes, we are all famished sweet girl, we'll make an order now." Emily butts in. Everyone makes their order and I watch as she scribbles them down, not taking my eyes off her, I wanted her to look at me.

She eventually did because I was the only one who hadn't ordered yet.

Bracing herself, she faced me, her eyes purple bright, "What would you like to have Sir?" She asked.

Deciding to taunt her a little bit more, "You.."

She gasps loudly clearly shocked,"I'm ss..sorry Sir..I'm afraid I don't know what you're saying."She stutters adorably, her face flushed.

I could see my friends all smiling and trying to hold in their laughter. "Sorry I meant that, You decide for me, you know this place's dishes better than any of us."

Trying to hide her blush, she quickly scurries off. Steph and Brian were the first to burst out, the others joining in.

"Poor girl, that wasn't nice." Emily says.

"What do you mean?! That was sleek bro! It's like we're in a real life tv show." Brian opens his big mouth again.

Settling back on my chair, I was contented as I have been in a while, just seeing her calms me in every way. fifteen minutes later, she was serving us. all the while avoiding me.

I took in her vanilla scent every time she passed me, I have never been a fan of sweet things, but she, she I wanted to taste.

She served me a plate of grilled T-bone steak and creamy mushrooms with some crust bread for dipping. Nice choice, I thought.

She left before I could say anything. We all enjoyed our dinner, Brian stealing a few steaks from my plate which he earned a few murderous glares from me, my meal tasted heavenly, maybe because it she chose this for me.

After we were all done, she came to clear the table, passing close to me, she tripped over the carpet and fell backwards, landing straight on my lap. Holding her tight as the plates broke around her, the feeling of her on my lap was sweet torture.

As if I burned her, she quickly got up muttering a string of apologies, clearly humiliated as she avoided staring at anyone.

Slowly retreating, she tripped almost falling again before holding herself with a chair, people burst out laughing.

She held her tears back in as she turned and ran away. My friends were quiet and that worsened my mood. Getting up, I stormed out heading outside silencing every one.

I was mad! I could see the pain and humiliation in her eyes. I wanted to beat the shit out of anyone who dared laughing at her. Taking in a deep breath of cold fresh air, I tried calming down.

That's when I saw a figure in the dark, sitting behind the fountain. My legs moved on their own towards her, I could hear her soft cries but as soon as she heard someone approaching, she muffled her cries.

Standing in front of her," I'm sorry for what happened."

Looking up at me she sniffed," Why are you sorry? It wasn't your fault, just me and my two left feet. Besides, shouldn't you be glad, you've been trying to make me uncomfortable the whole time."

Sitting beside her, I looked at her face, the moon illuminating her beautiful features, my words stuck at my throat when she turned to face me, being this close to her woke something new in me.

She continued, "I'm sorry Sir please don't fire me, I..I really need this job, you see my mum is really sick and she...

I cut her off as I claimed her lips in a soft kiss. She gasped lightly, frozen and I took this opportunity to deepen the kiss.

She quickly adjusted and relaxed against me.

Bliss was all I felt, she tasted even better than in my dreams. Holding her close to me, she raked her fingers through my hair.

She let out a moan and that snapped her back to reality, scrambling away from me the second time tonight, she touched her lips, her eyes so wide, breathing uneven.

"Oh God! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." With that she disappeared into the darkness, leaving me breathless as well.