Risking it.


I spent the rest of the evening avoiding him and his group of friends. It wasn't easy considering the fact that his intense gaze followed me everywhere, I could feel it.

My new acquired friends made it even less bearable, they would make faces and teasing comments whenever they found him staring at me and the guy wasn't helping at all. He was openly staring at ME! Some of the guests noticed and I got new pairs of eyes scrutinizing me. I couldn't wait for the party to end so that I could get away from all of them, especially, him.

After an everlasting period of discomfort serving the rich folk, it was finally over. We cleared up the tables after all the guests had left, went to the staff lavatory to clean up before we headed to the manager's office.

"Guys, what if we don't get the job, my young brother depends on me, what will I do then?" March says nervously, her voice breaking in the end.

"Don't overthink, you did a great job and if they don't pick you, its honestly their loss." I pat her back soothingly as she smiles at me.

"Hate to break this moment for you guys but we won't get this job if we get late reporting back." Ally points out.

Grabbing our things, we rush, getting there a few seconds before Mr.Anderson, letting out a sigh of relief, that was a close one. All girls, even the plastic bimbos were present, at that moment, no one cared about the other. We all had our fingers crossed.

There was an eerie silence as we waited on the manager who was settled on his desk to speak up. The silence went on and on, making the tension thick.

"Sorry ladies, we are waiting on the boss, he'll be here any moment now."

The boss? I thought the manager was the boss, unless the boss in this case is the owner....oh no! Before I even registered my realization, the door opened, in coming the very man behind my recent distress, looking hot and powerful.

He passed through us, not even sparing a glance to any of us and I felt slightly disappointed, what?.. What's wrong with me!?

Standing there, facing us, dressed up in his charcoal suit looking like a model straight out of a magazine, his brown eyes hard, face blank of any emotions, he looked at each one of us, not looking longer at anyone more than the rest.

He grabbed the file that was on the desk, looking at the reports and back at us.

"Marie Holly Combs, Fiona Jackson, Allison Forbes, Catherine Mccall, Bridgette Rose, Lydiah May, Chantelle Sinns and Brianne Jones. Please move to the right." His deep voice, resonating round the office, shaking me to the core. My friends cast me a pitiful look as they moved away from the group. My hands were sweaty and couldn't stop shaking, I wringed my hands behind my back trying to calm myself down, I knew I had lost my chance already.

"Congrats, you are officially employed."

He said facing the group on the right, the girls squeal in excitement before composing themselves, Fiona and her minions donning evil smirks, rubbing their triumphs on my face.

I was sad but my friends concerned faces made me want to break down there and then. Looking at him, he turned to face us.

He finally caught my gaze and I looked away blinking back my tears , I didn't want him to see me like this. I could still feel his eyes on me, prompting me to look back.

I squeezed my eyes shut, my heart was constricting painfully and I knew I had to leave before I broke down in front of everybody and embarrass myself more than I already have today.

Biting my lip, I turned to face him, his eyes flashing sadness before they went back his normal icy glare. I felt betrayed and it didn't make sense, I barely knew him.

Breaking off from our eye contact, he spoke up,"Mr. Anderson will take on from here, the rest of you, thank you for showing up today, better luck next time."

With that, he exited the room.

My friends immediately rushed to me, embracing me. I willed myself not to cry but it was hard, everything was.

None of us talked, until Mr.Anderson did.

"The rest can leave so that we can start." Breaking out of our embrace, we exchanged phone numbers and they wished me luck. Saying goodbye to them, I walked out of the office dejectedly.

Walking out of the hotel, a gush of cold wind swept past through making me shiver, holding my coat tightly across my chest, I descended down the stairs.

Waiting for a cab, I looked up the night sky, there were no clouds tonight, just stars and the moon that was illuminating the hotel making it look even more glorious.

Tonight's atmosphere was serene and peaceful, contrast to the raging storm of emotions inside me. Letting my tears run freely, I cried out my troubles, I failed, again. I had no drive to carry on but I knew I had to, if not for my sake, I would do it for mum's. When I managed to hail a cab, I got in quick wanting to be away from this place, away from all of them, away from him.


Looking down at her, from the window of my office upstairs, I felt a pang of guilt hit me. She looked defeated, I almost called her back. After I saw her today, I couldn't stop staring at her. All I could focus on was her, I wanted to hold her so bad, I craved her vanilla scent, I wanted to drown in her violet orbs, I wanted her with me .

Any man who looked at her made my blood boil, I was pissed and annoyed. I had the beastly instinct to claim her but I knew I couldn't and I never will.

Even though I wanted her, I could never be with someone like her. If it was any other girl, I would bed her and get her out of my system, but I couldn't with her, I wouldn't get enough of her, I would get attached and it was the last thing I wanted.

I never sleep with the same woman twice unless she is wife potential, someone of my caliber. I had to get rid of her, now, before it was too late.

She seemed like a decent girl with bigger problems than her but me being the selfish bastard I am, couldn't help her with the job for my own reasons. When I saw her face after not picking her, I almost blurted out her name.

She was barely holding in her feelings, she was hurting and I was to, but I still could not pick her. It took me all my will power to leave the room knowing I caused her pain.

I didn't look back at her and I left. Looking at her break down under the cold sky, alone, did something to me. I called Anderson telling him to call her in tomorrow.

I was going to risk it, for her, for the woman who ensnared Raphael Marc De Luca heart at first sight, Jasmine.