He's Bad Omen.


One month later, Jasmine hadn't secured a job yet. Life went from being bearable to trying to survive. Since they didn't have enough money to move out, they were stuck in Bromley.

Sarah's health had gotten worse, chemotherapy was finally taking a toll on her. Her beautiful red hair was gone, her skin chapped and her body weight deteriorating. She easily tired making her non-eligible to work, leaving her daughter to fend for them both.

Brenda on the other hand didn't make life easier for the Millers, any job applications sent by her former best friend came back rejected.

Jasmine didn't give up, she had hope that her persistence would eventually pay off.


Being back in Bromley sent weird chills all over my body, like I was, what's the word again...nervous. A word that hasn't existed in my vocabularies till now.

My friends trailed behind me, Brian and Steph engrossed deeply in their childish conversation, betting on me seeing the waitress girl again. My friends obviously figured the reason behind my distress, even though I never openly admitted it to them, my even shittier moods sold me out plus they knew me too well.

I know you're probably wondering if I came to look for her, but Raphael Marc De Luca doesn't chase after women and I never will.

My hotel's construction was complete, the grand opening is today in the evening and we were all looking forward to it. Especially me, I was proud of my greatest accomplishment but that wasn't the only reason why I was looking forward to it.

Even though I would never admit it to myself nor my friends, I was hoping to see a certain violet-eyed beauty and that excited me more than I was for my hotel's grand opening.


I woke up feeling ecstatic and the sole reason behind it was that, I was confident I was finally going to land myself a good job. The De Luca hotel was officially being opened today. That meant one thing for me...they needed waitresses!

I made myself presentable, carried my CV, resume, my sling bag with my necessities, checked on mum before I left. I had a good feeling which made me smile all the way there.

Paying my cab fare, I was awestruck leaving my mouth hanging open. Not only was it the largest building I've ever set my eyes on, but also the most beautiful.

Everything was mesmerizing and eye catching. Its design was one I have never seen, the hotel's design looked like it dated back to the medieval times but modernized. The door handles,door frames and walls had golden intricates, a part of me convinced that they were pure gold.

The was a huge marble staircase connected to the massive polished mahogany doors. Trees of different species surrounded the area around the hotel, roses were grown below the trees and around the white grand fountain that was situated at the front of the building.

I was hypnotized and I hadn't seen the interior yet. Bracing myself, I walked towards the red carpet that was aligned in front of the fountain all the way inside.

Oh. My. God. WOW!

I had to stop walking before I passed out. The interior was on a whole other level, the marble floors were so clear that I could see my reflection on them. The walls had gold intricates too, but these ones seemed to be in sync, like they were...uh, I don't know if what I was thinking made sense but uhm...like they were trying to tell a story?

What made me swoon like literally was the enormous chandelier. It cascaded all the way from the highest point on the ceiling almost halfway down. Below it, were the elegant sets of tables and chairs, in a theme of gold, nude, brown and white.

The architect in charge of this hotel went all the way for this one. I still couldn't believe that such a master piece was in Bromley! A squeaky voice that made me flinch snapped me out from my reverie.

Turning to face the one responsible, I was met by a pair of clear blue eyes that reminded of the ocean. The eyes was matched by a dainty nose, small pink lips and a mop of brunette hair tied in a high ponytail.

"Hello there, are you here for the job too?" She asked in her high pitched voice.

"Hello, yeah I am." I answered back while my eyes searching for a clue as to where the administration room was.

"My names are Marie Holly Combs but you can call me March." Her blue eyes wide staring at my face.

"Jasmine Miller, nice to meet you uh...March."

She didn't stop staring until I took a step back, feeling awkward.

When she noticed what I did, she was quick to apologize. "I'm sorry if I creeped you out, but are they real?"She points at my eyes.

Clearing my throat,"Uh yes, they are."I smile softly at her.

"They're beautiful."

"Thanks, yours too."

Her face flushing a light shade of pink as she blushed."Thanks."

"So, where do we go from here?"I ask puzzled.

"I think we got here early, they will probably call on us soon." As if on cue, more girls came through the entrance, definitely not guests.

"You see, it'll be any minute now."

The next twenty minutes passed by on introductions with the other girls, we had an additional to our small clique.

Allison Forbes had straight black hair but a lighter shade to mine, brown eyes, definitely pretty but what intrigued me about her was that she was one blunt girl who took no bullshit from no one. She stood up to three wannabe girls who were unfortunately here for the job too. I knew there type just by looking at them, not that I was judging them but fake long acrylic nails with hair extensions, faces caked with make up and skimpy clothes, how do you call such girls?

Waiting tables was definitely not their first priority. The three girls were mocking my eyes. How did they put it?

Oh yeah, they said that 'Putting on purple lenses will not land you a job but maybe If you offer what's between your legs, you might get one, scrubbing the washroom floors.'Then they went on cackling like the witches they were until Allison had a go at them.

My joyous mood turning into ashes, I backed away from the group, Marie gave me an apologetic smile, squeezing my hand.

"You're all just jealous that no matter how much make up you put on your stupid faces will never come close to hers, now leave her alone before I call on security. I don't think they want evil bimbos as workers around here."

That made them mute, I thanked Allison and she just smirked and said 'no problem.'

We had small talks between me and the two girls, March chirpy as ever, we all apparently were now 'sister bitches for life.'

It was amazing how we clicked and I was feeling enthusiastic again.

We met the manager, Mr Anderson Finn, short fat man with red hair, a pervert that's for sure. He kept on staring at girls boobs the whole time he was making a speech on the do's and don'ts.

Do the job right and get a permanent position in the staff and we were dismissed to the kitchens.Apparently I didn't need my papers.

March was like a little girl, she was really loud and bubbly while Allison was ever brooding but nice nonetheless, we decided to stick together and help each other out, we were going to get this job and we would make sure of it.

Guests swarmed the hotel after the red ribbon was cut,sadly we didn't get to witness it. Serving the posh people was no different from serving the folks in Big Shark's. So far we were all doing a fine job and I was now certain that I was getting a job by the end of the day.

Picking my tray of drinks, I walked towards the table I was serving, still engrossed in my thoughts, I already pictured how our life would change if I got this job that I wasn't looking where I was going.

Before I figured what had happened, the tray hit the carpeted floor first followed by the empty glasses. Yes, empty glasses that didn't break because of the carpet.


A deep voice boomed so loud that it caught everyone's attention.

My eyes fell on the white shirt that was now stained a deep red first before I had the courage to look up to the man.

Keeping my gaze down, I muttered a string of apologies.

"I'm really sorry Sir, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry."

I could feel the anger waves emitting from him and that scared me. I had lost my chance for this job and I knew it. Well there's no need to cower anymore.

An audible gasp came from me when I came into contact with intense brown eyes, eyes I could never forget, eyes that invaded my dreams since the first time I saw them.

The apologies I was going to say lost. He stared back at me like he was shocked at the same time enchanted.Me? Enchanting? My eyes were betraying me. All his anger disappeared like it was never there.

Finding my voice,"I'm really sorry Sir.. I wasn't.."

"No need, I should have watched where I was walking." His voice so deep and calm, making me think of melted chocolate. We were locked in each other gazes oblivious to everyone around us, just drinking in the other. It felt like forever until someone spoke up.

"Ahem! Raph, we need to go." His friend with the blonde guy muttered behind us, again snapping us out of intense stare contest.

Clearing his throat,"Yes, we should be on our way now."

He walked away with his group of friends, catching the eyes of the two familiar girls who smiled at me. Once they were out of my sight, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Everyone had apparently watched the exchange between me and..what was his name?. ..yes..Raph. "Feeling utterly humiliated, I rushed back to the kitchens to compose myself.

Allison and Marie came in shortly after me."Now that was HOT!'" Marie squealed loudly.

"It was like something straight outta the movies, the poor girl being swept off by the rich hot guy. Right Ally?"

"Apparently not just some rich hot guy but the second richest man in the whole world and the owner of this hotel too."Ally mutters monotonously.

"WHAT!?" I shouted in disbelief.

"Yes Jasmine, that was Raphael Marc De Luca."

My knees were weak at this point, I had to sit before I fainted.My voice came out barely audible.

"I'm fucked guys. I just embarrassed myself in front of the second most important person in the whole universe. Someone please just kill me."

"I can do that for free babygirl." Fiona answered, one of the wannabe girls. "But I don't think I have to, you're not getting this job obviously. It's like the trash took itself out."

Allison was ready to lunge at her but I stopped her, I didn't want them to ruin their chances for me. Fiona laughed and left the kitchen, leaving me to wallow in my failure and misery.

Everytime I meet him, I get into trouble one way or another. He was like my bad Omen, I decided there and then to stay away from him as much as possible. I already had enough problems on my own. No matter what I felt for him, I would stay away, I just hope I won't be the one running back to him.