Blessings in disguise?Perhaps not.


"Oh yeah! Just like that!" Grabbing a fistful of her blonde hair, I pushed myself deeper in her throat gagging her but that doesn't stop the wench from sucking me off making me grunt in bliss.

Increasing my pace, I felt myself reaching my peak. Letting out an animalistic growl, I pour myself into her mouth, licking me off clean she gives me a satisfied smirk.

Collapsing back on the bed as I calmed down, the wanton speaks up, "Did you enjoy that Sir?" She asks in her sultry voice. Climbing onto my laps, she starts stroking my manhood sensually trying to excite me again. Nothing.

I wasn't up for it anymore and this frustrated me more than anything else. I was an insatiable man, this was all new to me and it pissed the hell out of me.

Pushing her off me and zipping up my pants, I threw her a one hundred dollar bill as I angrily stalked towards the door banging it shut loudly leaving the harlot naked on the floor, puzzled and disappointed.

What in the flying fuck is happening to me! I can't get that waitress girl out of my head! She's been invading my thoughts and dreams since I laid my eyes on her at the luncheon which was a week ago.

We were all back in Seattle and I thought I'd stop thinking about her once we left, but no, she never left my fucking thoughts. I have slept with countless women since then, trying to drive her out of my system, it worked for a while but after sex, there she was, invading my thoughts yet again.

"FUCK!" I curse loudly as I fist the brothel's wall. Getting out, I head straight towards my car settling in.

"Home Myles." I casually inform my chauffeur.

"Yes Sir."

I didn't want to go to the office today, a few glasses of alcohol will put my mind to ease, I thought, but deep down I knew the maddening desire I had for the violet-eyed girl wasn't going nowhere.


Wiping off the thin line of sweat from my brow, I carried my tray full of drinks towards table 4. Serving the small family on that table while donning a kind smile, I picked up my tray and set out to the next order.

After the luncheon, life has been pretty much been the same, well for me. Two girls got fired after we reported back from the event. I heard that one was caught behind the tent groping and making out with one of the guests and the other one got verbal with a guest after being confronted on serving the wrong order.

After the incident with Patricia and the group of guests I served, I begged to be pardoned claiming I wasn't feeling well. I couldn't stick around after my embarrassing ordeal. The supervisor being aware of my condition granted me leave and that's how I left not even informing my dear friend.

Heading over to the counter just as I was about to pick up my next order, Mary comes rushing to me, her face pink and out of breathe.

"Relax Mary, take a deep breathe and tell me what's going on."

She nods her head frantically as she tries to calm down. Once she got composed, she said, "I just saw Brenda, Cole and the mayor."

"So what if you saw them? What does that have to do with me?" I ask in confusion.

"No, you don't get it Jasmine, they're here. In Mr.Crane's office." She lets her words sink in before delivering the final blow.

"Mr.Crane's asking for you." She adds sympathetically.

I was sure my face looked like a white mask of sheet as I felt all the blood draining from my face. My heart was beating wildly and I felt short of breathe.

This can't be good. Where Brenda's involved, there's nothing good.

"You have to go now Jasmine before he gets mad for being kept waiting." Mary pats my back trying to comfort me. Even though her empathy was appreciated, my nerves were all over the place.

Giving her a weak smile, I took off towards my employer's office ready to face whatever was coming my way, at least I hope I would. Standing outside his door, I knock twice and waited patiently.

Hearing a gruff 'come in', I clutch the door handle, bracing myself, I went in. Brenda's mop of brunette hair was first what caught my gaze followed by a slight smirk on her lips. It was barely noticeable but it was there alright, taunting me as always. The mayor was seated next to her his face blank of any emotions, Cole standing on Brenda's left looking sympathetic and Mr. Crane at the head of his desk, his mouth set out in a proper grim line.

He didn't bother offering me a seat and I just stood there amidst the palpable tension as I waited on my sentence.

"I know you're wondering why I summoned you here, you've been a great employee, well apart from you getting late from time to time but no matter how good you are I can't ignore the accusations brought forth about you." Mr. Crane pauses and gestures for the mayor to continue.

Wringing out my sweaty hands, I ask,"What accusations? I have done nothing wrong."

Mr. Crane opened his mouth to answer but the mayor beat him to it.

"Ms.Miller, my daughter here says that she saw you leaving with a male guest at last week Luncheon. Do you confirm this claim or not?"

"What?! Of course I didn't. I never interacted with the guests personally, I swear."

The she-devil decides to open her mouth,"You did leave the event early true or not?"

"Wh..what? Yes I did leave but for a different reason not the absurd notion you accusing me of."

"Of course, you're going to deny it but we both saw you, didn't we Cole?" Cole gives me a pitiful glance for a few seconds,"Yes," he says dejectedly.

"What.." My voice comes out broken as I feel the tears clouding my vision.

At this point, I felt like I couldn't even breathe at all. Brenda was after destroying me completely when she knows I had no part in any of it.

I couldn't hold my fury anymore and I lunged at Brenda.

"WHY?WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!"I scream like a crazed woman as I grabbed her hair and pulled with all my strength. Everything happened so fast, I reached for her face and clawed with all my might before I was pulled back by Cole.

"YOU BITCH!YOU'RE CRAZY THAT'S WHAT!YOU DON'T BELONG IN THIS TOWN!YOU NEVER DID!LEAVE!!!!" Brenda screams back as she tries fighting off the hold her father had on her to get to me.

My nails did a number on her face and smiled smugly, satisfied.

Cole let go of me once I stopped thrashing around.

"You know what Brenda, you're a cold-hearted bitch and people like you will never be happy. You're right, I never belonged here, my mom and I deserve better than this town has to offer. You can keep it for all I care."

Just as she was about to retort back, I cut her off by talking to both the mayor and Mr.Crane,"No need to fire me, I quit."

Turning around to exit the office, I look at Cole to my left,"You two deserve each other, may you both rot in this hell."

With my final words, I take off my apron leaving it on the counter, exiting the diner, our only source of income and headed home, not knowing what to tell mum for we both needed to find solace in each other. We only had each other from now on.