
“I am so sorry, your majesty,” I say almost immediately, after hearing the palace guards call him “your majesty.” Figuring who I just vomited on. I know father is going to scold me. He would say I had just one job, and that was stay still at the verandah. The prince looks calm with a disgusted look on his face, but then, he walks away. As he walks away, I keep apologizing to him, putting both my hands together as a form of repentance. But then the palace guard has a surprised look on his face. From the look on his face, he must be seeing something strange. As I watch the calm prince walk away, I notice he takes a pause. After taking about six steps forward, he doesn’t move again. Turning back at me, he says,

“You are Logan Brown's last son, right?”

“Yes, I am,” I say

“You should attend my brunch,” he says again. Still, he walks away from me with a frowned look on his face. Both the palace guards are still looking at him. I try not to think about their reaction. They are still acting like they have just experienced something unbelievable. It is getting to midday, and I know I have to leave the palace soon enough to catch up with the train heading towards the university. But still, I know I have to talk with papa. As I am about heading towards the verandah to wait for him as the patient son I am, father walks in on me. He has an angry look on his face. I know immediately something is wrong. He has figured out what transpired between the prince and I. Gossips at the palace flies faster than the tabloids.

“I told you to wait for me here. Why did you have to throw up at the prince?” I have a guilty smile on my face now. Holding unto my ear lobes. I only do this when I am guilty of something.

“I am sorry papa, the croissant I ate was overly hot, and it upset something in my stomach. You know I have a weak stomach. I hope the prince wouldn’t make your job difficult at the palace.

“The royals are the kindest family, and they wouldn’t do that. Frederick only said you should attend the brunch along with his other guest.

“But papa, that is impossible. I have to get back to school.”

“Well, you have to obey the prince’s order. Next time when I tell you to wait along in the verandah, you wouldn’t move an inch.” I have a sad look on my face now, trying to figure out some excuse to tell him. But then he turns his face away, not allowing me to talk.

“But papa, I have nothing to wear for brunch.”

“I guess you would have to do with what you have.” Papa laughs at me, knowing I will be at a brunch full of classy strangers I have never met. My punishment.

“But papa, do I really have to go?”

“Yes, you do.” my face suddenly turns pale, knowing I have to attend the brunch. Today is not a good day to be at the palace. I should have just stayed quietly at the verandah.

Once again, I am back at the verandah, going through my pile of college assignments—the ones I had abandoned to quench the hunger that had visited me. I look towards my wristwatch, and it is past one thirty minutes until the brunch. But then again, I have a smile on my face, knowing I am going to see the handsome prince again. He looks way better in person, unlike the painted pictures I had seen on TV and the museums. From the way he looked, he worked out and had a perfect body. Oh! His future queen would be so lucky to have him. But then, as I think about the handsome prince, my phone buzzes. It is Charlie calling me.

Charlie is a guy I met recently at school. He is in his final year, majoring in engineering. In some way, he always finds an excuse to hang out with me. I mean, he is cute and all, but he is not really my type. He seems like a Casanova. And I am not yet ready for a relationship. I had succeeded in staying single all through my high school because I was too busy making sure I got all the school applications I applied for. I had made papa proud by getting into four schools, all by myself. I had also gotten a scholarship from the four. I guess hard work pays.

It was on my first day at Princeton. While at the café, I was buying a latte cup when Charlie offered to pay for my drink. He asked for my number. I didn’t want to give him, but still, I wanted to make new friends at school. Ever since, he always wanted to have a drink with me. Since I had not dated anyone in high school or even had my first kiss, I had told myself I wouldn’t hesitate to date in college if the opportunity came. But still, whenever I saw anyone interested in me, I always blanked out. Maybe when I get back to school, I would give Charlie a chance, even if he isn’t really my type. I pick up the phone, answering Charlie.

“Hello, CSP,” Charlie says. That’s what he calls me. It is short for “cute smarty pants.” he once said I was too cute to be majoring in the engineering department. He also said I should be studying theater and media art, showcasing my beautiful face. I know he is just trying to flirt with me.

“You know I don’t like it when you call me that.”

“Sorry, cutie.”

“Stop it. I am just a guy like you.”

“Okay, I won’t call you that again.”


“How about I buy you a cup of coffee after your class on Monday. There’s a new cafe in town. I heard they make good stuff.”

“Okay, sure. But don’t forget, I work in a cake shop.”

“How could I forget that?”

Papa walks over to me. Meaning I have to hang up the call. From the look of things, he is not happy with me. I hang off the phone before Charlie can tell me bye.

“What did I do again, papa?”

“Check your time.”

When I check my time, it's fifteen minutes past two. I was carried away with Charlie’s call and school assignments. I smile at papa, knowing he will scold me soon if I don’t find my way towards the palace garden. The brunch has started, and I am there. A guest was never supposed to be late in front of the crown prince. And I am doing just that. I walk away from papa with a smile on my face trying to figure out the way towards the palace garden, where the brunch would hold.