Birthday brunch

I must be so clumsy not to notice the rose flower vase I bump into, causing a scene at the brunch. Everyone is staring at me now. I don’t belong here. What the hell am I doing here? I find my way towards the empty seat close to one of the girls sitting alone. She looks nice, and so I speak to her.

“Can I join you here?” I ask her.

“Sure, why not.”

“My name is Jamie.”

“I am Penelope.”

“Oh, nice to meet you, Penelope,” I say, extending my hands to shake her.

She seems receptive, but then she ignores me. She stands up, taking a spoon and a champagne glass from the table. She hits the glass, trying to get everyone to focus on her. I like how confident she looks. I can feel a deep stare burning in my direction, causing me to turn to my side. When I look towards my left-hand side, I see the prince staring at me, but then he turns his face away. He looks earnest about looking at it. But he also looks a lot more charming now. Wearing his black royal suit. He really looks good, much better than the first time I saw him earlier. Princess Charlene is so lucky to be engaged to this beautiful man. I try to concentrate on something else, trying not to think about this beautiful prince. But then my phone buzzes. I pick it up, trying to see who is messaging me. It is from Charlie. He just sent me a text. The text says,

“Hello cutie, I was thinking about you. Are you good?” I smile at the text, and I reply.

“I am good, and you? Charlie, can we chat later? I am kind of busy at the moment.”

“I would be fine if you agree to be my boyfriend.” This makes me smile again. I am about to reply when everyone suddenly stands up from their seats. When I look up, the prince is about to give a speech. I put my phone in my jacket pocket. Listening to him talk.

“I am grateful for everyone gracing my brunch today. You all know I am not much of a talker, but I would advise everyone, if they can, to pay a visit to Kenya. It’s such a beautiful place in Africa, with a vibrant culture. Spending two years there was eye-opening for me. And also in the main time, I would advise everyone to stay off from their gadgets during my brunch.”

Oh shit! I feel attacked. I was actually the only one pressing my phone a while ago. He had been watching me all along. I feel guilty knowing he had been watching. But why is he watching me?

“To the beautiful country call Kenya,” The prince says, raising his glass towards everyone. Everyone, in turn, raises their glass. When I check my glass I notice it is empty. But still, I raise the empty class. I sure do look like a joke now.

The chef’s work in with trays of different delicacies. I am scared of eating again because I don’t want what happened earlier today to repeat itself. When I decide whether or not to eat, I see papa coming along with a cake dessert tray. I don’t feel comfortable sitting down, watching papa serve the guests and me. And so I stand up from my seat, walking towards him to assist him. He doesn’t look pleased seeing me do what I do, and so he speaks.

“What are you doing here? You are supposed to be sitting with the guests.”

“I know, papa, but I have to help you.” He rolls his eyes at me, handing over the tray of cake deserts to me. He is not surprised by my actions because I am the son he raised.

Everyone is surprised seeing me with papa, but I don’t mind the stares on their faces; after all, I don’t know who they are. I only just met them today. When I take the tray from papa, I pass the desert cakes seat after seat, serving the nine guests. When I get to the prince's side, I put the plate of cake dessert on his table. But as I put it on the table, I notice his eyes staring at me. They follow mine. Like they can almost see through my eye sockets. Suddenly I am shy. Why is the prince’s stare making me uncomfortable? Is he is normally like this? When I am done serving him as the last person, I return to my table. But when I go back to sit down, Penelope is no longer sitting where I was. She is sitting close to Princess Charlene now. I look at the beautiful princess and admire her. She is just as beautiful as they say.

I am in the third spoon of my dessert. When everyone stands again, I roll my eyes, knowing the prince wants to give a speech again. Were the royals normally like this? If this is how the royal palace guests acted every time, I don’t want to be here. I would rather be in my room, doing school assignments, or at Shirley’s, working an additional shift to make money for my rent.

“We have a guest here today, who today is his birthday.” I look towards my left and right, wanting to see who my birthday mate is. But then the prince is looking at me, causing everyone to stare at me.

“Happy birthday to Jamie Logan.” Everybody choruses a happy birthday for me too. I am in awe. How did the prince know my birthday? Wow!

Everyone is up and about, engrossed in a conversation with anyone ready to listen, while I stare at the beautiful garden flowers. They are stunning. I never thought I would spend my nineteenth birthday at the palace. But I am glad to be here, it was thoughtful of the prince to wish me a happy birthday, but I wonder how he came to find out? The sunflowers catch my attention. I walk over to them, caressing their soft yellowish petals.

“You are not allowed to touch mother’s sunflowers.” I am shocked to hear a voice say that. Causing me to fidget. And so I freeze When I look back to see the prince.

“I am sorry,” I say, standing as far away from the flowers.”

“I am just joking, you know. It’s so easy to pull your legs.” I smile shyly, knowing I am not in trouble.

“Thank you for the birthday wish,” I say.

“That’s okay,” I want to ask him how he knows my birthday, but then I don’t have the courage to ask him. We are both quiet now. The silence feels good. And then he breaks the silence.

“Would you like me to show you around the palace,” he asks.

“You mean me?” I ask, looking behind me, trying to make sure he isn’t talking to anyone else.

“Yes, you, why not?”

“Sure.” He leads the way, with me following him out of the garden. I am surprised because he is leaving his guests behind. When I look over at princess Charlene, she seems so engrossed with what Penelope is telling her.