Senses 2

I couldn't stop staring at him. I had to be cautious, each second that I spent in his classroom was becoming unbearable, and all I could feel was disgust; I was ever so grateful when his class came to an end, two hours of feeling miserable.

What's worse is that I didn't have an explanation for what I was feeling. Was it something I ate? Was it the students? Or was I just feeling nervous? I was clueless, but a sudden relief came across when I was no longer within those walls.

10 O'clock's the hour when the school halls are full. If you were caught walking in the hallway alone, you would be seen as prey, followed by glances of everyone surrounding you. The person in question will then be an outcast, and anyone who dares soo ever much as breaths around you will also be seen as an outcast. It makes me wonder who invented those rules. Ridiculous!

I know all of this by observing in my little corner, sitting on the stairs, and just watching human behavior. The outside world is so much different than what I've imagined and seen in the series. A group of jocks just flew past talking about a girl named Betty who has a good figure and a nice round ass, a Cheerleader, I presume, that's all they look at. I could tell that it was her approaching them based on how they changed the subject and body language, I couldn't help but smile.

Making my way toward my next class, I was praying that I wouldn't bump into Afyre, and thankfully they were answered. The day went by slowly. As noon reached, I made my way down to the cafeteria when suddenly Mr. Bruno and I were on the same trail. He was walking towards me. He suddenly picked up the pace, a pit of rage came boiling up as we stopped in our tracks just inches apart from each other, not saying a word, almost instantly my hatred billed up without any explanation. Now, who was I to judge Afyre, I was just as bad, and I didn't even know the man.

"Follow me," he demanded so boldly. I didn't answer and just did as he pleased.

"I guess you're going to the cafeteria," He continued.

"Why the silent treatment ... Have I done something." He went on as if we were old friends. I had no idea who this man was, nor him I, and yet he's still beside me, nagging in my ear.

" I must go," I spoke, breaking the ice.

He was observing me like he expected some sort of reaction. He was a curious man. I have no idea what he was getting at by taking a detour to the canteen. How dumb does he think I am?

It was loud as hell in the cafeteria, which caused an instant headache, all the lunch tables were half full, but it seems that they were separated into groups. Groups are amazing, but I never pictured myself being in one. There are The Jocks, the cheerleaders, the choir, the drumming band, the dance group, and so much more. On the other hand, I wasn't in any clubs, so there was no use in me trying to sit with them. I had no choice but to sit with Afyre and her ... many friends.

As I walked past the tables, everyone's gaze switched to me. Feeling uncomfortable, I started to pick up the pace hoping to reach there soon. Of course, Afyre chose the table at the end of the room. How convenient. Walking in the most unpleasant state, I finally reached.

"Are you speaking to me now, or did you just show up because you realized that groups separate the tables,"

She said, chuckling along with the many giggles that came following. Seeing that she was the leader, I took a seat, completely ignoring her comment.

I brought my home-cooked food because I've read that Campylobacter is a type of bacteria spread through chicken and unpasteurized milk and cheese, which is becoming more common. And that in 2012, 7,000 people were sickened by Campylobacter, and another six died. And we were only now in 2014. I'm not willing to take any risks of getting food poisoning. Yes, I did my research.

As I began eating, Afyre' started to stare. All this staring was becoming unbearable. It was as if she was looking through my soul. We locked eyes, but she was unaware that I was gazing back; with a blank expression, I scoffed, bringing her back to reality. Afyre looking disturbed brought me a sense of satisfaction. I gave her a smirk and resumed eating. She tried for the entire hour not to look at me. She was curious; I guess she wasn't used to people ignoring her,

" Hey, do you want to come to the movies with Eliizabeth and me right after lunch? Thinking back on what you said earlier and looking at your complexion, you haven't been outside in a while, and we will also have a look around the mall, so it would be nice if you had money on you now." Afyre asked. She was quite observant. I didn't give her a direct response but grabbing my phone was enough of an answer. I texted Mother, and she gave me the authorization. I then nodded and proceeded to finish my lunch. I hated when people would bother me while I was eating.

Fortunately, going to the movie would get my mind off of the uncanny feeling in my stomach.

Mother being the protective bear that she is, gave me enough money for a whole 2 weeks, make that one, seeing as I was now going to the movies.