
Pegasus POV:

My hands were on the counter when suddenly I felt someone caressing my waist and proceeded to pull me toward them. I felt a slight shiver down my spine. I turned my head and immediately jumped back when I saw that it was Afyre. I gave her this confused glare as my back was now against the counter.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure, how was your day? Mine was great!" I said, playing dumb. She then suddenly pulled my nose up to her face. I was baffled by this sudden action, which was really painful.

"You know what I mean. What happened earlier?"

I sighed.

“Nothing happened earlier; it’s completely normal for people to have panic attacks,” I said while rolling my eyes.

“What do you mean normal? Nothing about having a panic attack is normal!”

“What are you talking about? We’ve had panic attacks for the majority of our lives; of course, it’s normal.”

She suddenly went silent,

“No, I haven’t had one single panic attack in all my life. So no, it’s not normal.”

Now I was the idiot. How could I think that my situation would ever be normal?

“Are you used to it? How many times do you get panic attacks?” She calmly asked.

“I would get one once every week or sometimes more than once. But they gave me a break until today, and I don’t really know why I’m getting them, so I just assumed that it was normal.”

“It shouldn't have to be normal,” She said as she hugged me.

“By the way, where is Spectacles ?” I said, trying to change the subject,


Shit! I thought to myself as I bit my bottom lip. I winced in pain; I totally forgot that I only called her that in my head.

"What's the matter ?" She said, giggling, " That's a funny name. I've been looking for a name to call her for a long time. Why did you bite your lip? now you're bleeding." She said while passing her tumb smoothly onto my lips.

She then began licking her lips, her finger still remaining on mine.

There was a long pause between us, but this one was different. It wasn't unbearable or awkward; it was pleasant.

Out of nowhere, she grabbed me by my waistline, almost touching my ass, and jerked me up to her core.

I was able to stare deep into her soul; her eyes were trying to tell me something, they seemed troubled, but I didn't think much of it. I felt tingling, but this time it was below my stomach.

Our lips were almost touching,

"Hey, I can't believe that you guys let me sleep through the entire film,"

I shoved Afyre away from me as Eliizabeth walked through the kitchen door, making her trip in the process.

"Yeah, I just wanted to prepare some more popcorn; you must have fallen asleep then," I said, completely ignoring what was about to happen, and I'm glad that it didn't, because if it did, I might not be able to stop myself despite who came in.

"And why didn't you wake me?" Elizabeth asked, playfully nudging Afyre.

"I did, but you were fast asleep," Afyre said, clearly lying. "And I wish she still were." She added, whispering into my ear with a smirk upon her face.

"Well ..." Eliizabeth said, taking a brief pause. " Tell me what happened in the end!"

"Um ... It wasn't that interesting. If you ask me, we could have found something much more intriguing on, Netchiil," I said, biting my nails in the process.

"So what were you two doing."

"well, before you entered, we were about to _."

"Make some more Popcorn!" I cut off Afyre and stomped on her toes, and she winced in pain. Talk about being outgoing.

Spectacles squinted her eyes, " Really_."

"Girls, it's time for some shut-eye. I will be taking off the light in 10."

Saved by the bell.

We then made our way to the guest's bedroom, seeing as they were spending the night.

"Eliizabeth; Afyre, you two will take the main bed; there is a mini-fridge with water and refreshments and a bathroom. The tv and the air conditioner remotes are in that tray. Please don't mess up the room, or else Mom will have my neck."

"And we wouldn't want that, now would we Chick," Afyre commented. Not bothering to reply to this comment, I just eye bald her as I made my way upstairs to my room.


I kept twisting and turning. I couldn't get the sleep that I deserved. I tried sleeping on my back, putting the sheet over my head, but nothing.

While I was lying on my side, I heard my door creak open and footsteps approaching, then suddenly I felt a dent in my mattress.

"Are you sleeping?"

Of course, it's the one and only Afyre. Doesn't she know what boundaries are?

"How did you find my room?" I groaned, clearly annoyed.

"I just entered the room with the sign 'In demolition,' what's the deal with that sign anyway ?"

Who just waddles into a room with possible danger. I am yet to solve this girl.

"It's to keep people like you FROM ENTERING my room,"

"Well, it's not doing a very good job. Since you're awake, I'm going to permit myself to do some exploring," she said while getting up and turning on the light. I squinted my eyes.

"Can't you just go to sleep, like a normal human?" I pouted. Not paying any mind to what I just told her, she continued to scout.

"What's that box?" She asked

"What box? God, when is this ever going to end? " I said, adjusting my eyes to the light.

"This box. I bet it's baby pictures," She said while reaching for the top of my closet, making her shirt slightly lift.

I suddenly heard a loud crash.

When I looked up, the mysterious box had fallen with all of its belongings on the floor.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's ok. Besides, I don't even know how the box got there," I said.

When I looked at the items scattered across the floor, they were all unknown to me except one. It was a music box.

Although I don't remember ever having one.

"Cute stuff. Since when have you had them ?" She asked, still curious.

All of a sudden, I wasn't feeling well; something was off.

"I don't know, let's go to sleep," I insisted.

"Why? I want to see what else you've got."

"No! I said no! Stop being so stubborn. This is not your house!" I yelled

"What's the matter ?! I was just trying to have some fun." She retaliated

"Well, the fun is over, good night!" I said while taking off the lights.

She then unexpectedly grabbed my arm and kissed me.