The Bet

Pegasus POV:

"Ow…" I heard someone groan from beneath me.

I had completely forgotten that Afyre would still be in my room.

"Wasn't yelling at me enough? You had to sit on me too?!"

"Listen to me, something weird is happening," I spoke, trying to get her attention, but she continued.

"Is that sweat? Are you sweating? Was it that hot downstairs?" She asked. She was drowsy and spoke like a drunk.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I looked down; I realized that I was drenched in sweat.

"You're wet, don’t touch me," she said, giggling, then suddenly she paused then began killing herself with laughter, "I said that you're wet." she chuckled, then fell straight back to sleep.

I gave her a dull look and then rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I heard you. Now wake up!" I smacked her on the cheek.

She jumped up and said, clearly still sleepy.

"Why? First, you yell at me, now you need me. It's not that it's my fault your lips looked inviting. Come give me another one. I asked this time." She whined while leaning in.

It was low key hot, but I did not have any time for this. I squinted my eyes and thought to myself, 'Does she even know what she’s saying.' 'That wasn't even a question.' I had to snap her out of it, so I squeezed her nose and her mouth shut, blocking the air from passing.

When she was out of breath, her eyes widened, she smacked away my hand and shouted,

"Why the hell did you do that?!" I gave her a bored look and said,

“You do not want to hear what you were saying to me.” Her face flushed red, and she changed the subject.

"What did you want to tell me?"

And from there, I told her everything from the time I entered Mr.Bruno's classroom to the very end.


"So you're telling me that Mr.Bruno was acting strange because he kept staring at you during class and that you had a weird dream that same day.

Then when you found the music box, you dreamt about it.”

She said, resuming what I've just told her.

"Well, in conclusion, either you're paranoid or…” she trailed off.

"Or…" I added.

"Oh no, there is no 'or,'" she giggled, “although you might also be delusional,” she laughed. She did not believe me.

"Ok, you’re right. I’m delusional. Let’s make a bet. If I open this music box and it has the same song as in my nightmare…”

"Wait! What was the song's name?" She cut me off.

"Für Elise…" I said, squinting my eyes at her.

“You have to be generously nice with everyone for the next 3 days.” I continued.

“And if you lose, you’ll have to do the contrary,” She added.

"How do I know that you are not just messing with me. I mean, to be fair, the box is in your room."

" UNLIKE you, Afyre, I don't base my life off of lies. SO IF I TELL YOU THAT I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THAT BOX REACHED IN MY ROOM, you have no choice but to believe me."

“Then it’s a deal!”

I was so ready to wipe that smirk off of her face. She was too amused.

I got up and walked over to the box that was still on the ground, and opened it.

It played the same music, and I watched as Afyre's mouth comically dropped to the floor.

Now she believed me.

"If what you're saying is true, then we need to start writing down all the events if you want to get to the bottom of this."

"You're right!" I grabbed a notebook, and we wrote everything down.

The night was very long and tiresome.


I woke up with my arms wrapped around Afyre; I quickly removed them. She was already up reading a book. Odd.

"Up so soon, it seemed to me that you were in a very comfortable position."

"Shut up, this doesn't mean that I have completely forgotten about last night," I said while crossing my arms.

"Listen," she says while putting down the book.

"I am very sorry about last night; I don't know what came over me. Let's just forget it," she says while getting up.

"I think that we should tell Elizabeth about everything so that we can figure this out together."

"Ok, it's up to you."


When we told Eliizabeth, she was excited. She said, "This is just like in the movies," I laughed because it is.

Things were weird between Afyre and me; her actions had changed everything. We couldn't even be in the same room together, but she still agreed to take the bet. She was nice even if she didn't want to be.

We had classes at 2 pm. Mom agreed to drop us there but canceled at the last minute, so there was no time for us to catch the public bus, and I'm glad because I don't even know how they work.

We had to walk it to school, which was a solid 20-minute walk.

Within 7 minutes of walking, an unfamiliar car pulled up to us with tinted windows; we all gave each other a quick glare as we stared back at the car. After some time, the driver rolled down the window and asked if we needed a ride. We were put at ease when we noticed that the driver was a woman.

We were tired from the walk; we weren't talking to one another, and it looked like it was about to pour, so we agreed.

We gave her the school directions, but she said that she passed there all the time and knew a short cut. We didn’t think much of it and just enjoyed the ride.

After a while, we realized that the woman wasn’t taking us to the school. We asked her repetitively, ‘when will we arrive?’ but we got no answer, she was silent.

Starting to panic, we insisted that she let us off.

“You can drop us off at this library. I have to catch up on some reading,” Eliizabeth said.

But nothing.

“Can you take the normal route? We don’t want to reach late.” Afyre then asked.

Still nothing.

“Since it is clear that we won’t reach school on time, just stop us off here because I live around this area,” I insisted.

She then violently stopped the car, locked the doors, turned around, and said,

“You’re all nothing but a lying bunch of teens.”

We gave each other this confused glance; she then locked all the doors and said,

“Eliizabeth, we all know that you prefer your schools’ library above all;

Afyre, you’re always late for class and love it;

Pegasus, you live nowhere around this area.”

After all of that being said, she continued her route.

How did she know our names?

And most importantly, Where was she taking us?