
chapter 20

Aaron's body slapped what appeared to be snow. He was wearing a green coat, a beanie, and a pair of boots. Aaron observed that he was in some sort of snow forest but the sky was milked with pink haze and purple lines flying all over it. Was this place a real snow forest?

Three other players including Laney, Miles, and Lex fell to the ground. They seemed to be just as confused as Aaron.

"Where the heck are we this time?" Miles asked.

"I don't know, but look!" Aaron pointed.

Up ahead several men were approaching them. They were dressed in a black uniform with green lines and no face on them. But what raised the question wasn't how they were dressed but that they had no face. They were like walking faceless people.

"What are they doing?"

As they got closer, Aaron finally got his answer. Once the faceless people were in clear eyesight of them, they took out their automatic rifles from behind their back and they began to shoot.