

Alistarr smiles warmly like he's blissfully happy. Venus looks around at the men for the same confusion she bears, but they show nothing but the same recollected expressions Alistarr has. So, she keeps quiet, hoping that the story's purpose will become more transparent.

"She escaped to a cave just near the Sea, far outside of the Garden of Eden. As she fled the Garden, an Angel saw her. An Archangel, head of all Angels, beloved by God, you could even say favored. Their job was to watch over the Humans, test their faith, and kill them when God needed it to be. This angel's name was Samael. When Samael saw Lilith, he decided to test her, as that was his job. However, when he went into that cave, all he saw was brilliance, like a blinding star. Something any man should be proud to be in the presence of, let alone an Angel such as Samael. Samael realized this and couldn't bear to part with her. Unlike Adam, who slowly belittled her, Samael proudly worshiped her. So much so that soon after they met, he proposed to her, and they married, having thousands of children over thousands of years— Which back then was no time at all for a being… They were so in love."

Alistarr gains a disgusted look on his face as he sits back and thinks, stopping his talking for only a moment. "Then Adam grew lonely. So he called upon his father and complained. His father sympathized with his beautiful child and called upon three Angels to find his wife. When those angels happened upon Lilith and her children, they had no words of their own they could produce. Whether it be from their angelic pride or strict orders. However, God, Adam's father, had much to say. He gave Lilith and Samael an ultimatum.”

"Lilith could go back to Adam, abandon her children, leaving them to God's mercy, and forget about Samael or she could stay and be turned into a ravenous demon that feeds off of sexual energy— A punishment for her adultery, which meant and she would forever be tempted by sexual desires by an instinct as pure as the one you feel to drink water. Her bastard children would, too, be turned into this demon, so they could, in God's eyes, never have a meaningful relationship because of their sexual deviance. Not only that but one hundred of these children would die every day as punishment for her bastardized bearing of them, so they could never find peace in their new lives. To keep them, as demons, away from Adam and the Garden so that they may not taint the rest of the humans, they all would be cast into Hell. God called this mercy." Alistarr scoffs, then chuckles, his eyes watering; he looks toward the fireplace.

"A merciful God, my ass; death would have been kinder." He mumbles this and looks back at Venus with a stressed brow and red eyes.

"At that time, Hell was an empty pit, not used to punish sinners because there was none.

Finally, Samael. His ultimatum was much more straightforward. If he chose to stay with his sinful wife, he too would be cast into Hell and stripped of his title as an Archangel unless he forgot about his wife and children, going back to his father and his job."

Alistarr's voice is clenched as he speaks, but Venus continues to listen, letting her questions pile up and up.

"She chose the way any good mother and loving wife would, to stay with her family. Samael..." Alistarr takes a deep breath, and Venus can see the gloss coating his eyes. As he pauses, Venus stays silent, waiting for him to continue; no matter how increasingly confused and concerned she may be becoming. He looks away from Venus, and she watches as a lone tear falls down from his eye.

"Samael loved his father dearly and loved his wife even more. More than you could know. He, out of naive pride for the things he thought he could accomplish, chose his father. He chose his father in the hopes that he would show grace—show the mercy his father constantly boasted to his wife and children. He thought God would leave them be, simply because Samael came crawling back as God wanted; that was the angel's only wish. Samael loved every child and loved all of his wife. He wished to see no harm come upon them. However, God had other plans. Very simple ones. Samael was to do his job, what he was made for, and all would be forgiven. When he asked about his wife, the answer was also very simple. She chose her fate, and that would not be changed."

Venus had finally had enough, cutting her brother off. "Alistarr, this story seems very hard for you to tell. So, it must be important. But, what does it have to do with our mother and father? You and me? I don't even think it's appropriate to tell me all this. To tell anyone. It sounds like something you could get in a lot of trouble for. I can't fathom where this is going or if this even makes sense."

Alistarr scoffs, reaching out and holding Venus's face.

"Ven, it means everything, and I mean that quite literally, that you listen to me. Whether you choose to believe me or not is up to you, but I am no liar." Venus nods, shaken by her brother's severe and emotional tone. He signals back, accepting her approval to continue by removing his hands.