The story centers around a woman named Scarlett in her early twenties. Scarlett Pierce, a 23 year old, who met fate as she was on her way to pick her friend from the airport. She meets Andrew Price. A young rich prodigal son, who was on his way to redemption, as he was about to enter the car scarlett called she sees him and he talks rudely to her. She pushes him out and gets into the car.
The next day, she finds out that the CEO son who was to take over the company, was the same one she treated badly. He asks her to apologise but she doesn't. Alog the line, she gets dumped by her boyfriend because he says she doesn't know how to love the way a girl should. Andrew takes the opourtunity to have his revenge by taking advantage of her weakness, by making her fall for him, then dump her.
But what becomes of their relationship status when he starts teaching her, how to love like that.
I love romance's my favorite genre...The synopsis made me quite emotional...I loved how each chapter developed in the story...I'm totally in love with Scarlett & Andrew - They are match made in heaven...I highly recommend everyone to read this book...Great work, Author!
The synopsis is interesting but it's more interesting in each of these chapters! This is the book that will give you different kinds of emotions in just a chapter! Worth the read.
The story is very interesting. I love the way it was written. the characters were nice and organized. It was a nice and interesting book. I love Andrew and Scarlett, they could be crazy but are a great match. You guys should check this book out and I promise you'll love it, like I did.