
Great Memories

-Saturday morning-

-janet: it's finally Saturday-I said yawning

I got up and down to have my snack

-jaeden: I woke up the sleepyhead

-janet: yes, I woke up and don't call me that silly-I said preparing hot cakes

-angela: good morning to my buses. Mmmm it smells good

-wes: good morning everyone, do you know how to cook janet?

-janet: if I did a cooking contest, I want to study gastronomy

-wes: wow, I'm a chef, if you want, I can show you some recipes.

-janet: REALLY ?! Thank you I will not disappoint you, I said happy

-sydney: hey, less talk and more food

He served the pancakes and we sat at the table. After finishing, wes and papa went out, while I stay with angela, jaeden and sydney.

-angela: hey janet come over here

She took me to her room (don't be wrong) and showed me a photo book

-janet: is it your photo album?

-angela: if you look, they belong to my son Jackson

She showed me her photos and it was really very cute but I remembered Jaeden so I was sorry

-angela: what's up pretty?

-janet: when I was young I had a boyfriend and then we ended up because she moved in with her family, I never saw her again. She dreamed that she would come back but she never did, so she sends me letters, do you want to see pictures of her?

-angela: cl-clear

-janet: I wait for December 21st because we are going to meet in the square when it is snowing

-angela: janet, he is closer than you think

-janet: what do you mean by that?

-angela: .......