
The Rescue

-Alarm sound-

I wake up because of the hateful noise of my alarm, I get up and put the bikini under my clothes since today we would go to the beach with Jackson's family (jaeden), then I go downstairs to prepare breakfast since everyone was sleeping and not I wanted to wake them up.

In the kitchen, choose to make some delicious wuaffles with honey

-Jaeden: uuuu smells really good !!

-janet: how long have you been here?

-jaeden: it's my house, why couldn't I?

I served myself my wuaffles and sat down

-jaeden: and for me there isn't?

-janet: it's your house, you said it yourself

-sydney: hi janet, it smells really good

-janet: thank you, take a seat I'll serve you

-jaeden: ha! of course to the dwarf if you have to serve him

-Janet: why do I love him ajajja

-jaeden: sure as you say beautiful

after having breakfast we were all ready to go, until the bell rang

-jaeden: who will it be?

-wes: I'll go see

-lilia: hello !! - said waving hand-I'll go with you

narrates jaeden

But what the fuck is that bitch doing here ?! I did not invite her !! when she gets to chase me. BIG !!!

-wes: mmm ... es-alright let's go

-In the path-

narrates janet

on the way we were all bored so it came to my mind to play that word game that I play with dad sometimes

-janet: let's play a word game, this is the thing, each one has to say a word that begins with the agreed mouth and has 10 seconds to do it and if he does not do it within 10 seconds he has a penance

-all: ok !!

-sophia: janet begins you with the letter ..... j

-janet: Mmmm ...... jaeden

narrates jaeden

She said my name !! my puppy said my name !! hearing that made me so happy

-jaeden: ok I'm still ............ janet.

suddenly we exchanged glances until it lasted a few minutes

-wes: we arrived well, everyone down !!!

We set things up and put on our bathing suits, until I see Janet in a bikini. I was stunned, it looked ...... rich.

-janet: I have something wrong ?!

-lilia: okay, let's go to the water? -he said pulling jackson by the arm (jaeden)

they both left and I sat down to sunbathe

-sophia: it shows on your friendly face

-janet: what are you talking about?

-sophia: we all know you like jackson (jaeden)

-janet: hahaha you're playing right?

-sophia: as you want

After a while everyone got out of the water and we rested, except Sydney who went to the water alone. I just put my headphones on and looked out to sea when I saw Sydney drowning.

-janet: help sydney drowning !!

Nobody listened to me so I chose to go save him, I had no other choice since nobody was listening and I was afraid because I didn't know how to swim so I went anyway. I got into the water apathetically

-sydney: help !!

-janet: wait there I'm going-I said getting into the water

I could not believe it because after a few seconds I was drowning together with her and could not get out, every time I was short of breath

-narra jaeden-

i was listening to music when i see janet and sydney drowning in the sea

-jaeden: oh my God the boys drown !!

I get in the water and I take out Sydney and she runs off. Then I take out Janet and when we got out of the water I fell on top of her.

narrates janet

when falling on top of jackson (jaeden) I felt something that I had never felt with any other boy, it's as if I already knew him .......