We're engaged

Kayden grabbed Vale's right wrist, stopping her.

Vale looked back and opened her mouth.

But, ended up closing it when the woman he kissed before walked towards them, pecking his lips when she reached them and made Vale look at her with disgust.

Vale tugged on her wrist and looked straight into his eyes, daring him to say, do, something.

...and she saw his eyes which speaks louder than anything.


Vale tugged again but harder this time.

Mia noticed this and furrowed her eyebrows before smiling at her.

Sickly sweet.

“Hon, who is this? Stop playing with the women’s heart. It’ll break their heart to know that we’re engaged, ” she calmly said.

What the hell?! They’re engaged?!

Vale gritted her teeth harder and it began to hurt.

She narrowed her eyes at Kayden before shouting, "Let me-fucking-go!!” she shouted over the music with ferocity gaining attention from the crowd.

Great. Just great.

“No! Vale...Let me explain-” Vale cut him off with a hard slap.

A series of gasps and whisper arise within the crowd.

Vale used her left hand and slapped him.


Just like how she slapped her victim.

Kayden stumbled as his head snapped to the side and Vale stumbled along when he refused to let go of her hand.

When Kayden regained his position back, he turned his head to look at Vale with his eyes wide awake.

Surprised was written all over his face, not knowing where Vale had gained such strength.

Vale was not one for violence when she was outside of her dark job.

Kaden knew that she is a sweet and soft woman.

But, he never knew who she really is and he missed the chance to know the other her when he decided to cheat on her.

The music stopped as everyone turned their attention towards them.

Mia stood a few feet away from them, not daring to intervene.

Kayden and Vale's eyes locked together as they glared on each other. Their eyes speak for their action.

Kayden gripped her wrist tightly.

His face was twisted in anger.

But, It does nothing to Vale.

Her heart ached more than anything.

How dare he met her family when he was already engaged with someone else?!

Fucking liar!

“Hon-” Mia must have been expecting the show to end right there and took a step forward towards them.

Stupid woman!

Kayden shrugged her off and walked away from the crowd, dragging me with him.

Vale was furious as she tried to yank her wrist from his strong grip.

However, Kayden didn’t want to let go.

Vale was sure that a bruised will appear on her wrist soon.

They stepped outside of Remy’s house and Kayden kept dragging her until they came to a halt beside his car.

The music started booming once more.

He unlocked the car and opened the passenger seat in front, “Get in!” he tried pushing her in but Vale shut the passenger door back.

“Hell no!” Vale turned to him with anger lacing in her voice.

Kayden gritted his teeth as he pinned her to his car. He gripped Vale's face with one hand. While the other gripped both of her hands on his chest.

He leaned in and kiss Vale forcefully as she struggled to push him away.

Realizing that her legs are free, Vale kicked his groin using her knee.

Kayden immediately back away crouching down on the road as he groaned in pain.

Vale bit her lips until it started to bleed as she hissed in pain. Using the blood to wipe away his kiss, Vale spat the blood on the road as she looked at him with disgust.

How dare he kiss me when he already kissed another woman’s lips just a few hours before?

Vale tried to control her breathing, terrified when she saw red.

She wanted to hurt him, injure him, and kill him.

Vale shook her head as she thought about Mia.

Kayden loved her, got engaged with her and yet he leaves her when he saw Vale.

“We’re over. Don’t come near me anymore!” Vale walked away from him.

She strode towards her car and saw Nancy walking to her with concern.

Sober now, do we?

Vale shakes her head as a sign that she doesn’t want to talk about it.

“Come on.” Vale walked past her and march to her car.

She unlocked the car and slid on the driver seat. Nancy walked to the passenger seat and slide in.

The ride was silent before Nancy finally spoke.

“What happens to your Mustang?”

Vale gulped the lump in her throat. She thought if she should buy her own Mustang.

Should she get rid of the old Mustang?

“Remind me to get rid of it,” she replied calmly.

Nancy's eyes widen in shock, “Whose car is this? Did you steal it? Oh my God-” she asked again while covering her mouth and Vale stifled a laugh.



“Problems?” Vale raised an eyebrow.

“Damn, where did you get the money to buy this?”

Nancy is totally freaking out at this. Though, I don’t see the reason why.

“I work to make money, babe.” Vale chuckles.

The car came to a halt when they reached Nancy's two-story mansion.

Vale used to hang out with her on her day off so she knew where her mansion is.

Vale slowly turned towards Nancy when she didn’t open the car door.

“Yes, Nane?”

'Wait, let me pray first. She might want to give a lecture to me.'

“Are you okay?” Nancy asked looking at her.

“Babe, did I even cry?” Vale chuckled when she sighed.

“That’s what scared me the most. Just...remember that I want you to be my maid of honour on my wedding day. You had to live until that, okay? Screw it, you had to babysit my children also. You know what I mean, right?”

Vale laughed and nodded her head.


Nancy finally opened the door and got out of her car.

“Nane,” Vale called Nancy back when she was about to close the car door.

“Yeah?” she turned around.

“Who else knows about him cheating?”

“I just saw them today. I’m not sure about the others,”

Vale nodded feeling relieved.

“Goodnight, Vale.”

“Goodnight, Nane.”

Nancy closed the door and Vale drove back to her mansion.

Not wasting any more time, Vale put her phone and bag on the bedside table.

She lay on the bed, grab the duvet and sleep.

'Don’t judge me, I’m too tired to argue.'