Family Dinner

Today is Wednesday.

Meaning, tonight is Keith's family dinner. His mother planned this whole thing once in two months.

'I don’t feel excited at all.'

That’s because his mother would try to introduce him to different girls every time. However, he's not interested in dating or marrying any of them.

Except for a one night stand.

His mother always complained about him beginning to get old and haven’t given her any grandchildren.

Thank God, his father was opposed to the idea, saying that the time would come for Keith to settle down.

When he turned eighteen, he had taken over the gang that his father had been leading for more than 30 years.

Today, he's planning on bringing Vale to his family dinner.

His feelings for her keep growing these past weeks.

Maybe, if he brought her together with him, his mother would stop bringing a woman on her own choice to this family dinner.