
“We’re here.” James constant shakes on her shoulder woke Vale's up.

Yeah, you heard her. It was James who pick her up at the park.

“Okay...okay...” she let out a yawn and stretched her hand above her head before grumbling a reply to him, twisting her body to grab the things on the backseat that James prepared for her.

She took out her mask and put it over her face before wearing her red curly wigs. The black mask covered half the top of her face. Black clothes covered her body as the red gloves covered her hands, a long red coat hung on her back.

It was a little large. However, she can’t complain, considering it was hiding her body from the world. Her eyes went from light-blue eyes to green eyes because of the contact lenses.

She stepped out of the car and walked towards the newfound base. James had informed them that she would be showing up today.

The base is vast, and much to her satisfaction is the luxurious and modern look on it.