Don't you Miss me?

Keith woke up with an empty spot beside him. He sat up begrudgingly and stretched up.

He put on his pants before walking to the kitchen, calmly expecting Vale to be cooking.

But, when he stepped into the kitchen, there’s only one person in it.

“Hey, Jake.” he greeted him while leaning on the door and folding his arms across his chest.

“Hey,” Jake replies.

“Where’s Vale?”

“Wow, man. Don’t you miss me?” he put his hand on his heart in mock hurt.

Keith grinned, “You’ve always been on my sight. How can I miss you?” he asked.

“Yeah...yeah sure...” Jake rolled his eyes.

“So, where is she? ”

“She’s not with you?” he raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner.

“She’s not in the room.”

“That’s weird. She’s usually in the kitchen every morning,” he stated.

“I know that.”

Jake went silent for a while, and his face displayed something that was easily read by Keith.