Girl's Stuff

"So, what did you guys talk about?" Peter asked Vale as soon as she arrived at the end of the staircase.

"Girl's stuff. You don't want to know," Vale answered and smirked.

Leslie had fallen asleep in the guest room after a very long girl's talk. One which had Vale's heart running a marathon. They had agreed to keep it between them, and Vale was dying to help Leslie out of her mess when she realized, she too, is in a mess herself.

Knowing that her brother could be the leader of the Blood Brother Gang who attacked her gang a few weeks ago. Vale's mouth had been itching to ask him about it. But the thought of it terrifies her to the core. The brother she had tried to protect is a possible gang leader.

I need to ask Keith about this. She decided.

Vale walks back to the living room where Mason and Keith are still talking business. Her face marred in a deep frown remembering her conversation with Peter just now.
