As Soon As Possible

Vale’s parent’s finally asked them about their relationship. They told them the exact story that they said to Keith’s parent.

“So, when are you going to marry her?” Andrew shot the question all of a sudden, making Vale choked on air once again. She coughed before lifting the glass of water on the table and drink it.

“As soon as possible,”

Water spurts out from Vale’s mouth, hearing Keith’s answered. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before turning around to face Keith in horror.

“Are you crazy?! I’m not ready!” She clarified.

“And I can’t wait,” Keith smugly replied.

“That’s not a problem either since you don’t mind her not having a job,” Andrew replied and nodded in confirmation.

“Mom?” Vale turns to her mom who’s grinning widely. “I can finally hold a grandchild of my own. Wait, I want a dozen of grandchildren,” She clapped her hand in excitement.


“I trust him to take care of you, so I’m cool,” Mason shrugged.