Baxter, Bailey

“Baxter, Bailey, come on guys,” Her melodic voice was enchanting.

Her brunette hair was in a pretty, messy bun where some hair is left loose, creating an angelic face. Her long slender body is of a model as a blue sleeveless dress fits her perfectly.

Vale was busy scanning the girl from head to toe, not realizing Peter walking towards the brunette. When she does, she let out a loud gasp as her eyes turn wide in shock. She recovered before frantically looking at Mason and Anne, who stood calmly at the scene.

“What happened to my clean freak brother? Oh god, I must be dreaming-ouch! That hurts! I’m not dreaming! Keith, why did you flick my forehead?” Vale rubbed her forehead, glaring at Keith.

Keith ignores her glare and chuckles, shaking his head. He was as confused as Vale was. Although he doesn’t know Peter well, judging by the scene in front of them, there’s no way he’s a clean freak.

“You’re freaking out,” Keith stated the obvious.