I ended the call quickly then, my heart racing a hundred miles a minute. The script disappeared in a handbag, folded in two. And I needed to change. The top was discarded for a Norwegian jumper of cream and blue. The yoga pants were replaced by thick tights and a woolen skirt that reached under my knee. I added a scarf from Oleana – silk and wool – that could take a hail storm, and finished with snow boots that would keep my feet warm. I hesitated for half a minutes before picking the long medieval woolen coat, and putting on my leather gloves. Today, the weather was beautiful and more than chilly. -5° would probably be the highlight of the day, and I was lucky enough the wind had died.
I almost ran to my car, and drove as fast as the many speed cameras would allow. Meaning 60 km/h tops ! Wew, life certainly was exciting in Norway !
As the minutes ticked by, I tried to tell myself to slow down and stop bouncing around. Yes, he had decided to fly here to discuss the script with me, and probably enjoy the scenery for the day. He might even have some plans for lunch, or to meet someone in the afternoon. Oslo, maybe ? After all, he was now quite the movie star, and probably used to crazy schedules. Speaking of which, I wondered how early he had awakened this morning.
Anyway, I needed to keep my head levelled, and in my haste, I had quite forgotten to warn Stéphane about me going out. Well, I’d sent a text. Getting to the city centre, I wondered where I was going to park before I decided to go for the Bryggen parking; it would be closer, if insanely costly. Shifting lanes, I went through old streets and antic buildings with anticipation. Passing the train station, a quick glance at the clock told me I had five minutes left. It didn’t take long to find a spot at this time of day; Norwegians partiers were still drunk from the previous evening. I hurried along the most ancient and renown place of Bergen; Bryggen.
The cold air should have needled my face but the sun shone brightly. Well, at brightly as it could as such a low angle, but still. Its faint warmness incensed my senses, and I couldn’t help but take in the beautiful landscape that surrounded me. Tall mountains enclosed the city, hence its name – Bergen; the city of seven mountains. The summit of Ulriken – the highest – was littered with a little snow where the others proudly displayed their expanse of rocks and pine trees. To the west laid the sea, then another set of islands with reliefs high enough to cut any stormy waves from hitting the port. Despite my quick steps, I couldn’t help but sigh in pleasure. Such an amazing place.
There were not many people about; shops were closed on Sunday anyway. As usual, I gathered weird looks with my long medieval woolen coat. Albeit the long hair spread into the hood, I knew my style was strange to those people who valued practicality over style. I had not yet abandoned the idea to look elegant even in the worst weather, but I had to admit their equipment was of much better quality than in France. Pricy as well, but well worth it. I didn’t lack money now; I had landed a contract that gave the means to live nicely.
My eyes kept roaming over the pier in search of a figure I had not seen for quite a while. When eventually, I spotted the whirl of cigarette smoke under a corbel my heart skipped a beat. There he was, a dark beanie fixed upon his head with only a few strands escaping, his lithe form engulfed in a jacket cut for Nordic weather. So far away from the movie star I’d seen on red carpets, and his multiple persona I’d seen on screen. A human being; the man I had met and befriended in my place. A large smile bloomed on my face, and I hurried forward. It didn’t take long for him to spot me since I was the only one in a hundred feet radius.
His eyes creased at the corner, and he blew the smoke away before crushing his cigarette under his shoe. I shyly averted my eyes for a moment; I didn’t want to stare too much, but had trouble not doing so. I wanted to see the subtle differences, from the lines of his face to his posture, to know whether my intuition had been correct. He didn’t give me much time to consider them, closing the gap with purposeful strides and coming to greet me. Instead of the awkward moment I was expecting, Tristan opened his arms to engulf me in a bear hug. My breath caught in my chest, and I tightened my hold instinctively. With the respective padding of both of jackets, there wasn’t much of us in contact… Yet, I felt my body tingle all over. With my nose buried in his shoulder, I felt so safe that I never wanted to leave. For such a slim guy, he certainly could pack some strength. When he released me, I couldn’t help a goofy smile from spreading on my face.
His smooth voice shook me out of my daze.
— “Hey. I’m glad to see you again”
I nearly stuttered my response, my breath still short.
— “So am I”
There was a short pause during which we both searched for answers on the other’s face, then I blurted:
— “How come you’re here ?”
Reddening, my hand shot to grasp his forearm.
— “Not that I’m complaining. Damn, I got it all wrong”
Tristan chuckled then, and gave me a gentle smile.
— “As I told you, it’s been ages, and the weather forecast was great. And I wanted to convince you to accept my offer”
— “You didn’t have to. I’ve made up my mind a few days ago”
His eyebrows climbed up.
— “You have ? And you didn’t tell me ?”
I sheepishly bit my lip.
— “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you. You probably have a very busy life, and we had this appointment set up already and…”
All right, I was rambling now and nervous enough to wring my fingers together. Tristan seemed to consider what to do, his hazel eyes taking in my face before he addressed me a stern look.
— “Frances.”
His tone was so serious that I froze.
— “Yes, I have a life. So have you. You can always text me, I’ll answer when I’m available. If I can’t, then I won’t”
I slightly deflated, feeling stupid.
— “Ok. I’m sorry, I just gathered you might keep insane hours”
— “Not when I’m at… only when I’m on set.”
The look that crossed his face was not peaceful, and I felt my heart stir.
— “The rest of my life is pretty boring, you know. Jogging, food, TV, reading scripts, …”
His reassurance eventually settled in, and I gave him a shy smile.
— “All right. Duly noted. Tristan is a not always a busy man. So if you’ll have me still, I’ll be glad to give this role a try. You will give me tips, right ?”
He nodded.
— “Yes, of course. Not that you need so many, you’re a natural, you know ?”
A scoff escaped me.
— “Or I probably didn’t forget everything I learnt in theatre class”
— “That as well. So… fancy a little walk ?”
Surprise probably showed on my face, for he backpedaled.
— “Or we can find a coffee shop.”
Realising that he’d taken my befuddlement for reluctance, I hastily explained my reaction.
— “No, actually. Walking would be great. I wanted to go hiking this afternoon”
His lips quirked a little, so faintly that it was the twinkle of his hazel eyes that sold him.
— “Hiking ? You’re a real Nordic now.”
— “Always have been, I guess. I just didn’t know it”
Something glittered in his eyes, a knowledge he wasn’t quite ready to share.
— “So, where to ?”, he asked, eyeing my long medieval coat.
I pointed to the top of Fløyen.
— “Up there ?”
Both our heads lifted to the hill and I knew, this very moment, that we weren’t going to take the tramway up. It was, after all, a short hike – 150 meters high at best.
— “Are you sure ?”
I lifted an eyebrow playfully.
— “Darling, I’ve visited the ruins of a Cathare castle with stilettos with one hell of a rocky path. I think I can handle a little hill with boots.”
The nickname had escaped me without thinking, and I was glad he didn’t react badly except for an amused look.
— “Lead the way then, dear lady”
As we started towards the hill, passing through narrow streets and overhanging buildings, I couldn’t help but marvel that my long strides where not even a match for his.