
"Frances, this is Thomas, a good friend of mine"

Wide blue eyes greeted me, a kind face with a lopsided smile and the most gravity defying brown hair I'd ever seen. I offered my hand to shake, pleased with the open expression on the Dane's face – Thomas was born in Copenhagen. His two hands landed upon mine, giving me a gentle squeeze rather than a manly shake.

"It's nice to meet you, Frances"

His warmth surprised me, but again, the lines of his face reminded me of a teddy bear. I smiled genuinely when he released my fingers.

"Likewise. I heard a lot about you"

Thomas' eyebrows climbed upon his large forehead, his eyes turning to Tristan.

"Only good things, I hope"

My favourite actor lifted his hands innocently, and I rushed in to save him.

"Talent was a recurring word."

"Good", Thomas replied with a grin. "Let's get some drinks"