
When the children left at 10.30 pm, Lily and my companion had exchanged phone numbers. My heart was dancing with joy, I was so happy to see them get along so well. At fifteen, my daughter was a great woman in devenir, and having a friend a decade older might bring her some support. An ear to listen just as well without the weight and fear of disappointing a mother.

So when Frances crashed beside me on the sofa, I wasn’t expecting her next question.

“Did you want anymore children, Tristan ?”

I gave her a curious look.

“Where does that question come from ?”

“Lily asked for siblings”

I sighed, hiding my face in my hand. Ashamed, or flustered, I was unsure which emotion took precedence.

“I recognize my daughter”

“I asked her if she had wishes, she said she would send specifics later. I just put my veto on twins”