
She was breathtaking. So beautiful that I had trouble believing it. As I led her to the dancefloor under the main tent, her hand resting over my forearm like a lady of old, I couldn’t keep my heart from beating a double bass. Strangely, I still wasn’t used to seeing her, the woman of my dreams, clad in that ethereal dress that made her look like the fairy she was.

Even though she had stood by my side, facing me during the whole ceremony, I was still incredulous. Why had this queen of the forest accepted my suit? Had she really pledged her soul, her love, her body to me? Wild flowers in her deep reddish hair, ringlets topping her beautiful features, the rest of it falling down her graceful curves…

She was a vision. And I had eyes for no other. I knew Thomas would gently tease me for being out of sorts, but I couldn’t help wondering if I truly was awake.