ch. 2 exes and blowing whistles

a month later:

yoongi was in heaven. jimin and him started kind of a relationship. jimin even tend to stay at yoongis place, cause his appartment was far away. yoongis heart started to beat faster after he discovert jimins toothbrush and some clothes in his bathroom and his closet. he didnt mind when jimin borrowed some clothes from him too. with a happy whistle yoongi walked to his shop, jimin went alrady to his, he had to prepare flowers for a wedding and it was a lot to do. yoongi walked in and smiled to his "boyfriend". "morning. here your coffee" jimin almost ran up to him and took the coffee to his table, turned and hugged yoongi tightly. "morning" "how is it going?" jimin sighed and gave him a peck. "slowly, but its going" "dont overwork yourself! okay? do u want lunch later? i ll bring it to you" "oh, you are godsend! i must did a good deed in my previous life!" jimin smiled wide. yoongis eyes turned into hearts. he kissed him hard. "hm...dont get me into mood...have no time" "such a shame" yoongi murmured against jimins lips. jimin chuckled. "now go to your shop! i have tons of flowers to work on!" jimin shoved him to the door. yoongi still grinned the whole day. even his assistant looked curious at her boss. he was awfully happy. nobody could annoy him in any way. as promised, yoongi brought jimins lunch over and sat next to him. they always hang around either in the flowershop, or in the tattoo shop for their lunch break.

"can i come after u close? i think i know what i want" "u sure?" jimin nodded. "yeah. i made up my mind" "good, than i stay and wait for u" "thanks love" yoongi looked up. "love, huh?!" he grinned. "idiot"

jimin closed his door carefully and went into yoongis shop. "hey, i am here" "last room" jimin followed the voice and smiled. yoongi had already prepared everything, gloves and mask on, waiting for jimin. "still with your choice?" jimin nodded and threw his shirt in a corner. "lets do this" yoongi started his work. sometimes jimin flinshed or moaned, but in all, he sat bravely and quiet through it. yoongi cleaned the shoulder, peckt a kiss on it and gave jimin a handmirrow. "done? already?!" jimin shot up and looked at his new ornamentation on his skin. "it looks beautiful. thank u!" he smiled and kissed the artist. "u like it?" "so much!" yoongi smiled satisfied back. "u still know how to treat the wound?" jimin nodded and smirked. "we live together, u gonna pester me, if i wont!" "true" they stept out of the shop and were chatting about their day, while walking home. they had a shadow who followed them. hobi gritted his teeth. he had to find out who this guy was and why yoongi invited him to his home.

jimin took a shower, while yoongi cooked a late dinner. they would have two days off and had no plans yet. they ate and watched a movie. yoongi fell asleep after some minutes into it. jimin grinned, he was still astonished how fast yoongi would sign out when a movie started. he heaved him up and dragged him to the bed. "shower..." "i will wash u, but stay in bed, okay? i will strip u now" yoongi nodded sleepy. jimin got yoongi out of his clothes, he did now so often, that he could do it in absolute darkness. he starred at the sleeping yoongi and rubbed the skin with a wet cloth. *how funny! i never reacted so much to some others body or this love finally?* jimin sucked on his lips, he was certain that he found love for the first time. everything and everyone before was just flings and exchange of body fluids, but not sex. real sex he only expirienced with yoongi and he couldnt get enough. yoongi was perfect for him. smart, interesting, funny, lovely, caring, handsome, reliable, responsible, he stood with both feet on the ground, but was still flexible. he was sexy as hell, he smelt good and seductiv *shit shit shit! i am horny!* jimin cursed. *what now?* he glanced to his target, smirked. *he is already naked* jimin wet his lips and sucked yoongis chest down to his soft cock. jimins plan was to get this muscle hard in no time! his mouth worked on it, until the sleeping yoongi flinshed and whined in his sleep. jimin sighed with a full mouth. he didnt wanted to stop, but his hole was demanding action and attention! *how can he be still asleep???* jimin swallowed the desired cock and moved his hips right away. yoongi opened an eye. he was up since a few minutes, but wanted to know what jimin was up too. "u are taking me while i am asleep?" jimin yelped and almost fell from the lap. "wow u scared me!" yoongi smirked, sat up and rolled them over. "since i am up..." "sorry. got horny cleaning u" yoongi chuckled. "i can feel it" he wiggled with his hips, what made jimin moan and shut his eyes tight. "did u want that?" "i wanted u" "u have me" "no... i mean..u...i needed U!" yoongi was surprised and happy with jimins outburst. he even had tears in his eyes. yoongis heart hurt. jimin loved him! he really loved him! no bullshit anymore. HIM!

"dont cry baby! i love u too" yoongi whispered the last 4 words, what let jimins eyes opened wide and his tears ran down his face. "i...i dont know whats wrong with me...." yoongi smiled. "let me take care of u first" he trailed his pierced tongue over jimins skin, to the nipples, what made jimin moan loudly and gave him goosbumps all over, the steel ball graced down the abs, circuled the nable and down to the throbbing dick, what was extremly reddish, hard and wet. jimin was leaking for ever now and wanted relief, but yoongi wasnt done with him. with a swift and hard squeeze, he denied him the orgasm. jimin whined and his body trembled violantly. "yoongi....please!" he pleaded. "wait a bit" "noooooo..." yoongi smirked. after jimin calmed down a bit, yoongi pressed the steel ball into the little hole of the tip, circuled it on the velvet flesh and harshly sucked it. jimin saw stars. he arched his torso perfectly up and gave yoongi the best sound he ever heard. amazed he tried it right again. the tortured dick leaked more and twitched now without a break, yoongi decided to ease jimins "pain", he deepthroated him fast and after some sucks, finally jimin came with a loud growl. exhausted he tried to catch his breath. yoongi hoovered over him and starred in his face. jimins eyes fluttered open. "haaa....that was..." "...not all" yoongi smirked, turned jimin on the side, spread his cheeks and slowly slit his cock in. jimin moaned loudly again, tilted his head back. "yoongi..." yoongi gritted his teeth and slowly thrusted deep in and out. the accompanying wet slapping sounds were firing him on to do his best and/or his worst. jimin had no voice anymore. his hoarse moans, whines and screams got more quiet by the second. yoongi pulled jimin on his back and continued his doing. jimin watched his face in focus, he wanted to see him come in his arms. everytime when he wanted to see that face, yoongi made him hit his high always first, so jimins eyes were closed, but not now. *not now! not this time!* his brain yelled when he felt his new orgasm raising fast up, trying to overwhelm his whole beeing. jimins fought hard to stay focused on yoongis face, he felt yoongis cock twitch in him, he knew it was time. with all the strength he had left, jimin held on and finally was rewarded. yoongis expressions were even hotter than he expected. yoongi came with a loud whimper, his forehead on jimins and panted hard. but he still thrusted into jimin, he knew he didnt came yet. "jimin?" jimin nodded and focused now on his release. within seconds he let himself go. exhausted together they layed next to each other. yoongi turned his head to jimin and shook it. "what was that? why didnt u just come?" jimin chuckled. "i wanted to see your face" "huh?" "u always see my face when i hit my high, but i never saw yours" "oh... yeah thats right...u are crazy" they both laught. "can we sleep now?" yoongi kissed jimin again. "yeah, i let u sleep now. dont worry, i wont try things again" "u always can try things, baby"

yoongi woke up and rubbed his morning wood on jimins butt. this felt so good. jimin moved in his sleep. yoongi had to smile and trailed kisses onto his shoulders and neck. jimins movements became more sexy and yoongi gently shoved his cock in. with a whine jimin woke up. "morning love" "morning....oh...yeah...right there" "arent u sore from yesterday?" "doesnt matter, u are already in!" yoongi chuckled. the sex was quick, but intense. "will u carry me to the shower?" jimin held his arms up for yoongi to pull him out of bed. yoongi carried him under the shower and switched the water on. together they cleaned themselves.

they spent the day strolling around the art museum, ate in a resturant and did some shopping. jimin noticed that they were observed. wondering who and why, jimin nodged yoongi and pointed to the stranger. yoongi sighed and faked a smile. "hey hobi" "hey! what are u doing here?" "shopping?" "its just, i never saw u here before." they stayed silent for a bit and awkward. "okay, was nice to see you, we need to get some stuff. bye hobi" yoongi waved at him, held jimins hand and walked away. hobis eyes got big. that was a unpleasent surprise! yoongi, his yoongi, was together with somebody else, but not with him! anger and jealousy hit him.

"who was that?" "hobi, customer. comes often" "he likes u" yoongi glanced at jimin. "hm...i know. he is flirtig with me for ages" "but... u never had..." yoongi shook his head. "never! u should know, chim! remember?" jimin laught. "yeah i remember" "dont worry babe" "i am not worry about u, i am worry about him" "huh? why?" "he was not happy" yoongi shrugged his shoulders. "dont care" as they went along chatting, yoongi got tapped on his shoulder from behind. yoongi flinshed when he noticed who it was. jimin wasnt so keen. "tae" yoongis voice was low. tae smiled big and huged his ex. with a nod he aknowledged jimins presence. yoongi tensed up. he shoved tae away and immidiatly took jimins hand. tae looked at the tangelt hands and smiled at them. "congrats! since when are u two together?" "since a few months. thanks. i am jimin" "hi i am tae" he suddenly waved to somebody behind them. yoongi and jimin turned their heads to the direction. "thats kook. my partner" tae explained. "oh, good for u, tae" yoongi raised a brow. a bit ashamed tae trippelt with his feet. "yeah...ahmmm...sorry yoongi. i really am. i was an asshole, big one" yoongi noded. "its okay tae... just dont do it again" tae shook his head. "never! i... i have kook and.. u know, we get married next year." "really?! wow! thats great!" "taehyung!" this kook yelled. tae laught and told them goodbye.

yoongi looked at jimin. "wow... cant belive it" jimin wrapped his arm around yoongis waist and pulled him closer. "sometimes there are miracles!" he grinned. yoongi sighed and also wrapped his arm around jimin, he kissed his cheek and pressed his nose into jimins hair. "did i told u today how beautiful u are?" jimin scoffed. "oh really?! how beautiful?" yoongi chuckled "the most one of the world" "wow. u are blind with love" "yes, i am" jimin smiled and kissed him. "i love u too"

"did u unpack everything?" "no, why? never really had the time for it and i am not really there" "than it only would take a day" "what?" "u are moving completly to my house" "huh?" "jimin. u are practicly living with me" "u really wanna do that?!" yoongi nodded. "okay"

hobi couldnt look away, the whole time he watched them. he saw them kiss and hug. hobi cursed. he hated jimin!

yoongi huffed and took a break. "what the hell u have in this boxes?!" "stuff...oh books!" they moved jimins things to yoongi apartment and were almost done. they fell onto the sofa and sighed. "uff... i really have a lot of stuff" jimin looked surprised. "yeah. u have. i think we should look for a bigger place for us" "no, i wanna stay here. its so cosy" "one day we have too." "why? wanna have pets?!" "or kids" jimin froze. "u want kids? u know we need to be married for that" "i know" jimin just starred at him. "what are u..." "jimin, i think we should stay together and i mean it. i need u" jimin furrowed his brows. "if thats a proposal then u are not doing a good job!" yoongi grinned. "sorry... i am not good at it" "yeah, not really romantic" "i never proposed before! so be nice! here - ring" he shoved the small box into jimins face. "yoongi! get on one knee and ask me propperly!" jimin demanded. yoongi sighed, he kneeled on both knees, opened the box and held jimins hand. "park jimin, love of my life, will u please make me the happiest and luckiest guy and marry me? please?!" jimin giggled and wiped the tears away. he nodded. yoongi kissed him hard and put his ring on. "u too" he held his own ring to jimin. "sorry! of course!" jimin slid the ring over yoongis finger. "are u sure?!" yoongi kissed his nose. "absolutley. u?" "100% sure" "we are engaged?! wow!"

next day:

yoongi was glowing. he was happy as hell. he even didnt get annoyed that hobi had again an appointment. "u look...happy" "i am" "is it because of him?" yoongi smiled and nodded. "his name is jimin" hobi gulped, he stayed silent for some moments. "do u love him?" he soflty asked. "he is my everything" "wow... i cant belive that. i tried so hard for months to get u and he only snapt his fingers and u agreed to everything?!" "sorry hobi, but it is what it is. i love him and he loves me. we are getting married." "what?! are u fucking kidding me?!" "no" hobi scoffed. after yoongi was done with his tattoo, hobi grabbed his arms and pulled him close. "u should give me at least a kiss as a goodbye gift." yoongi furrowed his brows. "hobi..." hobi pressed his lips onto him. yoongi struggled to get him off. he wiped his mouth and looked angry at hobi. "never do that again! i am taken!" hobis head hung down. "it was just for closure. i wish u a great life, but give me a call, when the pink princess throws u out, okay?!" yoongi shook grinning his head. "bye suga" "suga is the shop. its yoongi" hobi smiled big and walked out. yoongi sighed and yelped out, when he heard jimins voice. "we are engaged since yesterday and u already kissed another man!" "i did not! he kissed me!" "doesnt matter" "jimin..." jimin grinned wide and hugged him. "do u have another client?" "no" "do u think i should get a nipple ring, like u?" yoongi looked puzzelt. "u want a nipple piercing?" jimin nodded. yoongi sighed and rubbed with his thump, over jimins shirt, the right nipple. "hm... i love your soft nipples..." he almost whined. jimin smirked. "so no piercing?" yoongi nodded and kissed him again, more hungry now. "is still somebody out there?" "only your assistant" yoongi left jimin and yelled to his assistant "u can go home! bye!" they looked at each other and smiled. jimin sucked on yoongis neck and stroked the cock, his hand already deep into the black jeans. yoongi had to bite on his underlip to silence his moans. jimin did a hellish good job and he knew it. finally they were alone, yoongi locked his door, came back and grabbed jimins hair with one hand and the other was on the neck. jimin smirked, he succeeded in waking up the beast. he inhaled deep and pushed the sexmonster onto the narrow lounger, ripped the jeans off and stroked him slowly. jimin sat onto yoongis thighs and smirked at him. "what is on your mind?" yoongis voice was husky. jimin only shook with a smile his head. he licked his lips and pulled yoongis cock out of his boxers. he leaned forward and his tongue touched every fiber of it, every vene, every centimeter was captured and moistered. yoongi was on the edge of insanity. "jimin..." he let out nice sounds. jimin smirked develish and deepthroated him. yoongi hadnt any time anymore to breath. this was too good. with two hands he pressed him down more and hissed due to the feeling. "wanna fuck me?" yoongi nodded and sat up. "how u want it?" yoongi got from the bed, yanked jimins clothes off his body, pressed his face onto the thin wall, kneeled down and tonguefucked the already wet hole. jimins whines and moans were fuel for yoongis doing. the metall rubbed perfectly in and out on jimins hole, the tongue went in deep, teeth and lips graced and sucked perfectly on the rim. one of yoongis hands stroked jimins dick with the same rythm. jimin didnt know anymore if he should scream or explode out of pleasure?! "YOONGI!!!" he yelled. yoongi smirked, left the tortured hole and pressed his cock hard in. without giving them any adjustment, he went a fast and harsh pace. jimin lost his mind, he could only press out sounds, he wasnt capable anymore for anything else! yoongi buried his teeth into jimins shoulder and bit so hard, that he made the skin bleed. jimin yelled out and his juice decorated the black wall. his body was still shaken, until yoongi growled out loud and filled jimin up to the brim. his body trembled and he held jimin tight, pulled out and jimin to the bed. "i cant stand or walk properly!" yoongi grinned tired. "i will carry u if i have to" "i am afraid u will have to...idiot!" jimin layed down exhausted. "hey chim?" "yeah?" "will u still blow me when we are married?!" jimin chuckled. "if u still gonna eat me out?!" yoongi grinned wide.