ch 3. moving and old friends

few months later:

jimin had a lot to do. by chance out of all flower shops in the city, they came into his and ordered their wedding flower arrangements.

"its really funny that we landet here. but u really have the most beautiful arrangements we have seen so far." tae smiled wide.

jimin sighed, he could see what made yoongi attracted to him, such a great smile. "baby can we have golden lillys?! they would look so good!" kook was walking excited around and wrote down the flowers he liked. tae smiled wide again and nodded. "yeah, all what u want baby."

jimin tilted his head, he wondered if tae was top with kook, but bottom with yoongi, or.... "no way!" he whispered. tae turned to him and smirked. "no way? what u wanna know?" jimins cheeks got red. "uhm....nothing..."

he looked to kook, than back to him. tae crossed his arms and leaned on the table. "come on, normally u never meet the ex, u can ask me out about your boyfriend!" jimin glanced to kook and came close.

"was yoongi.... u know.. top in your relationship?!" tae smirked again. "we switched" "oh..." jimin was surprised. "u never done it like this?" jimin shook his head. "never thought of it, to be honest." "u should try. kookie and i always switch. makes the bedtime excited and not boring" "than why did u cheat?" tae gave him a sad smile. "i was too stupid to understand what i had. i was selfish and just wanted to get my kick. and in the progress hurt somebody who gave me everything i wanted. but i learned my lesson the hard way. i wont do such mistakes again." tae sighed and smiled lightly.

"yeah cause u get married. thats huge!" "u soon too, i see" tae pointed to jimins finger. "yeah, i cant belive my luck. i really love him" jimin smiled shy. tae tapped his shoulder. "congrats anyway, so baby? u have everything?" kook came around the corner with his arms full of flowers. "i think i have the combination i wanted!" "thats a bit much" jimin murmured.

the day was busy and jimin was tired when he finally closed his door and walked across to yoongis "the suga tattoo". he got in silently, smied at the assistant, who said goodbye and walked out. jimin knew that yoongi would be in the last stall. as he walked closer, he heard surpressed low moans from it.

shocked jimin pressed his ear onto the thin door and listend. yeah, it was his partner moaning in there! slowly he opend the door and peeked in. he saw yoongi on his chair, stroking his cock. in relief jimin sighed out. he thought of cheating!

he smirked, sat down on the narrow lounger and coughed. yoongi yelped and jumpt from his seat. he turned and saw a devlish smiling jimin. "u scared me!" he complaint. jimin giggelt from his expression.

"why are u jerking yourself here off? u have me at home!" "dont wanna over use u... i guess" he smirked back. "u know u are an idiot....why arent we inangurate your new piercing? we waited 6 weeks now!" "oh are u tired getting eaten out every day?!" yoongi looked amused.

jimin came close and pressed his forehead on his. "no i love it and i am really thankfull, but i need your cock" yoongi grinned. "shame, i liked to make u crazy with my tongue and fingers" "but i couldnt repay the favors" "hm....we really could celebrate today!"

jimin looked happy. "are u sure? is all healed up?" he leaned back to look down on yoongis cock. the new piercing sparkled in the light, right on the tip. jimin had to lick his lips. with lustfull eyes he looked into yoongis. "why are u looking so hungry, when u had it every day?" "first: not every day and second: ...sorry but your cock is a cock and tongue and fingers arent the real deal after weeks"

he arched into yoongis body and fondled his cock. yoongi had to groan "hmmmm...that sounds nice...i missed to tease and touch u there." "u agreed to the prince albert!" "yeah, didnt realized that we have to wait for so long!" jimin whined and yoongi chuckled.

he closed his eyes, jimin was determind to make him come. "do u want my hand or my mouth?" jimin whispered. yoongi inhaled deep and smirked, his thump trailed jimins lips. jimin smiled, he understood.

he kneeled down and immidiatly sucked him. the new piercing made him play a lot with his tongue on it, he really liked the new toy! yoongi hissed loudly, this felt so much better! jimin did a hellish good job, yoongi was really into it, he thought to himself that the new piercing was a gread idea! jimin seemed to like to play with it and it gaves him so much more pleasure.

"jimin! dont make me come!" jimin looked up. "why?" "i thought u wanna feel it inside?" eagerly jimin shot up and hastly got out of his pants. yoongi looked big eyed and tilted his head.

"wow, u really missed the cock..." jimin nodded "where and how u want me?" "how about ride me?" yoongi layed on the lounger and watched jimin climb on his lap. he turned to the small table and got some vaseline he had for his work. "go on all 4. i ll prep u." jimin hovert over him and smiled at him, yoongi stucked his fingers into his hole and thrusted. jimins hole got wet in no time and clenched against yoongis fingers tightly.

he moaned faster and louder, yoongi slipt them out and held jimins hips. "come on!" jimin smirked and teased him with his hips. "ooohhh is somebody horny and unpatient?" "jimin!" yoongi growled. jimin giggled and sighed as he sat down slowly on the cock. "oh that feels so gooooood! i really missed it!"

yoongi bit his underlip and thrusted upwards. jimin got the hint and moved too. "oh i like the piercing!" yoongi smirked. "that was the idea!" jimin intensified his thrusts and they came together and layed still. "that was fast...." yoongi stated.

jimin giggled. "u should take this as a compliment! and we didnt do it for a long time!" yoongi sighed and kissed jimins head, who was on his shoulder.

"we should go home and try it there again, what u think?" jimin tilted his head up to look at him and grinned. "we surely should do that!" "u are such a greedy needy boy!" "only for u and food" yoongi laught.

next day:

the couple sat on their breakfast table. they found a bigger place and moved in 2 months ago. yoongi read the papers, jimin made notes for a new flower delivery. "oh shit, i forgot to tell u! my old friend joon will start to work with me today!" "oh..." "i have so much work, i need help" "u dont have to explain, u know" jimin smiled at him. "i will introduce him to you later. u will like him!" "okay, i ll come for lunch"

yoongi was excited to see his old friend again. they were friends since highschool and started to practice drawing and tattooing. they seperated ways, when yoongi opend his own shop and joon travelled around the world to get much inspiration he could get for his work. finally the day came that they met again.

yoongi could hear the motor from far away, he grinned. typical joon! with a loud sound he came around the corner and stopt his harley right in front of yoongis shop. jimin got out of his, due to the noise and stood there with an open mouth. yoongi smiled wide and welcomed his friend.

"joon!" "yoongi!" they hugged. "u look good! how is your sexlife?!" he smirked and winked at yoongi. "i am getting married in a few months!" he grinned proudly. joon smacked his shoulder hard. "thats my boy! so ... that guy tae, is it?" "oh sorry, u are not up to date. lets get inside, i gonna tell u all" yoongi pulled him into his shop. they chatted about their last few years and made plans for the future of the shop.

jimin was a bit nervous when he stept into yoongis shop, he greeted the assistant and walked into the stall. "hey, i brought u lunch" he smiled at yoongi and his friend.

yoongi stood up, layed his arm around jimins waist and kissed his cheek. "joon, this is jimin" "oh the famous jimin, who snatched the cold monster away! congrats by the way!" jimin smiled big and sat down to them. they ate lunch and chatted. "where are u gonna stay, joon?" joon shrugged his shoulder. "dont know yet, but will find something"

jimin looked at yoongi and nudged him. yoongi looked surprised at him and pouted. "of course u can stay at our place, until u find your own" joon smiled and slapped yoongis arm again. "thanks man" yoongi scrunched his face due to the pain and nodded. "sure" yoongi walked jimin to his shop.

"chim... u know... its gonna get hard to have joon around..." "why?" "we cant have sex everywhere we want to and have to be quiet if we have some..." "oh.. shit! i didnt think of that... ooohhh, we just got over the 6 weeks without it...curse my mouth!" "wont do that, i love your mouth!" he wiggled his brows. "yoongi!" "hm... and we have to change location too." "huh?" "no longer in my shop" jimin rolled annoyed his eyes. "shit! so we still have mine!" "i knew u will come up with a solution" "idiot!"

joon liked his room in yoonmins apartment. he sighed happy and unpacked his things. he liked jimin, he sounded and looked like a keeper and joon was happy for yoongi.

he had some bad luck in the past with his lovers and it was good to see, that he was finally lucky. now it was on him to find happieness too. he needed someone like jimin.

they sat together for dinner. joon told some funny stories from his travels and enjoyed the atmosphere around him. "are u dating someone, joon?" joon shook his head. "funny u asked. i just thought today, that i should get somebody too for myself" "do u have a preference?" "a sassy one whould be good, who can stand up to my shit"

yoongi chuckled. "why are u laughing?" "the only one who was able to deal with your so called shit, was always jin!" "oh, yeah... jin.. i almost forgot him. what is he up to lately?" yoongi raised a brow.

"do u really wanna hook up with jin out of convenience?" "noooo, i just wana see him again" "aha... i will take this for the truth" joon only grinned at them. "did u had something with him in the past?" "no. we were just ..." " an old married couple! they were so annoying!" yoongi tuned in. "yeah... kinda true"

yoongi called jin to come over to his shop, he didnt told him that joon was back. so the surprise on jins face was big.

"wow... i almost didnt recognized u! u got some ... interesting tattoos and wow! metall everywhere!" joon smirked. that was the jin he knew. "hey wife! nice to see u again! did u cheat on me?" jin smirked back and punshed his arm. "owww!" "of course i cheated! u were away for years! like a sailor and as like it, probably had a lover in every harbor! i hope u didnt get any stds!" joon looked amused. "u would like that huh? for your information, i can take care of myself and there is this great invention called condom" "i should take u to a doctor for tropical diseases too." joon sighed annoyed.

"shut up or i will give u some of my bugs!" "i dare u come close to me!" joon smirked and chased a screaming jin around, until yoongi pulled those two apart and looked pissed. "this is a serious establishment, if u wanna behave like children, than get out!" jin and joon looked at each other and started to giggel. yoongi rolled his eyes and let them go.

jimin got a surprised visit from his love. "what are u doing here?" "should i go back?" jimin laught and fastly hugged him. "no, i am just surprised, i thought i would see u in the evening. dont u have a ton of work?" yoongi sighed and hugged him back tightly. "joon and jin driving me crazy" "oh..." jimin giggled.

"so u need some quiet place?" yoongi nodded. he closed his eyes and inhaled the familiar scent. "and i wanted to see u. i missed u" "yoongi... i was there with the lunch...thats just a few hours ago."

yoongi smirked and tilted his head back to look at him. "missed u" he kissed him. "oh... that miss!" now jimin smirked. "can u lock your door for some minutes?" yoongi whispered. "u are kidding me, right?...." jimin looked outside and sighed. "u are really unbeliveble!" "u complained about the 6 weeks sexfree."

jimin rolled his eyes, pulled himself away and turned around. yoongi held his arm and shoved him back to him. "dont leave me" "yoongi...." he got cut off by yoongis kisses. yoongi knew which buttons to press to get jimin turned on and it worked everytime. "ooooohhh....shit.... lets get into that corner..... hurry!"

yoongi smirked and pulled him far back of the shop behind a lot of shelfs full of flowers and pots. jimin almost ripped yoongis jeans appart, than yanked his own down, with his underwear. they never left their mouths, so jimins words came out muffled.

"what?" yoongi backed away to get air and to give jimin the chance to speak clearly. "i asked if u wanna change positions one day" "like what? wanna try kamasutra?" he grinned. "idiot! i mean... u know.... me top?" now yoongi looked shocked. "u wanna top me?! for real?!" "only if u want me too" "where is this coming from?"

jimin sighed and leaned against the shelf. "taehyung was here with kook. we talked...." "oh!... yeah.. so he told u some bedstories about us?!" "only cause he saw my face, when i wondered who of them was top or bottom." yoongi also leaned back on the wall, ruffled his hair and sighed big.

"oh damn jimin.... hm.... yeah we switched from time to time." jimin just looked at him. "if u wanna top me sometimes, i wont say no, okay" "are u sure? i never thought of it tho... just when tae explained... i ... wondered, if u miss that and wanna do it. i wanna give u everything, u know?! everything u need and want!"

Yoongi smiled, he leaned forward and kissed him deep. "u are all i need and want. dont get yourself a headache. we will do what we want when we want it, okay?!" jimin gave only a whimper out and held him very tight.

joon looked around. it was quiet today. nothing really to do, only some piercings. he got bored and looked at his watch. jin would come in the evening. joon asked him too. yoongi wasnt around and joon had an idea where he was.

he stood up, told the assistant he would be back soon and walked to the flowershop. silently he walked in, closed the door and immidiatly heard moans. joon grinned, scubbed closer to the corner and peeked through flowers. he saw yoongi and jimin, naked down from the hips, jimin heaved up in yoongis lap, his back pressed against the wall, his arms around yoongis neck, yoongi standing, his hands on jimins butt, his face in jimins neck, moaning and growling and fucking the life out one another.

joon had to admit, jimin really gave out some nice erotic sounds! "oohhhh right there, dont stop...hmmmmmm!" joon felt hot by the sounds they made, he walked back as silent as he came in and outside needed to take a big breath. "damn! ... shit i have a boner"

"can u do me a favour jinie?" "u know i hate that nickname!" "why? its only me whos calling u that" jin crossed his arms and pouted. "i still hate it... where is yoongi?" "i thought i should give them some alone time for some fucking" "joon!" joon grinned.

"since when u are so prude princess?!" "since when i am a princess?! what u want anyway?" "can u get naked and lay on the lounger?!" jin looked at him. "huh?!" "remember when i used your body for my drawings back in the day?" "oh.... yeah remember... but why u need it now?" "i have a big project the next few days and i need to know if my concept fits and the proportions are okay" "okay... i have nothing else to do tho..."

he pulled his sweater over his head and got naked in no time. joon looked big eyed. "what?!" "just....its ages since i last saw u bareskinned....u look a bit diffrent" "of course! i grew up, so should u" he smirked. "ass....but u look good, princess" "this princess can whoop your ass in no time! and i know! i sometimes exercise"

"sometimes?!" joon chuckled. "i wonder were all the food is going to, u stuffed in today" he scant jin up and down. jin didnt mind, it looked as he enjoyed joons eyes on him. "u just said u like my body, so stop bitching around." joon slapped jins butt. "get on the bed"

jin grinned and sat down. "which side u wanna start on?" "the back" jin layed onto his tummy. joons hands roamed around jins skin. "still soft and smooth" jin turned his head to him. "oh yeah! i dare u to use a permanent marker again! u know what happend the last time!" joon looked surprised and laught out loud. "oh my god! i remember! hey! that was an honest mistake! i just mixed up the colours! and u got rid of it eventually!"

jin slapped joons head. "are u shitting me?! i had to walk around with the most hidious tattoos of all time for weeks! i had to scrub myself bloody to get it off! my wonderfull skin!" "look! normal pens!" jin scoffed and layed down again. "lets do it" joon grinned and opend the caps of his colourfull pens.

with swift movements he started to draw onto jins skin. they chatted occasionally while joon worked. jin liked the feeling of the soft pen onto his body, also joons hands were heavenly too. sometimes he had to shiver, sometimes he had to surpress some moans too, thanks to certain areas, joon was on.

joon drew the buttcheeks and coloured them full out. he had to lick his lips and focused on his doing, not on jins nice round rosey buttcheeks. they were the worst and best distraction for him, until now.

joon sighed big. jin leaned his head on his crossed arms and was relaxed and excited. "can u turn around?" joon voice was right next to his ear, whispering in it and gave him goosebumps.

jin turned slowly, he forgot that he was quiet half hard by now. joon saw it, bit his lips and tried to ignore it. he continue his doing on jins delicate neck and chest. around the nipples, jin couldnt hold his moans in anymore. this felt surprisingly too good. joon didnt smile, he looked serious.

"sorry, i am sensitive here" "no worries.... u should hear my clients when i pierce them there" he tried to focus on the drawings again, but jin made it very hard to do so. he came down the abs and nudged by accident the now full hard dick of jin. with a surprised and shocked face he looked at it, than up to him.

"u...u are hard..." "shut up!" "but..." "i said shut up!" he tried to get up from the lounger, but joon suddenly pressed him back on it. "where u think u going? i am not done!" "joon... i have a little problem and need to take care of it" "little hm..?" he grinned.

jin slapped his head again. "let me go, please? its embarrassing" "when was the last time u got touched by someone other than yourself?" with his words he took some vaseline and started to touch jins dick. jin flinshed and tried to yank joons hand away.

"not your business. let go, namjoon!" "no u let go, so we can finished it" "wha.....oooohhhh fuuuuuckk!" jin moaned out loudly. his coloured body trembled violently and he arched up. "relax jin" "cant....feels too good!" joon had to chuckle. an idea popped up in his mind.

since he saw yoonmin today he had some ideas. "jin? can u turn on your tummy and heave up your hips?" "hm?" "i wont hurt u. i just wanna give u some more" jin huffed, turned and got on his knees, upperbody pressed on the bed. "thanks, like this" joon was now fully infront of a nice pinkish hole. with the drool in his mouth, joon leaned in and licked over it.

jin flinshed and looked to him. "what...." joon grabbed jins hips hard to lock him there and again licked on the hole. "joon?!" joon sucked harshly on it, what made jin yelp out. he gave out some nice whines. with his salvia, joon created slurping sounds, which made him aroused beyond he ever thought he could get.

his tongue thrusted deep in and out, he didnt need to jerk jin anymore. jins mantra of "joon" echoed through the shop. with hooded eyes joon got up, got his pants loose, shoved his boxers down, put the rest of the vaseline onto his already throbbing cock and pulled jins hips from the bed, he positioned himself and with one harsh thrust, buried his cock into the hole.

jin arched up, joon trailed his hand from jins chest up to his neck, around the adams apple and held him there. his mouth was on jins ear and as he thrusted he gave jin some dirty talk.

yoongi stood under the shower and felt relieved under the hot water. jimin came in and stept next to him. he kissed yoongis shoulders. "hmm... today was nice" yoongi whisperd. "yeah... are u tired?" yoongi shook his head. "no not now.... chim?" "hm?" "can u clean me?" "okay" he squirted some shower gel in his hand and started to rubb yoongis back. "i mean there" jimin followed yoongis hand down to his ass.

jimins eyes got big. "there? ... why?" yoongi turned and smirked at him. "i thought we try today" "oh... are u sure?" yoongi kissed him. "okay, u are.... but i am not so sure" "why? dont u think u can do it?" "i dont know... but i will try. dont be mad if its not good" yoongi chuckled and kissed the tip of jimins nose. "i wont i promise, if we are not getting where we want to, we switch again, okay?!"

jimin nodded, yoongi turned again and gentle jimin started to clean his insides. "do it harder" "really? okay" he thrusted now with more force and was surprised by the moans yoongi gave out. "am i doing it right?" "yeah... i think we should get to the bed" as they layed in bed, jimin truned his head to him. "yoongi, can u.. sit on my face? i could suck and finger u at the same time" yoongi really had to contain himself from laughing. how innocent his love looked, but how dirty he talked.

with a fat grinn he heaved up, hoovert over jimin and positioned his cock right above him. "yeah like that" with it jimin started to stroke and suck on yoongis cock, the other hand, covert in lube, fingered him. with time yoongi thrusted his hips too, he felt amazing. his love was good in everything and he couldnt wait to let him fuck him for the first time.

jimin felt his fingers got squeezed by the walls around, he knew from his own body, that it was time. with a loud smack he left yoongis cock and shoved him onto his back. "do u want it front or behind?" "u decide" "front" yoongi smirked. "u want to see my face huh?" "why not?" jimin smirked back, layed inbetween his legs and bit his lips. "i start okay?" yoongi nodded. with that jimin gently pressed his own dick into the hole. he saw yoongis face scrunched up and held all movements.

"why did u stop?" yoongi opened his eyes. "u are in pain" "dont bother, keep going!" "but..." "jimin!" with a sigh jimin started again to press his dick into yoongi and didnt stop until he was inside. with a deep breath both smiled and looked at each other. "done, now move. make me crazy!"

jimin giggled, looked down to their crotches and started to thrust in and out. *god this feels good!* jimins thoughts raced trough his mind, he liked how yoongi felt inside. *this is how he feels when he is in me.. wow* with seconds he got faster and harsher. he couldnt stop anymore and yoongis moans werent any help either to slow down.

yoongi just felt good, he knew jimin would make it! oh boy how much he liked that. jimin was ramming now like a maniac and tried to stab the certain area he also loved inside. with the next thrust, yoongi jolt up and jimin knew he found his.

with no mercy he started to abuse the spot. "ooohhhhh.... jimin! JIMIN!!!" yoongi held him tight, but jimin didnt stop. he chased his own high and yoongis. with open eyes he watched yoongi became undone greatly and sighed when it hit him too.

joon was riding his orgasm out and helped after it to get jin onto the narrow bed again. heavy panting they looked at each other. joon was still confused. why did this happen? did he dreamed it? how the hell will this effect their long friendship?

"are u regretting it?" joon just still looked at him. jin smiled. "u made me really your wife... asshole" the asshole brought joon back from his trance. "wife.... i fucked u like one, yeah.... are u hurt? sorry i got lost" jin sat up and scoffed. "u got lost?! what should i say?" "sorry, jin.." "so i just had to fuck with u and u would shut up about all the nicknames u gave me?! oh great! we should have done it years ago!" jin mocked.

"dont put this into nonsense, dont make fun of it!" joon looked pissed. jin gulped and looked surprised. "i dont wanna make fun of it... i just dont know how to act, okay?" he explained. joon ripped some tissue out of a box and started to clean jin. "sorry i spilled all on u" "more in me... didnt u told me something about condoms?" he smiled at him.

"jin..." joon growled as a warning. "just confirm that u forgot to put one on" "i did, sorry" "stop saying sorry!" now jin growled. "okay" they stayed silent until all what proofed their entcounter was gone. jin noticed that joon was agitated, he knew he was fighting with his mind and it made him sad.

with blinking he tried to get the water out of his eyes. he didnt wanted to break down right here infront of joon. he started to dress again when he hissed in pain. "are u okay? where does it hurt? tell me!" "just my ass" jin was angry. "and dont dare to say u are sorry, cause i am not, okay? i liked it! it was great, it was amazing and i came so hard, i never did so" joon backed away due to jins outbreak. "okay... great....i drive u home" "good" they sat on joons bike and drove off.