ch 4. desires, heartbreak and a wedding

yoongi stretched his body and opened his door. it was still early, but he wanted to have a quiet morning to get ready for his busy day. he was surprised to see joon in it. "morning, what are u doing here?!"

joon looked up with a dark face. "needed some time for my own to think.... morning" he rubbed his tired face. yoongi gave him his own coffee and sat down. "spill it out" joon sipped the dark beverage and avoided eye contact. "i... i fucked jin" he almost whispered. "u what? oh boy!" yoongi laught out.

confused and pissed joon looked at him. "why are u laughing? its awful! its horrible! i fucked one of my oldest and best friends!" "soory, joonie.....but at least jin got what he wanted since highschool!" he pressed out between laughs.

joon looked more confused. "what? he wanted it?" yoongi shook his head. "man u are thick! jin liiiiikes u since u know each other! the poor guy! how much heartache u gave him with all your affairs! how many times i had to console him. u really are cruel, joon" joon listend to all and hid his face in his hands. "god.... i didnt know! why didnt u gave me a clue? i always thought .... i dreamed about us sometimes through out the years... i.. shit. i hurt him again, yoongles"

yoongi sighed and stood up, he tapped joons shoulder and walked to the door. "u should apologize and made up your mind. or u will lose him forever." with a grinn yoongi started to prepare for his appointments. after some moments he heard joon "i drive to jin! see ya later" yoongi grinned wider.

without obeying the streetlaw, joon raced to jins home and pressed the bell like an idiot. with a red face out of anger and sleep, jin yanked his door open and stood infront of joon. "what the fuck joon! its only 7 in the mor...." joon shoved jin inside and grabbed his hair, tilted his head and kissed the life out of him.

they danced blind around jins hall to the livingroom, where joon pressed him against the sofa. finally, to get air, he left jins lips. "what is this...joon?... wha..." "shut up. i am sorry it took me so long" he trailed his tongue over his underlip. jins eyes were fixed on it. "took u so long for what?" "yoongi told me. why didnt u say a word?"

jin looked away and took a breath. "doesnt matter... it was other times..." "i would never teased u with all the nicknames" "i liked how they called us parents or u said wife to me.... but it made my hopes up" "thats what i meant. i hurt u without knowing it!" "are u pissed? why are u pissed?!" he furrowed his brows.

"cause we could start this so much earlier and i wouldnt have gone." "but.... uff joonie...lets not fight about this, okay?" joon nodded and eagerly smashed his lips onto his again. "hmmmmmm" "where is your bed?" joon whispered. "my butt still hurts" "i will be gentle" "do u wanna get all the lost opportunitys in one go now?! that would kill me!" joon chuckled and heaved him up. "we can try, but i think we have time, a lot of now"

they were invided to a party on the weekend and met there. jimin looked surprised, seeing joon and jin smooching and holding hands. he nudged in secret yoongi and pointed at them. yoongi grinned. "its a very long story in the making... finally. i never thought it would ever happen" he said into jimins ear, due to the loud music.

"u have to tell me everything!" yoongi nodded and backhugged him, shoving both to the bar. "lets get something to drink!" "u are driving us home!" "just one glass, okay?" "okay. than i can get drunk!" he grinned to yoongi.

the party was fully going, jimin was forcing yoongi to dance, joon and jin were sitting on some sofas and watched people to mock about, jimins drunkness got further and further. after a while yoongi took the drunk boy to a quiet corner of the club. "stay here, i get u a coffee and water!" jimin tried to nod, but failed.

yoongi walked away, jimin sat against a wall tried not to barf all the liquid out he got in, when he felt an arm pulling him up again. "yooonnniieee???" "come, i will help u" jimin leaned against the other body and let him guide him to another location of the club. the music faded and the brightness let jimin blink. they stood in a unfamiliar hallway,

jimin was leaned on the wall and he felt hands on his body. he smiled a bit and moaned against the neck of the other. "yoooonnniiieee.... fug meeee" he heard snickers. his pants got open, a hand snaked in and stroked him harshly. "owwww....brudal...." the touches got violent, the kisses hard, jimins drunk mind didnt like that.

he started to try to shove the other off of him, but thanks to the alcohol, he was too weak. "noooooooo... don... yooonnniiii stooob iiidddd" tears started to ran down, he blinked up and in shock recognized it wasnt yoongi! "stop restisting! show me what u got, that made yoongi fall for u, u twat!" it was hobi. jimins restistance became more desperate.

"leave meee allllon! ged away!" "show me. what are u doing huh? whats your secret in bed?!" hobi yanked jimins pants down, grabbed the dick harshly, pinched his sensitive nipples. "u got no piercings. intresting. i thought he would mark u all over" jimin yelped out.

yoongi stood there with water and coffee and looked to an empty spot. where the fuck was jimin? he looked to the dancefloor, but nothing. with the beverages he walked to joon and jin. "did u see jimin?" they shook their heads. "we help u" they walked into diffrent directions.

joon got lost. he didnt know anymore where the hell he was. he opened random doors and now stood in a hallway and saw a couple, making out.

with a grinn he wanted to back off, but the noises the one made let him stood still and listend carefully. he noticed the whimpers! with a rush of anger he shot to them and yanked the one, over the other, away.

"jimin!" he saw jimin sliding down the wall with a crying face and a hickup, he turned to the other and punshed him into the face. "never come close to him again!" he helped jimin up and dragged him away. jimin was still in distress and needed to stop to get his breaths back.

joon caressed the red face and tried to calm him down. "hey jimin.... i ll get u to yoongi okay?" "yoongi.... he will be so pissed.... joon... i dont feel good..." joon sighed. he gave kisses around his face and get his clothes back in order. he didnt wanted to let yoongi see jimins state of it. he would go crazy, if he knew what almost happend to his boyfriend. jimin held his head up to joons kisses, his arms wrapped around his neck and he captured his lips onto his.

joon was too surprised to act immidiatly. jimins lips were plush and soft. with his hand he pressed jimins head more into him, devoured harshly the mouth just to back away. with hard breathing his thump trailed jimins wet lips. "lets get u to your yoongi." this was close, this was dangerous! he heaved jimin up and carried him into the club again.

yoongi was relieved, when he saw them. "what happen?" "he got lost" "thank u joon!" joon only nodded and gave yoongi his boyfriend back. "we are going home. see u on monday?!" "yeah. take care" joon sat back on the sofa and waited for jin to get back. he watched the couple going out of the club and still had jimins lips on his mind. how great they felt on him. *stop namjoon! u have jin!* joon shook his head to get jimin out.

yoongi sat jimin down, ran to his side and started the car. jimin was mumbling and sat on the side, facing yoongi. "we are on the way, baby!" he caressed fastly jimins face. "hmmm" he blinked and as he recognized yoongi, he smiled and his hand snaked into yoongis lap. touching roughly the cock.

yoongi flinshed. "jimin?!" jimin smiled more, his drunken hand opend the zipper, again roughly stroking the still clothed cock. "JIMIN!" but jimin only opened his seatbelt, bent forward and put his face into the lap, pulling the desired muscle out and licked hard on it.

yoongi closed his eyes, opend them and tried to find a holding spot fastly. jimin was at this point bobbing his head in a good pace, playing with the so loved piercing and drooled all over the hard cock. yoongi tuned off the engine, hissed at jimin and pulled his head up by his hair. "are u crazy? we could have an accident!" jimin drunkly smiled and licked his own drool from the lips. his whole face screamed sex.

yoongi felt shivers down his body, this looked so tempting! "u wanna fuck, jimin?" jimin moved his seat back, put the back of his seat down, yanked his pants and underwear down, he shoved the shoes away and put his feet over the glove compartement, touching the glass. yoongi shook his head and also yanked his pants down with his underwear, heaved himself up, with trouble layed between, an unpatient jimin, legs and with his hand examine his hole.

"god u are so wet already!" jimin whined and moved uncontrollable his hips. he needed friction, he needed something! "yoongi...." yoongi understood and slid in. with an arch up, jimin moaned loudly. finally! yoongi stood still and enjoyed jimins movements, he stabt himself with yoongis cock, eagerly and greedy he got faster. "please.... please" "what?" "give it to me!" "how?" "hard! really hard!" jimin whined out and grabbed yoongis hair tight.

yoongi sighed. he leand down onto him and gave him what he asked for. with hard and deep thrusts he went on to satisfy him. but jimin was going too wild, even when he came it didnt slow him down, he was still moving his hips on yoongi and demanded faster, harder and deeper thrusts. yoongis body started to ache due to the compressed space they had.

his hips ache due to his ramms into jimin, he got tired. "take me from behind!" jimin pushed yoongi away and got out of the car, he walked wobbly to the hood and bend over, face on the warm metall. yoongi panted, his eyes were focused on jimins ass, he stood behind him, spread the cheeks and started to fuck him harder than before. jimins whines and yells got louder. if anyone would see or hear them, would think there was a rape going on.

namjoon was distracted. jin sighed and pulled him up. "lets go to my place" "jin... i am not in the mood for exercise tonight." "than just sleep next to me." joon nodded.

they arrived home, took a shower and layed down in jins bed. jin immidiatley fell asleep, backhugged by joon, but joon couldnt sleep at all. his mind was still clouded by jimin. in his mind he recreated the whole scene. how desperate he looked, but sexy the same time, with pink cheeks from the alcohol, hooded eyes, open mouth, these wonderful lustfully lips of his. joon could feel his cock twitch. he got hard.

he cursed profoundly and held jin tighter, rubbing his length against the ass. in his mind he tasted these lips again, sucked the tongue, let his hands trail under the clothes and touched the soft skin. he played with the nipples and bit gently into the neck.

jimins hand reached his cock and guided him into his delicious tight hole. joon growled and thrusted into it. it felt so good. he wanted to hear the same moans and sounds he gave yoongi in the shop. he needed to hear them, just for himself. with harder thrusts they both became undone. joon sighed and finally fell asleep.

yoongi had to carry the exhausted jimin into their home. he fell asleep after they finally finished and got back in the car. jimin was still naked down his hips, but yoongi didnt bother to dress him properly. at this time noboby would see them. he layed him down on the bed, put the blanket up and went under the shower. he was still a bit confused. he never thought jimin would be like that with alcohol. he made himself a note that he would never let jimin out of sight, when he was intoxicated, or else he would let somebody else do the job.

joon woke up and groaned. first he was confused where he was, but noises from the kitchen made him walk to it.

jin was making breakfast and hummed to the music from the radio. joon sat down on one of the chairs and rubbed his eyes. "morning" he yawned. "for that u didnt want to do it, u did an awfully good job!" "i did what?" joon yawned again. jin put a cup of coffee infront of him.

"fucked me" joons eyes opened and he froze in his doing. "we...i ... fucked u yesterday?! oh... sorry, did i say something weird?" jin shook his head. "like what?" "oh nothing... its okay."

since two weeks joon still had vivid dreams and urges at night, daydreams and urges when he caught a glimpse of jimin. heavy sighing for days, yoongi had enough of it and confronted him, when the shop closed.

"i swear joon i will kill u, if u are not put an end on your moods. is everything alright with jin?" "hm.... yeah alright..." "than what is it? do u wanna travel again?" "" "namfuckingjoon!" "what would u do, if u have a love in your life, but somebody else, who made u crazy before u met that someone, gave u a taste of how it would be, but that person already got someone else, and now all u can think of is that person, even when u fuck your partner?" joon inhaled deep and waited for yoongis answer.

"huh? what?" "again... what would u do..." "no i get it, i get it.... fuck joon.... in what mess did u threw yourself again?!" "deep shit, man" "i can imagine. u thought of someone else when u fucked jin?! are u serious? thats unfair!" joon looked like a beat up dog.

"i know. i dreamed of him and somehow fucked jin..." "okay... who is it?" joon just starred at him with a troubled face. he was in panic to lose yoongis friendship if he knew. he was sad because he knew he hurt jin. he was angry at himself, cause he felt that way for jimin.

yoongi looked first concerned, than confused and finally in disbelive and anger at him. "ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME?! JIMIN??? U MEAN JIMIN??!!" joon got his hands up in defence. "i know... i dont know why, but when i safed him from that guy in the club, he was so vurnable and confused, that he kissed me, thinking it was u...." "guy? what guy?" "he tried to rape him, i punshed him down... i am so sorry yoongi... i know....our friendship is everything to me..."

"wait a minute! jimin almost got raped that night?! and u safed him?" joon nodded. "i already said that.. what i am saying..." "who was that guy?!" "i dont know, never saw him, but interesting piercings in the ears" "like these?" yoongi gave him pics from his book. "yeah... like them... woah exactly like these" "hobi... that fucking bastard..." yoongi balled his fist and pressed the name out through his teeth.

"oh u know him?" "i made the piercings and hobi tried to get me into his bed for a long time now.... fucking bastard...i will deal with him... now to u..." joon gulped and again looked panicked. "wait... let me explain first... i love jin, i really do" yoongi leaned against the wall with crossed arms and listend to joons explaination. how he felt like hit by lightning seeing jimin for the first time, how it progressed, his feelings, his thoughts, the night jimin kissed him, everything.

yoongi was on one side heartbroken and furious on the other he could kinda understand joon. "jimin kissed u..." he whispered. "he thought it was u, i already clarified it" "i know... god.. fuck namjoon...i know chimy gets really, i mean REALLY horny when he is intoxicated. what u wanna propose? wanna kiss jimin again?! what?!"

joon shrugged his shoulders and looked lost. "if u let me, i could get him out of my mind after, i certainly would do. there wont be a maybe, or if in the room anymore. i would know and could live my life with jin in peace and not get every time i see him agitated..." yoongi listend and snapt his head up.

he again looked in disbelive "u want to fuck him??? seriously joon?!" "listen, i didnt say that....or maybe i did... depends on how pissed u are at me right now" yoongi just starred at him.

joon could lituarly see steam clouds comming out of his ears. "how about u think about it and tell me your verdict later. i have a date with jin and i am already late. sorry yoongi" he went out and left a steaming yoongi in the shop.

the next days yoongi had a bad mood and watched jimin very carefully. he knew that jimin wasnt on his right mind, when he kissed joon that night, he knew it, cause the fuck in and out of the car was something diffrent. that wasnt jimin.

a few weeks after joons confession, the three invited some old friends over for a party. jin couldnt come due to a business trip, so joon felt a bit bored that night. all drank and had a good time, only yoongi stayed by the water. after the guests went home, he started to clean up a bit, joon was hanging in a chair texting somebody,

jimin was still dancing to the faint music. "chimy help me with the trash please." "ooohhh... whyyyyy... come dance with me!" he drunkly pulled yoongi by his arms to the "dancefloor" in the middle of the livingroom and straddle yoongis thigh and swayed around with him. "jimin...." "hmmmmm... dis feeeelsss niccceee" yoongi rolled his eyes and sighed. jimin was drunk as hell again.

his mouth was forcefully occupied by jimins tongue and he noticed his boner. joon stopt texting and watched with an open mouth the scene. jimin kinda devouerd yoongi infront of him. concerned for himself he stood up and tried to walk to his room, when yoongi stopt him. "help me get him into the bedroom. he is a handfull, when drunk" jimin giggled.

joon helped yoongi and after it walked again away. yoongi held his arm. he looked into his eyes. "u wanted to get him out of your system" joon was shocked. "yoongi.... u mean..." "i dont like it, dont like it at all. but ... i dont know... if it helps u. and it would keep u away from him after its done than i agree. he is not himself anyway right now. but for the fucks sake joon! never ever tell him what happened tonight! not jin! nobody! do u understand?! its only us!"

"but u think.... yoongi, wont he know?" yoongi looked at jimin and sighed. "he wouldnt notice the diffrence between u and me." "are u sure?" yoongi nodded sadly. he licked his dry lips. "i will stay here the whole time and watch u." joon panted and sat next to jimin on the bed.

he caressed his face. "do i need to know something?" "he loves to get tonguefucked in the beginning." "okay... hey jimin" jimin opened his eyes and drunkly giggelt. "yoooonnnieee.... gome do beddd...clos off" yoongi had to close his eyes. he sat in a chair right next to them, the lights were dimmed, but still bright enough to see clearly everything.

joon peeled the clothes off of jimin and trailed kisses over his body in doing so. jimin giggled for some moments but stopt and started to breath heavely and moaned for a few times. joon glanced at yoongi, who sat there stoic and a blank face. he lightly nodded approval.

joon turned jimin on his tummy and heaved his hips up. he took his moment to look closely at jimins ass and hole. he couldnt belive it. hesitated and slowly he licked the hole and was mesmerized by jimins instant reactions. he glanced again to yoongi. still the same. only he pressed his lips to a thin line.

joon closed yoongi out of his mind and only concentrated on jimin now. he started an insane pace with sucking and tonguefucking the poor hole, that jimin started to give out sounds not even yoongi heard before. his hips trembled, also his thighs.

he pressed his pretty face into the pillows and almost sufficated himself with it. joons hand snaked infront and stroked jimins dick, he wanted to give him everything he could offer to him. as he noticed how open jimin already was, he backed away and undid his jeans, threw his shirt away and yanked his underwear down.

"condom" yoongis low voice starteld him. he absolutly forgotten him. yoongi pointed to his drawer and joon got one out. hastly he pulled it over his aching cock, turned jimin around and layed between his legs. his hands locked jimins face and he kissed him for the first time after weeks again. jimin sucked on joons tongue as if its necessary to stay alive. joon couldnt grasp his luck. he was so into it, that he again forgot yoongi was still there.

his hands caressed jimins thighs, put them up one on his shoulder the other around his waist. with the help of a hand, he pressed his tip in and stayed like this. teasing the already wild jimin with it. he thrusted slowly with only the tip, jimin tried to get him deeper by moving his hips too, but joon avoided the trap. jimin whined loudly what made joon almost lose his last bits of sanity.

yoongi shifted uncomfortably in his seat. he didnt like what he heard or saw. jimin was his, only his. now he couldnt understand why he let this happen, why he agreed to this. he watched joon thrusting in and out, always a bit futher in than before. and jimin liked it. as he finally filled him compleatly up to the brim, joon retreat all out, just to pount rough in again.

with this the last barrier fell. like two maniacs they fucked loudly. yoongi was utterly surprised and shocked. he never handled jimin that rough and raw and he liked it a lot. he was giving out sounds that made yoongi almost jump inbetween them. but he grabbed the armrests harsh and stayed put. jimin came and came.

exhausted he layed out all of his limps and panted for air. joon pulled out, tossed the condom into the trash bin and sat likely exhausted down on the bed. "get a shower and in your room. never talk or think about it ever again." yoongis husked voice came low.

joon nodded and walked out. yoongi stood over jimin and scaned his body. he took a wet towel and cleaned him. he striped out of his clothes and backhugged his jimin. he hoped he made the right choice. if jimin ever knew this he would never forgive him for that.

joon layed sleepy in bed. jin came in mind. he felt ashamed. he cheated on him. but he did it for both of them. as stupid as it sounded, joon felt better. he felt relieved. all the stress he built up the last months finally disappeared thanks to jimin, and yoongi. this night was the first night in weeks he didnt dreamed about jimin.

after that faithfull night everything seemed to relax and normal again. joon and jin dated regulary, they came over for dinner every sunday, or yoonmin went over to them. joon and jin got their own place near them. hobi was never seen again. he was afraid what yoongi would do to him, if he ever came in sight again.

jimin noticed that yoongi was gentler in the day, but rougher at night. he fullfilled all desires jimin had, but never told him about. he was happy as he could be and started with his own wedding plans. jin helped him a lot. in a few weeks he would swear to love yoongi forever. he had to giggle when he thought about it.

yoongi forgave himself, after he saw joon glowing again. he courted jin like a lovesisck idiot. yoongi knew he made the right choice and made his mission to make jimin as happy as he could.

he learned his lesson too, after he noticed what jimin liked most, he followed his intuition and made their bedtime a heaven. he smiled when he looked into jimins window and saw him dancing with a bouquet of flowers. his hand pressed onto his heart as he watched his future husband.
