can i get your autograph / 2. never let me go

life continued. kook had classes, but he texted and had skype calls with suga almost every day. suga was on a big tour and he wouldnt be near kooks town in weeks.

kook didnt told anybody, not even his best friends about what happened with his idol. it was their secret. and he cherished their secret.

suga was frustrated. the tour took its toll on his body and mind. loved and cheered by thousands of people on stage, followed, stalked by groupies and fans day and night and still alone in his hotelroom. he felt so lonely.

drinking and partying with his entourage wasnt doing the trick, neither groupies. only the text and calls with kook held his mind up. the longer the tour went on, the more he longed to have kook physically by his side. suga sighed and looked out of the window of his tourbus. hope chuckled.

confused suga looked at him. "what?!" "u look like a lovesick fool!" "shut up" hope laught. "got yah!" joon tuned in. "with what?" "our sugababy is head over heels for that boy!" "is it cause of him, that u didnt touch any groupies? seriously? suga, he is a minor. forget him" "minor?!" the manager raised his voice. "he is 17, 18 in two months" suga stated. "are u insane?! if his parents find out, that u fucked their ... child... they ll sue u!" the manager was irritated. "he signed the agreement" "he is a fucking minor!" "stop going crazy, okay?! he didnt tell anyone" "how u know?!" "he told me" "u are still in contact with him?!" joon tuned in again. they all looked at suga, as if he just said he wanted to wear girly clothes on stage from now on.

"what?!" suga asked aggressively. "oh for fucks sake! u did fell in love with him!" "he is in college, by the way. and yes, why not? am i forbidden to fell in love?!" suga was pissed at his friends.

"no, it is okay, for u to fell in love, but.... yoongi, u are a rapper, u are popular, he is still a teen and under 20 and for all of it M A L E. if this comes out.... u know what happened to that rock'n roller, who married a 13 year old secretly!" hobi said calmly. "oh u shithead! that was in the 60s! and there are hip hoppers or rappers out there who are gay. what does it matter"

"it matters, when u lose all your fans about that issue" his manager sighed. "its no issue and if they dont like me anymore, cause i love a male, than they werent fans in the first place. my music should matter, not my private life, or who i fuck" "no yoongi! your fans are mostly girls and they want u, they want to belive they ll have a chance to have a night with u or get married." the manager almost yelled.

suga sighed annoyed. "thats so wrong....and for the last time: i want him! i NEED him! he wants me! ME! end of discussion" he stood up from his seat and walked back to the bunkbeds. his friends and manager looked at each other.

"hey!" "hey! how was your day so far?" kook chuckled and told him about this entiteld girl he had classes with and how she got owned by the lunch/cantinestuff lady today. they laught.

"its so good to hear your voice..... i miss u" yoongi whispered. kooks heartrate went to the roof. "i...i miss u too.... where are u now?!" "too far away from u...god i hate the tour" "naaaa u dont, we met on this tour" kook giggled. yoongi smiled. "thats true.... i wrote some new songs" "really?! great! will u let me hear them, when we met again?" "absolutely, they are about u anyway" good thing that they were on a normal call, so yoongi wouldnt see kooks very red face. "hello? are u still there?!" "sorry.... i just... was a bit.... wow....dont know what to say" "theire are just songs, i didnt propose to u" yoongi laught.

"i know that, but nobody ever wrote a song for me, or songs. thank u" "listen to them first before u say thank u" "are u gonna break up with me with them?!" kook sounded panicked. "no no no! gosh.... no. i dont."

kook sighed relieved. "i am stupid, sorry" he whispered. "no u are not, i just said it wrong" "no u didnt.... i am just..." "why are u unsure of me or our relationship?! i didnt fuck anyone, since our night" "thank u? i mean.... thank u. i know its hard for u. with the fame and fans and so... and that i am a man and stuff.... " "dont overthink to much baby" "i wont.....i miss u" yoongi heard the chocked voice and felt his own tears. he sighed. "3 weeks, kookie, 3 weeks and we will see us" "i know...."

yoongi had enough. he booked kook a ticket and sent it with instructions. kook was excited. he told his mom, he would be out of town for the weekend, found some excuse she belived and packed his things, was on the plane and touched ground. with butterflies and wobbley knees he took a cap and drove to sugas hotel.

"hey, i am here. what should i tell the receptionist?" "i booked u a room. just say your name" "ok" "i ll come down and wait by the elevators" "ok" kook got his key and walked to the elevators. there he was in all his glory. kook had to restrain himself from running and hugging him there in the public, so he just grinned wide. suga looked happy too.

as soon as the doors closed, yoongi shoved kook into the wall and kissed the life out of him. "u re here" "i am here" with a bing the doors opened and they got out. kook wanted to open his door, but suga pulled him further.

"but..." "u are staying in my room" "oh....for what was the room then?" "so that u can get onto this floor?!" kook nodded. "right" as soon as he opened his door, suga froze. joon and hobi were sitting on his bed.

"can u please get the fuck out?!" suga pressed out. "we should talk, now that he is here" suga sighed annoyed. "listen, the show starts in a few hours, the soundcheck in 2 and i really want some alone time with him now. we can talk tomorrow" "yoongi..." "get out now!" suga raised his voice and pointed to the door. reluctant his friends stood up and walked out.

"sorry" kook whispered. "for what?!" "i dont know, but it looks like u have some beeing here." "dont be stupid. and dont think about it, okay?!" kook nodded. suga came close, took kooks bag away and pushed him on the bed. "we waited to be together again for too long and i wont let them to fuck this precious moment for us" he kissed kook gently. "i missed u" kook whispered and their kisses got harsher by the second.

they couldnt stop or get enough of each other. the clothes flew through the room and they were naked in no time. sugas hands were rough, but kook needed them on him no matter if they hurt him. he also scratched sugas back. suddenly suga yanked on kooks hair and looked him deep in the eyes. "u want me right? u have feelings for me" "yes....yoongi..." he let out in a pained voice.

suga kissed him hard, his teeth ripped kooks lip a bit open. they tasted blood. "whats wrong?" kook asked, after suga pulled back. kook saw pain in sugas eyes. he caressed his face. "yoongi? tell me" suga closed his eyes. "they dont want us together" "who?" " manager" "why?" kook sat up and pulled suga in a seated position too. "cause u are 17, a boy and stuff" he looked down. "but.... we like each other, right?!" kook stated. suga looked up.

"we are more than just like each other... kook! i love u" kook looked big. his mouth flinshed a few times, before he finally gave suga a big smile. "really?!" he hugged him so powerfull, that they fell onto the bed again. kook kissed sugas face all over. suga chuckled. "u are an idiot, do u know that?! and?" "and what?" "kook.... do u love me back?!" "now u are the idiot! didnt u already figured it out by all our conversations?!" "i cant read minds" kook looked annoyed at him. "idiot" suga grinned. they started to kiss again.

kook relaxed and enjoyed every second of the make out. finally he felt him again, suga just thought the same. he didnt prept kook a lot and pushed in. both groaned loud, kook due to the stretch out, suga due to the tightness.

"fuck..... it was too long ago" "sorry....that i didnt stretched it before to be ready" kook pressed out. suga stopt all movements. "hey! its not your fault! sorry, do i hurt u?!" "just wait a second...." he huffed. so they layed there for some moments, looking at each other, caressing each others faces. "dont u have to be in the arena in 1,5 hours?" kook asked panting for air. "shit.... yeah" "than come on, move" kook demanded.

suga smirked and bucked his hips into kook with force. as kook let out a moan, suga bit his lip. "nice one" he rammed into kook with no mercy. in and out, in and out. sometimes faster, sometimes slower, but never gave kook time to get a breath nor break.

as they moved faster, were almost at their limits, a harsh knock interrupted them. kook looked in disbelive at suga. "i dare u to stand up and walk to the door!" he whispered. suga grinned. he knew what kook meant. "what?!" he yelled to the intruder. "the car will be here in 30 min." they heard hope. "ok. thanks. now leave" "u are not nice, yoongi" kook complained.

suga sighed. "babe, its for a good reason, so shut up. the only thing i wanna hear from u is my name" kook grinned, leaned to sugas ear and whispered "yoongi". with that suga shivert suddenly, growled and moved faster than before. kooks body arched up and with a loud whimper he came, what made suga came too, thanks to the squeezing inside. both panted and enjoyed the echo of their climax together.

"i probably should get going...." suga huffed. kook nodded. "u should" "i dont want to" suga whined. kook giggled and pulled him up to get out of the bed. "lets take a shower" "u are coming with me, right?" kook nodded again. "sure, if u want" "great. than u can see how a show is built up" kook looked happy.

suga performed, the music, lights, sound and microphone were inspected and corrected. everything went splendid and to everyones satisfaction. kook was sitting right infront of the stage and played audiance, when sugas manager came and sat next to him.

kook looked and got nervous. "hello, nice to see u again" kook stretcht his hand out to shake the others, but the others never came near his hand, in fact it stayed at the owners body. kook was lightly confused to this rudeness, but shook it off. he looked back to the stage, where suga was talking with the lightning crew.

"what are u doing here?" no "hello", no pleasantries, just spot on to the point. kook was taken aback, but in a bold move, pressed the audio button on his phone. he knew there was something up. "yo...suga invited me for the weekend" "he didnt told me beforehand.... shit...." "is there an issue with me here?" kook asked bluntly. the manager looked at him and nodded. "yes" "ok, still, i wont just go away, cause u have a problem with me" he looked back to the stage.

the manager yanked him by his shirt back. "listen here! u are a danger to sugas career, u are not liked here. if any paparazzi sees u, or any groupie or fan noticed u, his whole career will go down the drain. so if u like him, u would disappear back to that hole u came out from and leave him alone. do u understand me?! here is your ticket, the car is outside to take u right to the airport. your things are already in there. just go home and never contact him ever again. if u will, i swear i will do my best to destroy your future and i will make him" he pointed at suga "hate u forever" he stood up, threw a ticket into kooks face "by the way, he fucked around, while he was on tour, so dont think u are someone special to him. he will forget u fast.....twat" and walked away.

kook sat there in disbelieve and his body shook violently from anger and pain. the words hurt him, but he knew the last things he said werent true. suga and him had night long conversations over skype, even "phone" sex with it. there was no time for any groupie in those nights. he looked at the ticket and scuffed. suga payed him a first class ticket, this was one of the cheapest from the cheapest airline there was. he took his phone and played the audio.

he was pleased that he recorded everything clear and hearable. he sighed. this was his weapon, his ammo against this fucking manager. he sent the audio to his cloud and put it into his jacket.

suddenly hope and joon walked to him and kook just thought "fuck, what now?!" "hey kooookieeee" hope stretcht the name out with a smile. "hey hope, hey joon" he looked at the stage and waved at suga, who just looked at him with a smile and waved back. "soooo.... he invited u, hm?" kook nodded and turned his head to joon. "he didnt told u" he stated. joon looked to suga and stroked his own hair. "hmmm" "sorry, that i am here" "why are u saying this?" hope pursed his lips. "his manager just made a fuss about my existence and gave me this" he showed them the ticket. joon and hope looked quickly at each other.

"thats why he wanted us to escort u to the car outside" "my bag is in there" they looked at each other again. "he gave u the ticket and told u to fuck off?" "yeah" "wow, sonjun got some balls..." hope started to giggle. "u should know hope. u fucked with him" kook looked up and at hope. "what?! that sleezebag?! hope! u surely can do so much better!" joon bursted out in laughter.

hopes face got red. "hey! it was only once and i had too much alcohol in my system." "yeah yeah, always blame it on the poor alcohol!" joon laught. "and why the fuck u know?!" hope looked really pissed at joon. "walked into the wrong room.... saw u and him and walked away" "u never said a thing, i could explain it all!" "doesnt matter now, does it?!" hope scoffed and crossed his arms, eyes on the stage.

kook grinned and shared it with joon. with a sigh they sat back and watched their friends rehearsal in silent. "he is really really good" kook whispered after some time. "hmm.... u should see him when we started" kook looked at joon. "tell me! please!" joon chuckled. "we were in the underground scene, i already made a name for myself, hope here was in a fantastic dancegroup, when one night, open mic night, this skinny fella came in and provocted ....who was it hope?!" "free world crap" "oh yeah, that asshole.... in short, yoongi destroyed him right there and we became best friends. not to be rude, kook, but .... what is your goal here?! what u want with yoongi?!"

kook looked shocked first, but composed his face and looked at suga again. "bluntly saying.... i love him. i dont want anything from him, other than have time with him, hear him on the phone, see him on my computer screen." joon leaned back and crossed his hands behind his head. "hm." "u are still so young, kookie" hope tuned in. "i ll be 18 soon and yoongi is only 24, so not much younger" he protested.

"sure. dont get us wrong here. we know yoongi for a long long time and we saw a lot of people who tried to use him for their own shit. so excuse us, when we sound like his dad or police" kook needed to grinn. "yoongi can be happy to have friends like u two. u take care of him very good." joon scoffed. "as if he ever sees it like u." "yeah he wouldnt really" kook laught. "kook?" "hm?" "dont be scared. we will take care of his manager..... and one thing: never hurt him, i mean it! i ll break all your bones if u do"

kook looked into joons face and knew he ment it. so he noded. "i am afraid that its gonna be him who hurts me one day"

suga glanced over from time to time. he wanted to be sure, that kook was ok. he saw him laugh with joon and hope and relaxed. he enjoyed the show, he thought it was one of the best of his entire tour. he saw kook behind the stage and on the side while the show, funny enough always surrounded by his friends, like bodyguards. strange. but he was happy that they finally got along. he hoped that they wont oppose against his love anymore.

after the show and back at the hotel, suga pulled kook away from the party and closed the door behind them. joon and hope safed him from the manager several times, what made the man really pissed off. suga didnt caught a thing. what was good, cause said would kill if he found out.

kook undressed suga and pulled him, also naked, into the nice huge rainshower. they kissed under the water and giggled. the kisses and touches got heated, suga sucked along kooks collarbone, rubbed kooks cheeks. kook only gave quiet moans out, his hands were in sugas hair. "hmmmmm... we should go to the bed..." "we could stay here" suga raised his brows and wiggled them. "haaa... okay"

suga switched the water off and got on his knees. "what...?!" "bend over" "what are u up...aaaahhhh" he yelped out after he felt sugas tongue on his hole. "oh ...fuck....god..." suga came up with a chuckel. "i dont think u should combine these words together" "who cares" he turned and harshly kissed suga. "do u want more?" suga whispered against kooks lips. "did i ever say no?!" kook whispered back with a smirk.

suga smirked back and turned him. kook grabt on the edges of the glass shower wall, prepeard himself for what to come. his forhead on the glass, panting, waterdrops ran down his body, suga sighed at the sight. this boy hadnt a clue how much suga felt for him. "i ll be gentle" he whispered into kook ear and pushed in.

after they cleaned the shower, they sat in their bathrobes on the bed, suga switched his laptop on and searched on netflix. "what movie u wanna watch?" "do they have any avengers?" "why did i know u would wanna watch that movie?! they have the new one!" "really?! great!" kook hopped excited on the bed. suga chuckled.

"i dont think i laught that much until u were here." "oooohhh myyyy baaaabbbyyyy yooonnnggiii was missing me" kook pouted his lips and pinched sugas cheeks. "ouch! and yes i did. .... its good that u and the boys get along....we had some problems" suga sighed. "what problems" suga waved it off. "argh... nothing really...." "yoongi?!" suga sighed again and gave up. "they are afraid that u would end my career, if it gets out" "i wouldnt say a thing, u know that!" "i know, the others too. my manager on the other side, isnt really convinced tho" "about your manager...."

"what? what did he do?!" "nothing really, i think i just have to convince him, that i am not bad for u" "good luck with that. he always got into every of my love interests and made them run away.... he obviously tried it with u too. dont take him serious, okay? but kook, if he ever tries something odd on you than tell me immidiatly, understand?! i dont want him to get overboard, just because he thinks he has the right to do so. i love u and we stay together. understood?!" "understood"

sugas manager was fuming. despite his effort, the little bitch was still there. and joon and hope were protecting him. what the hell?! he made a plan.

the saturday concert was also great, like the night before. everything went well and kook couldnt kept his eyes away from suga. after the concert, while suga took a shower, kook walked up to joon and hope.

"listen....ahm.... why were u so against me?" the both looked at him, at each other and shruged their shoulders. "u know... " "i know, but come on. i am me, unimportant, college student. i am no kardashian. what shall i gain from blurring out that i have yoongi to the public?! seriously! i have no ambition to be in a soap opera, or gonna have a music career."

joon smirked. "wouldnt be the first... no, i got your point. if its not fame, than usually its money" kook looked pissed. "my family is maybe not rich, but we have enough and i dont need millions. i have what i have. its nice tho when yoongi payed me a first class ticket, but thats once in a lifetime. dont need it again."

they saw that kook was honest. "sorry pretty boy. but we had to deal with a lot of greedy assholes. its a habit to mistrust everyone new who gets into our circle." hope explained. kook noded. "yeah, i can imagine... poor yoongi! cant understand people who wanna hurt him that way" he shook his head.

kook let the door close and helped suga to the bed. "u didnt drink that much that explains your state" "exhausted" suga murmured. "thank god that u already took a shower. sit down, i ll undress u" "oooohhhh, kookie wants me naked" suga smirked. "shithead! ..... but yeah, please raise your arms" suga did with a grinn, after his hoodie was off, he nuzzled his face under kooks shirt. "hmmmm so warm"

"wanna sleep?!" "we should fuck" "u are too exhausted" "ngh...shit.... wouldnt get him up anyway....sorry babe" kook giggled. "we dont have to fuck all the time. cuddeling is nice too" "still.... " "lay down, i ll take a quick shower and than we cuddle" "hm"

suga was in his dreamland. kook grinned and sighed. of course he wanted to feel suga all over his body again, but he understood the situation. he backhugged his love and spooned him. like this they fell asleep.

"dont want to go...." "only 2 1/2 weeks and we will see us again" "by the way, how?!" "what?" "we will see us?" "dont u have semesters end?" kook nodded. "that means u have freetime" kook nodded again, finally he got it. "u are staying the break in my house?! ..... oh i should tell my mother something explainable...." "or u ll come to the city and stay at my place. i can show u around, we could do stuff?!"

kook was surprised and jumped up and down. "thats fantastic! yes! lets do that!" suga laught about his excited boyfriend. "can we go on rollercoasters?!" "huh? really?" "or bungeejumping!" sugas face scrunched. "i thought more of enjoying some quiet relaxing time on the lake.... we could go .... no wait, i have an idea. do u have a passport?" kook nodded.

"great. were u ever in new zealand?!" "no.... why?" "lets go there, get a RV and drive around the country!" "just the two of us?" suga nodded. kook hugged him tight. "absolutely yes. some alone time with u. nobody there and i know that they have some crazy ass bungee jumping destinations!" not that again.... suga didnt look so great. "yeah destination to death" kook laughed. "scardy cat! its gonna be epic!"

the daily routine got them both. kook at college and suga on the road. kooks parents agreed with his "english-study-vacation" in new zealand and he was excited. he counted the days.

he was in class when he heard his phone buzz. impatient he waited for the class to end to check it and was shocked about the content of the wapp he got. a picture with suga and a girl, obviously making out. kook froze for a moment, looked around, wiped his eyes from the sudden flood of water and looked at the number.

why would suga sent him this?! a buzz and he got a new message. "sorry, i found someone new. it was nice with u tho, but i have to think about my career and u are a guy anyway. thanks for the good times and dont ever contact me again. bye yoongi" what the fuck?! that must be a prank..... or a scam.... he dialed sugas number, but was only connected with his mailbox. he wrote a message back, but didnt get any reply. in panic he dialed joons number.

"kookie monster! how is uni?!" "joon! whats with yoongi? he sent me a pic with him and a girl and that he didnt want me anymore.... is this true?!" joon stayed quiet for a moment. "huh?" "wait i sent it to u" again a moment silence. "what the.....wait.... oh come on! i have to clearefy something, call u back"

kook stood there. what was going on? they had a great time together, they had plans for the future and now this? was he really that cold blooded to end their relationship with a text?! what....

kook walked slowly back home.

loud knocking woke suga up. he cursed at whoever was on the door. he yanked it open and his friends looked at him. "fuckheads! its too early" they pushed him back into the room and pulled him to the bed.

"what did u do yesterday?" "nothing" "did u find your phone?" suga shook his head. "nope. why?" joon sighed and gave him his phone to look at the message kook got from him. "i never sent this.....fuckingshit! who did that?!" "whoever has your phone"

suga cursed more and rubbed his face. "he doesnt belive this crap, does he?!" he looked at them. "he was in quiet a panic" "shit.... wait... who is that bitch? i didnt invited her to my room...what happend yesterday anyway? i only drank one beer and was so dizzy afterwards, that i got to my room. i dont even remember if i undressed myself" he looked at his body.

"oh fuck.... naaaaaa, u dont gonna like this... but...." "what....can i have your phone for a sec?!" he asked joon, but already dialed kooks number. "tell me it was a cruel joke, joon" kook blurred into the phone. "it wasnt a joke, but not real either" suga responded. "yoongi?" suga could hear that kook had cried. in his mind he swore he would bring great pain to the one who sent this message. "yeah babe. it wasnt me. i lost my phone and no i did not have anything with that bitch in the picture. i only drank one beer and fell asleep, i have no clue why that girl was in my room, who let her in or took the photo. i am so sorry that u are hurt, babe! u have to belive me!"

silence. sniffing. and a small voice. "i love u" suga sighed deep. "i love u too.... listen, if u get anything more from my phone, messages, photos, anything, sent it immidiatly to joons and dont belive anything, ok?! we will find out who is this and i ll get my phone back!" "do u have any idea who it might be, kook?" hope tuned in. "or suspect someone" joon asked. "ahm..... yoongi, your manager wanted to threw me out, when i visited u. he threw a ticket into my face, had a car waiting for me and had my things already in it. he wanted me gone really bad. and he said really hurtfull things" suga looked really pissed.

"what did he say?" "i have an audio" "u have?" joon tuned in again. "when he walked to me, i thought he was not up to any good, so i thought i should record what he was going to tell me" the three looked at each other. "see my boy is a genius! college in his age and now this" suga bragged.

they heard kook giggle. "good job, kookie. sent me the record" "ok" kook searched for the file and sent it to suga and the boys. when they heard it, they all got pissed. "this is so typical. that is mostly what he did to all the others i liked." suga spated out.

"uhuhm... how many others did u like before me?!" kooks voice sounded calm. joon and hope grinned at each other. suga didnt look happy. "ahm... not many.... just flings....kinda...sorry babe?" "dont need to apologize, i know that u had a life before me" "okay???..... so .... what are we going to do with my manager?!" they looked at each other. "kook? i hang up and call u on skype. i want to see your face" he hang up and got to the laptop.

in seconds kook came in sight. "hey kookie monster!" "hey joon! hope! love of my life" he grinned. suga really got redfaced. the others mocked him a bit, but got serious again. they needed a plan.

first they let kook write texts to sugas phone. kook took a spicy photo with his friend and sent it to sugas phone. so they waited what will happened. and sure enough, sugas manager came right to him, they were on the tour bus, and showed him the pic. "see! i told u! that twat was only using u!" "why do u have my phone?" "i found it.... u left it in the changing room... i forget to give it back, sorry, but look!" suga strolled through the messages and didnt found any of the text kook showed him. so his manager must deleted them.

suga just annoyingly looked at the man, to his phone and shrugged his shoulders. "must be a reason behind it. maybe he is only trying to make me jelaous." his manager looked stunned. "and it doesnt look like u give a shit.... interesting... is your love for him getting cold?!" suga looked pissed at him.

"only my love for u" "what?!" "listen, lets get serious here. its not the first time u did this. u made sure, that any potential lover ran away and u tried it again. did u really thought, that kook and i wouldnt find a way to communicate with each other without my phone? did u really think i would push kook away? or he would me? we love each other! i want to be with him, i told u already! and i dont care about the public! leave it alone, or u will have to take the consequences! are we clear on that?!"

"yoongi.... u choose this ...boy over me?! we know each other since years! u only just met him weeks ago! he is only using u! understand that!" "u know what?! i think its u using me." "oh really.... okay, than, superstar, if u need to get your dick sucked, than i will do that or get something arranged, but get this twat out of our lives!"

suga stood up and slapped him hard. he fell back on his back. "what the fuck yoongi?!" "i said, leave kook the fuck alone, leave him and me alone! we will not separate, just cause u want it! do U understand?! now get out of my bus, u are fired!" "what?! u cant fire me! i am your friend and your mana...." "no u are not! i have it up here with your shit! get out!" joon and hope hooked themself under the managers arms and dragged him to the door, the bus driver only drove in walkingtempo, he opend the door and they pushed the man outside the vehicel, his belongings right after him.

the bus got on speed again and they watched the former manager getting up from the dirt and ran behind them. "speed up" joon ordered the driver. the former manager got smaller and smaller until they couldnt see him anymore. suga leaned back into his seat and sighed. "looks like u are my manager now, joon" "i..huh...what?!" "u are my m a n a g e r now. congrats!"

"did we bought salt?" yoongi was deep in a cupboard and searched for the item. "we did.... where did i put it.....oh here! found it!" kook grinned and held the salt up. "great, come, dinner is done!"

as they sat at the bonfire with their plates in hands and digged in. "oh thats so good!" kook laught with a full mouth. they looked up into the sky and admired the stars. kook sighed. "thank u so much!" "its for your birthday and as a thank u for still beeing with me" kook nudged him. "i love u" yoongi laught. "love u too"

they arrived 3 days ago in new zealand and drove with their rv to where they wanted to go. yoongi wrote down some places he wanted to see, kook just went with it. he was up for anything. he enjoyed the trip so much, like yoongi. finally they were alone. no fans, no paparazzis, no manager, no parents. finally!

they liked their home on wheels. it was small, but it was comfy. they had a small kitchen, a bathroom with a shower, a big bed in the back. they stoked the food and all the other stuff they needed and headed out. yoongis first destination was a very beautiful lake. they fished their dinner and sat on the fire and felt so good.

"we should celebrate our vacation, dont u think?" "i bought wine" kook stood up and brought two glasses. "nice..." they drank in silence, when the fire burned down, they got inside the rv. kook took a quick shower and waited for yoongi in bed. yoongi came wet and naked to the bed and shook his wet hair on kook. "hey!" yoongi laught and fell onto the bed. "its really cramped in here." "i like that, we are practicly glued together!" "hopefully we wont start to fight" "hmpf.... if we do, i will throw u out of the rv" kook chuckled. "ha ha very funny!" yoongi scuffed.

he bent his knees and hummed. "i should give u your birthday gift" kook looked surprised, but clapped his hands. "oh? what are u giving me?!" yoongi laught and came up. his lips on kooks face and smirked seductive. "how about we change positions tonight?" "positions? what do u want? some kind of kamasutra?" "no i think of changing OUR positions.... u know..."

kook was confused and clueless. it took him a while. "oh....OOOHHHH! u mean... really? are u serious?.... i dont know if i can do that...." "we fucked enough, u should know by now!" "yeah, but..... " "come on kookie baby!" yoongi cooed and spread his knees wide. kook licked his lips. he was uncertain if he could pull it off, but .... boy he looked so sexy.

kook scudded closer, trailed his hands up and down yoongis legs, his abs, rips, up to his face. kook got undressed, layed inbetween yoongis legs and kissed him senseless. kook knew that this was something big. big for him and bigger for yoongi. it was kinda giving kook the steering wheel.

kook felt a big responsibility. he wanted to do it good, made him satisfied, made him scream out kooks name. with these thoughts on his mind, kook heated up, he was on fire. determind to make yoongi his "bitch" tonight. they fooled around, they got hard and stormy. they scratched their skin, they sucked and bit their lips bloody. kook fingered yoongi gentle and carefully, he didnt want to hurt him, or make it uncomfortable for him, but yoongi by this point moved his hips.

"kookie now" yoongi moaned out, pulled kooks face to his and kissed him very wet. "do me" he whispered. kook snapt. he bit his lip and grabbed his dick, smeared lube on it and pushed in.

he wasnt gentle anymore. yoongi gave out a loud moan and came up with his hips to help and met with kooks hips. both panted. the connection was .... kook felt great. he never felt so connected with yoongi. ... naaaa it was the same connection they had in reverse, but it was diffrent. and it was great, it was awesome. kook used all his strenght not to come right there. he didnt wanted to come too early. he wanted to hold out.

kook moved slowly, he pressed his eyes shut and focused on yoongis body and sounds. his pace got harder and faster. hips clashed against, they probably will had bruises the next days, wet sounds echoed through the rv, moans and grunts until kook let out a pitched moan, yoongi a whimper and they climaxed.

tired but satisfied they layed still and tried to get their air again. "wow..... wow.....WOW!" kook panted out. he turned his face to yoongi. yoongis eyes were closed, but he smiled. "yeah, wow!" "thank u for the gift" kook leaned over and kissed his cheek.

after the fantastic vacation they flew back. yoongi went to his hometown, kook to his. with yoongis permition kook came clean with his parents and told them his future plans.

with the new semester, he would move to yoongis town, he would go there to college and after some discussions, his parents agreed. kook couldnt wait for the moving day. he knew everything he wanted in his life was to be with yoongi.
