sleep next to me / nipples

practice, tour, new album, stress, bad stress, not good one. i was always exhausted, hungry and grumpy. more than ever. my life was on a loop and i hate it, tho i was used to it, after 10 years. still....

we came back from practice and didnt really talk. i fastly got into the shower, washed my poor painstained body and got into my bed after. i only had the nerve to pull some panties on, not really looked if their even were mine. i couldnt be bothered at all now.


i saw that everyone was so done at this point. the practice was brutal, cause we wanted to be perfect, but i had to admit, even i was exhausted. i was stressed too. my body hurt too. all my former injuries came back to bite my butt and i had no nerves for it. it was annoying!

i watched my members/brothers getting ready for bed. not even had the time or the need to get something to eat. yoongi was the first to disappear. of course. i chuckeled and sighed after. took a shower and stood there, stared into the fogged mirrow and tried to figure myself out. i needed to touch someone. i wanted to feel some others warm skin. i could go to jimins bed, or taes, but.... i noticed that they had something. i couldnt say what it was, but sometimes i felt i disturbed them. hm..... joon didnt like me in his bed and oh my god, jin would kick me out immidiatley. hobi..... naaaaaa.... soooooo....

he must be sleeping by now, he wouldnt notice me..... yeah, its his bed then.

i tiptoed into his room, thanks to the dim light outsight, i saw him cuddled up in a ball. sweet. i layed next to him and backhugged him. i sighed. feeling his very warm, very pale skin on mine, calmed me down in an instant.


i wasnt too excited to see his face the next morning. but i knew he would sleep in one of the otheres bed from time to time, mostly when he felt vulnarble or overwhelmed with something. i knew our schedule was brutal. so i didnt say a thing, when i woke up with him, pressed onto me. he was better than tae! tae was like an anaconda, could strangle u in his sleep. there was no escape from this octupus! jimin was sweet, but talked too much the second he opened his eyes. junkook was the only one, who almost slept as much as me and loved to nap. so i was fine..... i think....

i moved on my back and immidiatley he came close again, one hand on my chest, his face in my neck. i felt his breath ..... it wasnt unpleasent.... but.... u know...

i got up and had my bathroom routine, came back to get some sweatpants on and jumped when this really loud growl came from outside. i ran to my window and moved the curtains. oh shit!!! FUCK!!! there was a huge storm outside. lightning and clashes of clouds, winds like a taifun/typhoon. it was frightning. i went to the livingroom and saw jin and joon already there, watching the news in bad quality.

"what they saying?" "its a taifun/typhoon" "shit...." "they say we should stay inside" "oh?! great!" my mood was better. "manager told us that we apparently have a break now" joon sighed and stretched out on the sofa. with a grinn. jin yawned and ruffled his hair. "gonna make something good for us" yummy! jins food, no dancing for today, what means more naptime for me, how perfect!

i went back to my room and jumped into my bed. kook groaned. "too early...." he grumbled. i chuckled and sat on him. "wake up" "nooooo" "jin is cooking" he opened one eye. "we have time for jins food?" lightning strucked again. kook flinshed and had his both eyes wide open. "what the hell?!" i nodded. "taifun/typhoon, a harsh one. manager says we should stay at home and take a break" i grinned. he looked surprised and grinned back, stretched his body and sighed. ..... shit our baby wasnt a baby anymore, he really had muscles! i needed to gulp, looked down on myself. yeah, i should get into the gym again.... i mean, i was more bulk than before, just not that defined as kook.

suddenly he grabbed my ... tits (? do we men have tits?) ...chest.... i was too surprised to react, as he touched, squished them, rubbed my nipples in the process. "kook" i growled. he looked up to my face with a puzzled look, his tongue between his lips. "huh?" "i think breakfast is ready" "hm...." he looked dissapointed. i knew he liked to touch us, specially my butt, but this.... was new.


shit.... i was so into it, that i forgot that it wasnt a dream. in my dream i .... touched his whole body.... it felt good..... fuck.... will he be pissed at me? i couldnt read his expression, while we stood up, he threw a shirt on and walked out to the kitchen.

i needed to snap out of it. i took a loooong shower and finally went to my breakfast. they all were done with it, but eomma jin left some for me. i gave him a hug and devoured my meal. it was so so good to have jins food again! i glanced at my brothers. tae and jimin were whispering and laughing, they were in their own world. joon tried to fix a broken cup.... his cup. eyeroll. hope looked like he was still in dreamland, got up and walked back to his room. jin and joon discussed what movie they wanted to watch. yoongi just looked in his phone, but i caught him looking at me! HA!

we all went to our rooms. but..... something made me go to yoongis again. i opend the door and went in, he looked at me, i sat down next to him, our backs on the headboard. "movie?" i asked. he nodded and placed the laptop in the middle. i snuggled into his side and enjoyed our breaktime. i had an idea. "can u scub a bit forward?" "huh?" his eyes didnt left the screen. i pushed him a bit away from the headboard, strechted one leg over him, got him between my legs, held his hips and moved him back, to have his back on my chest. i sighed when i snaked my arms around his chest and held him there. "what..... let me sit normally" he complained. "please?! stay a bit like this?" he grumbled to himself, but stayed put. i had to smile and we watched the movie again in silence.

after some time, my hands got under his shirt on their own. i wanted to feel his skin again. he flinshed, but didnt say anything. again i explored his upper body. how smooth his skin was, how he put on some weight and muscles, finally, he was too thin before! i unconsciously rubbed and pinched his nipples, my mouth was on his nape and i ran it over his shoulder, sucked and used my tongue a bit. he started to move under my hands and tilted his head away from me, he pushed his shoulder into mine. "what are u doing" "huh?" a thread of spit connected his skin and my lips. he looked at me. "what are u doing?!"

i didnt know what had me, but i only could stare at his lips.... i heard him saying something, but i couldnt understand him at all. i licked over his shoulder again, pressed my nose into his neck.


what the heck was he doing?! it was like he was in trance. he bit my skin, he sucked it, he let his tongue play with it. i was trapped with his legs and arms. suddenly i had to moan! how embarrassing! he found a good spot. his hands pinched my nipples again. i could feel and hear his breaths became faster. he was so into it, nothing i tried helped. "just a bit.... please....please" he mumbled. he got me out of my shirt, somehow, and tortured me. only payed attention on my poor buds. but ... shamefully he got me hard with it.

he must felt that i wasnt fighting anymore, cause his hands roamed my whole body. "up with your hips" he whispered into my ear, what gave me the bumps, but strangely i did what he told me and i lost my pants. "bad bad suga! these are my panties" he whispered again. my body shivered, i couldnt say a word back. he slid "his" panties down on my thighs and was back on my nipples.

i dont know how long he was torturing me. all i know i was really horny by that point. funny tho, he only touched my buds and i was going off like a firecracker. i never knew i would be so sensitive there. i arched my body, i groaned, pleaded, whatnot, but he never gave me a break. he watched my fucking leaking cock moving with his twist and turns on my nipples. shameful and embarrassed i had to addmit, that i came really hard just with that. nothing else, no jerking off, no kisses, just that. FUCK!!!


he was melting under my hands. he was squirming under my hands. he was moaning under my hands. he came with my hands.

i was surprised. i never imagined to be that sensitive there. i couldnt stop. i wanted to see how far i could get him with it. and i made him come. WOW!!! i was amazed by him and with myself. but it wasnt enough!

as he was panting and i think grasping the situation, i took advantage and pulled him by his legs down on his bed. i pulled his remaining underwear away, spread his legs and got down on him. i mean i smeared his juice onto my fingers, sucked his now soft cock again and started to finger him. first he didnt react a bit, but when he felt my mouth and fingers, he started to move and whine. "too much....too much...."

but again, i couldnt stop. i sucked him hard again. i got him deep into my mouth, what made him arch his hips into my face, made him move with my fingers, what gave out wet sounds in his hole. fortunatly we werent loud. i didnt want anyone to hear him. to hear how he sounded. that was only for me! his moans were only for me!

as i felt his hole softened and opened enough for me, i backed away, got out of my clothes and layed back. i heaved his legs around my waist, held my own painfully hard cock and pressed myself into him. yoongi only gave out a surprised "hhhhmmmmmphhh" and closed his eyes, leaned his head fully into his pillow and panted faster.

i could..... die..... or scream my pleasure out. he felt so good.... never have i felt like this. and yoongi had always a great butt. i thrusted slowly, but deep. i wanted him to feel good too. i knew about our prostate and that it would feel amazing stabbing it, so i tried to find his.

as i watched him under me, watched his face, i remembered, that i wanted to kiss him so bad. i licked over his lips, only to devour him, when he opend his mouth a bit, shoving my tongue deep into him. he gave out a surprised sound, but kissed me back with the same intensity. oh boy!


he fucked me.... FUCKING jeon jungkook fucked me! ME!!!! i am the older one!

..... but.... fuck me, was he good. i had to held myself back, or otherwise i would have moaned and screamed the whole building down and everybody would know how good kook was. how good he was doing me! SHIT!!!!!

it was very hard to lower my moans, but i wanted him to go on. "harder" i mumbled and fuck.... he started a pace! my body was shaken, my head hit the headboard several times, until he stopt, got out of me, pulled me to him by my legs, turned me over and sucked and bit my butt! what the hell?!?!?!

this new torture was really cruel! he continued with my hole, my back, again my butt. i couldnt think, breath or anything for that matter. he stretched me out again and AGAIN had this incredible pace.

and this fucker found my prostate and abused it. i swore to kick him, after we finished! (lol as if i had the energy left!)

i came up with my body and he held me, got even deeper with it into me, some more thrusts and i came like a fountain. again embarrassed.


he came..... and how much.... wow.... i was proud and pleased with myself. i made him come 2 times! ME!!!! only ME!!!

finally i came too, soon after him. i collapsed onto him, until he grumbled to get off him. i sighed and turned on my back. i scoffed and laughed at the same time, wiped my wet hair out of my face and looked at him with the brightest grinn i could produce.

"what" his voice sounded hoarse and low. "dont know. i am just so happy .... and light?" he grumbled again and closed his eyes. "hey, dont fell asleep now" he whined. "not another round..." i chuckled. "not now, but deffinatly later. but i want to change your sheets. their wet" he pulled himself into a seating position and looked so sleepy. "i ll be quick" i heaved him up like a toddler and sat him down on a chair. got new sheets and changed quickly his bed. "not my sheets!" he complained. "i dont really care if u prefer dark ones, now get to bed and have a nap. i ll clean u"

he layed down, fell asleep asap and didnt even noticed me, cleaning him up. after my own catwash, i got next to him under the covers and fell asleep grinning like an idiot too.

the last thought i had was "thats gonna be interesting" and the warm feeling i had for him.