private investigation / watching u

i was right on time in my office. a folder was already on my desk, my secretary must put it there.

oh, sorry. my name is jungkook. i am a private investigator/detective. and i am fucking good in my job. u have a problem, u wanna know if your girl/boyfriend is cheating, if your kids were doing drugs, where the asshole of a husband disappeard, ect ect...whatever u wanna know about family, friends, neighbours, i find out.

i got my coffee, sat down and looked what was in the big envelope.

"mr. jeon

my daughter wants to marry this man in a few weeks. i want u to investigate him. find any dirt u can find. i do not approve this marriage. i want him gone. mr. denver"

so so.... some dad isnt so keen on the daughters fiance. nothing new. and denver is filthy rich. just made me wonder why the hell now?! a bit late in my opinion, but... whatever.

i looked at the check and whistled. he payed me some good money, the concerned dad. i had to scoff. denver was an arrogant prick and nobody was good enough for his spoiled, dumb bread of daughter. he had to pay her through college, that dumb and entilted she was. he should be happy, if any intelligent, decent guy wanted her, or wouldnt kill her for her behaviour after a year.

i grinned from my thoughts and finally looked at the picture. here they were. his spoiled daughter and.... shit... seriously? HIM?


kook entered the club and greeted familiar faces, got to his table and ordered his drink. he was a regular. a VIP so far. he checked the men on the dance floor, the guys on the bar, nobody really got his attantion. kook sighed, shattered some stupid hook-up lines right away and stayed alone.

the thing was, kook only looked for one-night-stands, nothing more. not even the whole night, sometimes he would choose a guy, walked with him into the dark room and did his bid there and went home after it. or some action in the backseat of his car. he didnt want a serious relation ship.

he stared into his drink and decided to gulp it down and called it a night, when some nice scent hit his nose. his head snapped to the direction and he saw a guy just walking by his table. he smiled and laughed with another guy. kook took a breath and thought that guy was gorgeous. kook leaned back and observed him. he wanted to know if that guy was single, or that other guy was his boyfriend, what would be a bummer.

the guy danced to some hip hop tune, in a funny way, walked to the bar and tried to get the attention from one of the bar tenders. kook stood fastly up and walked right next to him, leaning on the bar.

"they are really busy tonight" kook let out. "huh? oh... looks like" "what u want?" "whiskey" "okay" kook waved to the waiter from before and ordered the drinks. in no time, they had glasses in their hands.

"i am impressed." the guy pouted and nodded. kook grinned. "i am kook" "yoongi" they clinged their glasses and took some gulps. kook initiated a conversation and they walked to his table. yoongi looked several times to his friend on the dance floor and smiled.

kook saw it, pointed with his glass in hand to that friend and asked "your friend?" yoongi nodded "yeah, taehyung" "boyfriend?" yoongi tilted his head with a faint smirk. "no, he is not. why u wanna know?" kook only smirked back. "i dont know?" yoongi scoffed. "i can tell u are.... experienced. u know a lot of the guys in here. u are not a good guy, i think" kook laughed. "u are right. so, wanna try out a bad guy?" he whispered into yoongis ear, watching closely his reaction. yoongi stayed cool and leaned back to see kooks face. with squinted eyes he examined him for a while, stood suddenly up and pointed with his chin to the direction of the dark room.

kook smiled and walked with him. they arrived in the dark maze-layed out room, ear popping music, flash lightning and lots of bodies in various positions everywhere. they walked slow and looked for the perfect spot.

kook walked ahead, found a spot and pulled yoongi into it. nose on nose they stood there. "what u wanna do? hm?" "question is more, giving or reciving" kook grabbed yoongis butt. "nice and firm. i want do u" "okay"

the foreplay was not really a thing, they just lowered their jeans and underwear, rubbing their hips together until they felt horny enough. kook wanted to press his lips on him, but yoongi turned his head away. "no kissing on the lips" "fine with me" so he pressed them instead on yoongis neck. when kook was hard enough, he pulled a condom out and gave it to him. without hesitation yoongi put in on kooks cock and turned around, waiting for the familiar stretch.

kook didnt wait, didnt slow down, made it magical. they were in a dark room. they were strangers. it didnt matter. they fucked, they came, they put their pants back up, walked out of the maze, back to kooks table, had another drink, yoongis friend came by, yoongi said goodbye and walked with taehyung away. kook left the club soon after, satisfied for a while, aware that he might never see him again.


i sighed. i really thought i would never see him again and now he was my target. shit!

i used my spy programm on my computer. i tried to find out what i could about him. he had a clean upcomming. no bad parents, middle class, but too poor for any of the pricey schools or colleges. he had to work hard, to pay for his education, cause his father went bankcrupt when he was in middleschool. wow... he worked really a lot to help his parents. college degree, started to work in a good company, worked again his butt off, climbed the ladder to a better position and pay, met the dumb bitch, got engaged after only dating for 4 months. was she pregnant? i checked into her not so privat life too. she was selfie addicted, obsessed about her social life and her "friends" and followers. she only got a few pics of him and her, what was suspicious. there were more pictures about her pets, than her fiance.

i could tell right away that she was shallow, the question was, why was he going to marry her, wanting to have her as his wife. was he bi? i tried to find former boyfriends, but i couldnt find. either he was very good in hiding, or.... taehyung... i searched for him. wow!

if somebody screamed more gay than him, than i would be impressed. just wow. he had a lot of pictures of guys, but only yoongis and his together under privat setting. interesting. they showed them partiing. drinking. on vacation. nothing dirty on yoongis part.

but yoongis pictures only in his swim wear, or boxers, let me stayed longer, than i wanted. he looked really good. i should gave myself the time, took him home, stripped him down. shit..... a wasted chance.

i called it a day and drove to his area. i didnt know why. he wouldnt just ran around outside. i scoffed at my own stupidity, parked the car and looked again at the file. he was really a very handsome, interesting man. a man i had pressed onto a filthy wall and fucked hard, without any feelings. i shook my head. i really should change. i missed out on someone.... shit.

i followed him the next days. made fotos of him, leaving his apartment, driving to work, going for lunch in a deli near by, driving home in the evening, or meeting friends in a near by bar, metting his fiance, going shopping. nothing interesting. nothing dirty. there was no clubbing, no blowing off some stranger in an dark alley, or dark room, no fucking in his car.

so what was that? a one time thing? just to find out, if he might was into guys? curiousity before getting married to a woman? i couldnt get smart from his behaviour. it was frustrating.

or..... was it with me so bad, that he didnt want to do it with a man again?! come on! i wasnt bad in sex! and i was sure, i wasnt his first!

i contacted tae on one of his social sides. smeared a lot of honey around his mouth. i tried to get an input into yoongis behaviour by his best friend.

also: i broke into his apartment.

i knew he was at a company party, he wouldnt be home for some hours. so i had time.

i looked around his home, it was clean and neat. nothing fancy, nothing screaming "i am fucking expensive". he had a good kitchen, big sofa, normal tv, a playstation, computer, a workdesk, a solid bed, i layed in it. it was comfy. the sheets were clean, he must have changed it recently. the bathroom was also clean. toothbrush, handcream, facecream, face masks, the normal stuff men had.

the closet was also very neat. shirts, colour coded, work pants and whole suits, jeans, tshirts, sweats further down. nice shoes. ties mostly in dark colours. in all, he was neat, boring, normal. nothing stinged my eyes.

i found good places for my cameras, got out of the complex and drove home. waiting for him.

i didnt had to wait long. my laptop gave out a piep and i was on it. there he was. comming back from the party, got out of his shoes, he threw his keyes on the table, shoved his jacket off, yanked on his tie, opened some buttons of his shirt, plopped onto the couch, heaved his feet onto the table and watched some tv. boring.... but i couldnt left my eyes from the monitor. i zoomed his frame closer. i wanted to see his face.

my days were full of observing him, my nights with watching him at home. he never had his fiance over, he never had anybody over. he talked with his parents from time to time, nothing outstanding there. he was worried about his moms health, his dads amount of work hours. he was a good son. every month he wired them a good amount of money.

his fiance was something else. she was going out every night, she fucked. she had another guy. a slimebag. i was pissed. how could she do that? she was engaged to a good man!

i closed my observation. put all evidence on the bitches infedality into an envelope and sent it to denver. he wanted a reason to boycott the wedding, i gave him one. not the one he wanted, but u cant choose, cant u?

denver called me on the same day. he was furious on why i investigated his own daughter.

"cause there is nothing on the fiance. u wanted a reason, so i looked into her and voila. u have it."

he blabbed about whatever and i ended the call. i made my work, if he liked it or not. but i also sent yoongi the pics of his fiance and the slimebag.

i watched him again. i should have returned the cameras, but.... i couldnt stop watching him. he came home, sat on the couch and opened the envelope. he threw the fotos on the table and called her. it was bad, really bad. they broke it all off.

he had another company party and i entered his home again. i needed my cameras. it was time. maybe i would see him in the club now again?

as i was making my rounds and collected them, when all of the sudden a snarky voice was heard.

"i dont have anything valuable here. get out, or i call the....what the fuck, u doing here?!" he had switched the lights on. i was shocked to say it midley. "uh.....i ...i....shit... i am a private investigater" "the fotos.... they came from u?" i nodded. he scoffed and crossed his arms. "did u investigated me in the club too?" "no. i got the job a few days ago" "from her father?" i nodded. he gave a bitter laugh out. "that asshole. but u didnt rat me out. u got her on the stake" "sorry to say, but u are boring, so i spied a bit on her and i found so much... u wont believe it...sorry, u must have loved her" "i didnt" yoongi whispered. "what? come again?" "i didnt loved her and she only wanted me to piss off her dad" "so...why?" yoongi sighed, got a bottle of whiskey and two glasses out of a cabinet and sat down on his couch.

he gestured me to do that too. we drank some whiskey in silence.

"we had an agreement. i would get a better position in the company and she could do whatever she wanted. there was never love" "are u gay?" we looked at each other. yoongi slowly shook his head with a grimaced smile.

"we fucked" "u could experimented before the wedding" yoongi scoffed. "please, u probably felt that i was not a virgin" "yeah" we drank again in silence.

"i was afraid" "of what?" "that my performance was so bad, that..." yoongi laughed. a full laugh. his body shook. somehow i felt ..... screwed. was he screwing me?

"can u stop?!" "sorry....but.... wow.....idiot" "thanks" yoongi stood up, stumbled forward, i had to catch him, or his head would have an impact on the table. shit... he smelled like that night. i felt his heartbeat.

for a second i drowned into his eyes, my lips found his without any problems. we kissed for an eternity. this time it was .... we lost our clothes on the way to his bedroom, our hands were busy like our lips. i felt his bare skin, finally. we didnt talk at all, there was no need to.

we fell on the bed, he reached for his lube. i didnt know how it started, but we gave each other blow jobs, side by side, fingered each other, prepared each other for each other. it would be one of the rare occasions, where i would recive and not only give. i wanted it, i wanted him. i didnt know why.

he rolled a condom on his cock and pushed in. one hand held my hip, the other grabbed hard my hair. it was odd to get it from behind, but after some thrusts i started to like it. i felt all of him. the stretch wasnt uncomfortable and he hit me good. i was moaning and panting for air, whining, when he hit my prostate with every thrust. it was good, it was amazing.

i came hard. he fell on my back. i felt his whole weight on me. it was so so good. his body was wet from sweat, his skin felt hot. slowly he pulled out of me and layed down, next to me. as he panted for air, tried to calm his body down again, i removed the condom, threw it in the bin, slipped another on my own cock and turned him on his side. i pulled his delicious butt to me and rubbed my still hard cock, entered him in one move and burried my face into his hair. he smelled now so much better.

in the end, he still got his promotion, the wedding was off, she was sent to europe and him and i started a relationship. it was for both of us an adjustment, but we became a strong couple.

and i never removed all of the cameras.