steam boiler

"okay..... good. lets wrap it up" all sighed in relief and stood up from the meeting table and walked out.

"uff....lets get some food!" jin huffed and stretched his body. joon chuckled and dialed for food delivery. the gang drove home. after all the dates of the new tour were settled, all the venues booked and so on, they finally had some time to breath, before the practice started.

after their dinner, the boys scrambled in their apartment around.

yoongi jumped into his bed and tried to fell asleep, but sleep wasnt comming. hours went and he stood up frustrated. he walked silently to their mini studio. he flopped on the chair, pulled closer to the laptop and started it up. he sighed as he opened the webside he wanted, scrolled until he found what he wanted. some nice porn. he lowered his boxers, grabbed his lube and waited to get turned on. ....buuuuuttt.... nothing happened. his "friend" didnt woke up. what the hell?! was it broken? why couldnt he get it up?! there were lituarly people fucking their brains out and ...nothing???? yoongi was more frustrated. it was ...weeks now. WEEKS!!!! oh....wait...months!!! fuuuuuck!!!!

yoongi groaned and walked back into his bedroom, layed down and tried again to fell asleep.

the days/nights went on like this, yoongi felt pressured and more pressured, when the practice started. he felt like a over pressured steam boiler. the steam was already comming out of his ears.

yoongi panted, drenched in sweat, he took a waterbottle and walked out of the dancestudio and leaned against the dark narrow hallway, right next to the toilets. he was exhausted, not balanced at all. frustrated to the limit.

"are u okay?" yoongi flinshed and looked up. he grumbled. "fine" tae tilted his head. "u dont look fine. problems with the dances?" "no" "problems with the song choices?" "no? stop asking me. i said i am fine" tae smirked, closed in and whispered into yoongis ear. "problems with your dick, huh?" yoongi flinshed big time. "fuck off" "so u are not denying it.... wanna have help?" "again, tae: fuck off"

taes big hand found yoongis crotch and rubbed him. the other hand held his shoulder tight, half of taes body blocked him to ran away. "what....shit...." "i help u. i am your anyway. u have a problem, i know the solution" yoongis mind blurred out. he got hard in some seconds, by taes hand, in seconds! what he couldnt do by his own since months, tae magically could just in fucking seconds. he lowley moaned. tae opened the buttons on the jeans and shoved his hand in, still over yoongis soft fabric underwear.

his head was nuzzled against yoongis sweaty neck, yoongi sucked on his own underlip to muffle his moans. this felt damn good. "wanna feel my my hand for real?" yoongi nodded slightly. tae couldnt help not to smile and got his hand out, only to shove it into the underpants.

now he felt the harden muscle. "shit, we need lube...spit in my hand" first yoongi just looked at him, but did what he was asked for. "there u go" taes hand was back inside the pants and started to stroke him. yoongis knees bucked and pressed his open mouth into taes shoulder. it felt so good to finally jerk off..... or have somebody to do it. yoongi practically clawed taes back and hit his high finally. he gave out whiny moans and slowly shoved down the wall.

tae squated down, combed some hair out of yoongis face and just looked at him. "u should put your dick away and go back to the studio. i ll wash my hands quick and follow u" yoongi couldnt say a word, but he nodded and stood up with a groan. tae watched him walking slowly away, bringing his clothes back to normal. tae tilted his head, walked in the washroom and cleaned his hands. he pulled on his shirt to look at his shoulder. yoongi gave him something to remember. softly he caressed the bite mark and sighed. it was a first step.

yoongi slept deep and through the whole night. at last his body could get some rest. not that he got all of the pressure out, but it was a start.

he thought about what happened, he tried to talk with tae, but there was always one of their members around. so he text him at night.

thanks for helping out, but what the fuck tae?!

we can hold hands the whole time, we disagree with this, if u want. but i dont regret it.

..... dickhead. still.... what the hell happened? i mean...thank u, but.... u touched my dick

i know! was great, wasnt it?! wanna touch it again, if u are up to it!

.....what the .... fuck! tae!

should i come to your room?

yoongi layed there and his mind was in chaos. he sighed deep and got back to his phone.

come here

in seconds his door opened and he felt his bed dent a bit under taes weight. he felt taes hands all over him and stretched his body. this felt so so good! tae peeled the clothes of yoongis body off. everywhere taes hands touched his skin, yoongi felt tingles and hot sensations. this was to good! yoongi almost purred and heard taes snickers.

"are u laughing?" "sorry, but u sounded so cute" "ass" "oh yeah, a nice ass u have" yoongi gulped and couldnt say a word, just tried to see his face in the dim light. tae removed yoongis boxers and pulled him from the bed.

"what?" yoongi was confused. "just let me" tae smirked, got down on his knees and started to suck and kiss yoongis underbelly, licked the hairline down to his dick, showered the dick with kisses, licks and tender bites. yoongi had the time of his life. hot waves shook his body, goosebumps rushed over and he felt a great heat downstairs.

he glanced down and saw that he was fully in taes mouth. that was the source of the heat. fuck! tae was blowing him!

yoongi tilted his head and moaned lowley. he felt great! taes mouth worked wonders and was harsh. yoongi thought he would start to scream if he wouldnt bite his lips down. tae heard the muffled whines and smirked. he knew he would enjoy it. he lubed up his hands, while one was playing with yoongis balls, the other rubbed against his hole.

yoongi had to stable himself on taes shoulders, otherwise he would fall forward. he felt taes fingers inside of him. "fuck!"

tae grinned wide, after he left the dick with a plopp. he pushed yoongi onto the bed, pulled his legs apart and faced his dick again. but he pulled the hard muscle sharply up to get more access to yoongis balls and hole. he heard yoongis groans and sucked the whole ball into his mouth. yoongi flinshed and bucked his hips. his mind was clouded with arousal, his body was on fire. tae was to good in that! again he was fingerfucked and felt shivers. his legs trembled big times, like after some intense new choreo. his body arched up. he knew he would come any second now.

yoongi woke up, it was still early. confused he sat up. what happened? where was tae? did he dreamed it all?

hey! wake up! breakfast time!

where u in my room yesterday?


so it happened?!

lol. i had your balls in my mouth! i had your dick in my mouth! u fucked yourself on my fingers, if u were curious.

shit.... wow... what....

u kinda fainted

great. see u at breakfast.

are u not showing me some gratitude?

...what u want?

wait for tonight

shit. yoongi gulped.

he was nervous, sat on his bed and waited for tae. tae hushed into his room and smirked at him.

"what do u want?" "strip down and lay down" as yoongi did and stretched down on the bed. he prepared himself for tonight, just in case. he thought about it and came to the conclusion that he was ready for anything and everything tae was going to offer him.

tae got out of his clothes and layed opposite of yoongi on his side. "turn" he husked. now both were facing each others jewels. "oh..." yoongi smirked and started to work. tae enjoyed for some moments yoongis tongue on him and started also.

quiet moans, wet sounds, smacking lips surouned the air of yoongis bedroom. fingers slit in and out of body entrances.

tae pulled away and pulled yoongi to him.

"sit on my face" "huh?" "do it"

yoongi couldn't stay quiet anymore. his hand almost suffocated himself. he moved his hips on taes mouth and tongue. this was too hot! almost too much!

taes tongue got in and out, graced his balls and the strip inbetween, everytime he moved his hips. his thighs were on the verge to gave out.

"fuck...." "wanna lay down?" "yeah"

tae rubbed his dick, prepared it for the next act. he pulled yoongis hips up and lined up.

"if it hurts, tell me immidiatley" "stop talking" tae grinned and pushed his whole length into his bandmember.

"fuuuuuuuckkkk!" yoongi pressed out. he knew tae was big, but he never imagined him in him.

"u okay?" "why are u so huge?!" yoongi whined. "u saw me naked. u had my dick in your mouth" "i know.....but....shit" he groaned as tae was thrusting into him. "fuck....u feel good" tae moaned. he grabbed yoongis hair harshly and got faster.

"u have no idea for how long i was dreaming about that!" "what...." "suck u, fuck u" "oh....shit...." yoongi yelped after tae thrusted harder in. "why u think i like to shower with u?" yoongi wasnt able to say a word anymore. tae fucked him like a maniac. "i watched u jerking off. everytime i get a glance of your bare skin, i wanna rip your clothes off and take u right there. u have no idea, yoongi" he groaned into yoongis ear.

yoongis body by now shook. he was seconds away from his high and taes confession did its bits on his arousal. it was to much! "t...ta.....tae..." tae felt yoongis juice in his hand, rubbed harshly the tip over and over again, made the owner squirm and whine and came finally too.

"i am sorry...i dont know what came over me...did i hurt u?" they layed next to each other and tried to figure out what just happened.

"yoongi? please dont be mad" "i am not" tae turned to him and scanned his face. "u are not? i was a bit overboard...i am sorry" "a bit?! i wont e able to dance today....fucker" he grumbled. tae rolled his eyes and smirked. "than it should be a relieve that we only sit on our asses today and just go through the songs." "what?!" "we are going through the songlist today. no dancing" "oh! thank god!" tae snickered and nuzzled into yoongis wet chest.

he kissed around the nipple. "dont....i am so exhausted" "okay. just hand and blowjobs when we are practicing, full routine, when we dont have any physical training the next day. deal?" "u wanna continue?" tae looked up and kissed his lips. "of course. u dont?" they stared at each other. "no i would like that" yoongi whispered. "great.... oh shit" "what?" "i didnt taste your lips at all" "u just kissed me" "that wasnt a kiss" he grinned and pressed his lips onto yoongis.