studio / help u with everything

* i was so excited! finally i am on my way to do my dreamjob! all i ever wanted was to work in a studio. making music, be a producer! okay, i am more of a ... buzzboy, i ran all the things they want me to do, bring coffee, clean, make the life of the real musicians and producers, easier. but i am in, so maybe in no time, i will sit on the turntables, or more computers in no time. one of my favourite musicians and producers is working here, suga, i just didnt have the time yet to meet him. i hope i ll see him soon. i wanna learn from him! humming i walked through the halls and did my job.*

* shit! fuck! why cant i do this?! i am sitting on this new song since 4 days and i cant .... its awful! i was frustrated and stressed. i am really pissed...*

tae knocked on the door and went in, his arms full with coffee and some food. "hey, i brought u something" suga turned to him and looked him up and down. "who are u? i didnt order any of this!" "i am tae and i thought since u are in here for a few days, i bring u some food. i didnt saw u getting something. i was afraid you ll starve yourself"

* i was really surprised. i never saw him... no thats not true, i saw him before... yeah, i did... he is the new boy for everyting. my anger dissapeard. i felt suddenly thankfull. i didnt ate anything since... i dont know how long. this shit song keeps me away from everything. this boy was here, even everybody in this building knows that its dangerous to come into my studio when i am working. i have a bad reputation. but here he was. i sighed loudly and stood up to help him with the stuff. i sat down on my sofa and shoveld the food into me. he chuckled, still stood there and watched me. i didnt really care, i was so into eating.*

* he looked cute, like a squirell stuffing its cheeks. i had to chuckle and watch him. he ate in a hurry, like a hungry wolf. i was scared that he might choke on the food, but he gulped down the coke and sipped on his coffee. he looked me up and down again*

* "sit down" he looked surprised and happy, sat next to me. "ahm.... thanx" "u are wellcome" "how long are u in this company?" "a few weeks" "did nobody told u about not disturbing me, when i am working?!" i was really curious. he smiled wide. "yeah they told me" i tilted my head and stretched my arms out. "than why are u here?!" "cause i didnt want the cleaning lady find your corpse" first i looked dumbfounded, than i scoffed. "i wouldnt have died in here" "who knows, u are not taking care of yourself" i hissed at him, i got pissed again. what does he think he is?! my nanny? or in his case manny?! "i know i am new, but i am a ... fan of you and thats why i noticed that u didnt eat" "so so... a fan, huh? .... u gonna do what i want?" "that sounds sleezy, but yes. i will take care of u, if u want" "hmmmm interesting... good, than let me work." he nodded. "i ll come back later and make your bed ready. do u have clean towls here?" i looked at the small mountain of dirty clothes and stuff. "no, dont think so" "ok. see u later" he scubed up the stuff from the table and the floor and off he was. what the hell.... oh nevermind, i have work to do*

tae put the dishes back into the kitchen, put the clothes and towls into the washing maschine and whistled on his way. he was happy, finally his idol spoke to him and he could take care of him! it was late, almost midnight, his workshift was done 4 hours ago, but tae stayed and tried to make sugas life comfortable as possible.

* "the bed is ready" suga only hummed and still worked on his song. he looked tired, frustrated and angry. i knew he had trouble with this song, just didnt know what the problem was, cause the melody sounded great. but... i am still the amateur here. what do i know. i walked to him and thought a shoulder massage would work wonders, first he flinshed, but relaxed slowly under my hands. i couldnt see his face, but i thought he would have his eyes closed. i stopt and wanted to pull my hands away, but he whined and held my hands. he turned his head to me and had a pleading look on his face. how cute! "dont stop!" he almost yelled, cause he still had his headphones on. i had to chuckle, pulled his headphones off and him to his bed.

"u already made the bed?" i nodded. "yeah, time to get some sleep" "i cant i ..." "no! bed NOW!" he let his head hang down. i sat him down and pulled his sweater off. "i dont have any energy for a shower" he mumbled. "thought so. just lay down, i will massage u until u fell asleep, deal?" "deal" eagerly he layed down on his belly and waited for me to do my magic. i shook my head. he was really cute.... hm... can a guy be cute? and why do i think that... he is still a man, like me. whatever. i tapped his shoulder. "ahm... u have some oil or something like that?" he looked at me for a minute and than pointed to a basket in the shelf. "dont judge me" he mumbled and burried his face into his pillow. i furrowed my brows and looked into the basket, had to grinn wide. yes, he is a man. and like any man, he had lube. i grinned, still put some on my hands and worked his neck, shoulders and back. he fell asleep soon. i cleaned my hands, tugged him into his blanket and switched the lights off.

exhausted i drove home and fell into my bed. but i dreamed funny. i dreamed of him, sleeping next to him, holding him tight, inhaling his smell ....that was weird. the next day i had my day off, so i slept in. i enjoyed my free day, bought some groceries, cooked, went for a movie. right in the middle of it, my phone went off. a number i didnt know, so i ignored it, but it kept going on and on. i sighed frustrated and walked out of the theater to get the call. "what?!" i hissed. "where are u all day?!" the male voice hissed back. i was taken aback. "wha... who is this?" "suga" "oh" "where are u?" "at the movies..." "movies??? do u wanna get fired?!" "its my day off!" why the fuck is he so pissed? "i dont care! get your ass in here and help me" "but..." "be here in 5! or i will get u fired!" he ended the call with that. pissed myself, more furious, i drove to the company and stomped into his studio.

i stood there behind him and crossed my arm. he sat on his computers, headphones on again and cursed a lot. he took out his phone and dialed my number again, shoved his headphones down and turned surprised, when he heard my ringtone. "u are here" he even smiled. i never saw him smiling, my anger almost puffed away, but... this was serious! "its my day off. u are not the boss here" "dont care! u are responsible for me, for my health" "i am not!" "u are, since yesterday. i talked to bang pd. he agreed." my face and everything fell down. "what?" "u are soley responsible for me. u are working for me now" "what does that mean?" "normal things... hmm.. like yesterday. cooking, washing, u bring me coffee, take care that i have my sleep, make my bed, ect.." i just stood there. oh fucking shit... what have i done? i bound myself to a devil... WHY?! WHY?!*

* i didnt understood why he wasnt thrilled. its better working for me, than for the whole company. so why is he so angry about it? his duties arent bad. i slept so good and long, i had my energy back, his massage was magical and i just pestered the boss today to have him only for myself. i smiled at him, thought it would sooth him. "okay, how about u get me the good dish from yesterday?" "i cooked it myself" he dryly stated, his arms crossed again. i tried to smile nicely. "do u feel sick? where do u feel pain?" he suddenly was on me. "huh? what?" "your face just scrunched in pain" "i smiled" i hooded my eyes and looked at him. he backed away. "that was a smile? wow, u have to work on that. the small smile earlier was so much better" i must looked at him in disbelieve, he sighed and walked to the door. "i get u something to eat, u are too skinny anyway" "i am not skinny!" he turned. "u are! i will make a schedule for u in the companies gym" "what?" he just nodded at me and walked out. dumbfounded i sat there and starred at the door. gym? we have a gym? since when?*

* i hacked the veggies and the meat. i was still pissed. how could my boss just sourced me out to just one of the producers and songwriters? sure, i idolize suga, i really like to learn a lot from him, i could learn from him, but he is just handling me like a butler. whatever... i will learn, just have to be patient. but i will not keep up with his bullshit!*

tae walked back with the food, when bang pd came across. "oh tae." *oh my god! he knows my name!!!* "boss, good evening" "nice of u to help our suga, i know he can be a handfull" i just nodded. "looks like he likes u" "huh?" "see, he never demanded to have an assistant. but he insisted for u." "oh" his boss tapped his shoulder. "good job! just make sure he is happy. he was really stressed out the last few weeks" "okay, i will" "great" the boss walked whisteling away and tae still stood there. he was amazed.

* so he wanted me and insisted to have me... wow... maybe i should give him a shot*

tae walked into the studio again. suga was concentrated on his work, so he turned the chair, heaved the unwilling man over his shoulder and let him fell down on his back on the sofa. tae pointed at the food on the table. "eat" suga looked with an open mouth at tae.

* my god, he is really dominant right now..... i got the shivers.... ok... i must be sick, must get the flue. absolutly flue Symptomes! nothing else... my stomach was knotting... or were there butterflies? oh come on!!! him? HIM???!!! why him? he looks stupid! he is .. not my type! as i ate i glanced at him. he looked like he was in his own world. ok his face was striking, his figure was nice, he was taller than me, his skin was smooth and tanned, in all he really looked nice, still he wasnt my type. his voice was too low, but why did it gave me goosebumps? i must be exhausted and sleep deprived. yeah, thats why!*

* i dont know why he starred at me. he ate and starred at me. maybe he wasnt aware what he did. i tried to not look him in the eyes, like with any wild animal, just not to get him in my face. but in the corners of my eyes i noticed him. when he looked away and focused on his dinner, so i had time to scan his features. he had a nice face. pale skin, i have to do something about that, he looks like a vampire, or a corpse! i admired him for his wonderful swung lips, the wonderfull eyes. and i had to admit, he could wear all colours of the rainbow with his hair! the bright green suited him really good. he finished his meal and looked at me. "whats with u?" "huh?" "u didnt eat" "i ate at home" "from now on eat with me" "is that an order?" he thought about it. "i ask u for it?" i nodded. "okay" he smiled a bit. "u could smile more" "naaaa, why?!" "because u look nice, when u do" "stop with the bullshit." "no bullshit" "ok. thanks" we looked at each other and smiled.

"ready for bed?" he nodded. "go to the showers, i ll clean up and make your bed ready." "and massage?" i tilted my head. "okay" i sighed. he clapped his hands and took his towl and walked out. i shook my head and cleaned all, made his bed ready and looked into the basket for the lube. i got curious, so i pulled the magazine up under the lube. i backed away. what??? the??? actual??? fuck??? there it layed in the box... a dildo! i was shocked and tried to get everything back in there, before suga came back. i got a look onto the magazin and saw it wasnt a typical mens one, but a gays one! i looked a bit. so he was into guys and into the cute ones. the ones with the very very pretty faces and small statue.

okay..... i learned something about him. i pushed the box back on its place and placed the lube on the table. i got an idea, i took the lube and warmed it up in the microwave in the kitchen. suga came back soon, only in a towel around his hips. i had to force myself not to stare at him, but i needed too. i got up, circled around him and poked his body. "u are really skinny. i have to feed u more" suga looked down on him and scrunched his face. "i am not skinny. i am thin, but not skinny" "u look like a corpse of an anorexic" "oh take that back!!! thats too much!" i shook my head. "nope! i really have to make a timetable for u" suga scoffed and started to pull the towel off. "u watching me orrrr...." "oh.." i fastly turned around. shit! my heartbeat was fast. he was just a skinny grumpy asshole, why was it beating so fast than? "okay" i turned back to him. now he had his pyjama pants on. "lay... lay down" i had to cough a frog out from my throat. he was awfully obidient. i squirted the warm lube onto his back. he moaned silently. nice. i massaged him again and again he fell asleep asap. i sighed. i was also really tired. i didnt wanted to drive all the way to my condo, so i undressed myself to my underwear and after hesitation, layed next to him.*

* i woke up. still in a daze, but i heard him undressing. i glanced at him, the lights were still on. i saw his almost naked body.... i had to sigh... than it hit me. why was he getting out of his clothes??? what was he up to?? i felt him next to me. so he was sleeping here. no other ideas, only sleeping... i can live with it. we slept, but i felt him so near. his body heat kept me warm the whole night. like an anaconda, his legs and arms wrapped around me and held me tight until morning. we woke up. i felt him flinshing away from me. the sudden loss of his hug and warmth, made my body craving for him immidiatly. i relaxed in his arms, i felt safe in his arms, protected and good. and when he wasnt near me i felt vulnerable and cold. i shivert. "see, u are cold, cause u have no muscles or fat on your body" he husked out. i sat up and rubbed my eyes. "i have muscles, i could punsh your nose" i yawned and stretched myself. tae chuckled and pulled me up. "yeah sure"*

the weeks came and went. the boys were together 24/7. tae never took his days off. they got to know each other more and more each day. they had a good routine, tae pushed suga to do his best in the gym, he got him out of the studio from time to time, took him to the near park and they had some walks there. sugas body and mind lived up, he was like a dry out plant what got water again. spring became summer. because suga didnt had an apartment for himself, he never bothered himself to look for one, just lived in his studio, tae invited him the weekends over. they watched movies in the theater, went to concerts, drank in bars. they became good friends.

suga and tae sat on the sofa and listend to the artists whom sang sugas songs in. from time to time suga stood up and talked with the singers, or the technician on the buttons. suga sat back and looked at tae.

"what u think?" "hmm... he should sing a bit lower" "lower?" tae smirked and leaned to sugas ear. "i know u like higher voices, but this song works best with a low one"

* i felt him shiver. how hilarious! i whispered with my lowest voice i could put on and he shivered! i got hooked, so i played a bit with him. "what u mean?" he whispered back. "i know your websearch history" "did u spy on me?" "no, u left your laptop open and just wanted to go on amazon... pretty boys huh?" i smirked at him again. he stared into my face. "so u looked at my history" "hm" i caressed his long fingers, than his hands. he closed his eyes and sighed. i couldnt look away, leaned to his ear again. "i never thought, u, from all my idols would like boys" "so?" "i am sorry that i forced my massages on u" suga rolled his eyes. "do u really think u make me, what? horny? forget it" i gave him a big grinn. "hmmmm... ok" i hummed with my really low voice again. i saw goosebumps and was happy like a child. the tech turned around and asked suga something. suga shot up from the sofa, walked to him. "okay, looks good. lets have a break!" i scant him up and down, something was odd....oh shit! he had a boner! haaaaaa! he had a boner, cause of me?! are u fucking shitting me?*

* i was so thankfull that the tech needed something, that i could get away from this seductive devil on two feet! what the hell! first he looked into my websearch history and now that! i felt aroused. i felt my harden cock. i needed to get me a break and got out of the studio. away from fucking tae. finally i walked fastly to the toilets. i needed to take care of my friend right now. it was embarrassing and confusing. i got into the toilet and closed the door. i opend my jeans, yanked them down with my underwear and took some soap and jerked off. on my mind taes lips popped up, how his tongue glided over them, how they looked wet after it. i had to moan, tried to silent myself. suddenly i heard a knock*

* suga ran away. i shook my head. why was he torturing himself that bad? he only had to asked and i would make him feel good. yeah i have to admit. i would make him feel good, in any way he would want me. since weeks i felt, that i would do anything for him. was this love? i had sleepless nights, when he layed next to me, in my arms, i thought about my feelings. if i had feelings for him, or if it was only my hormones. we felt good with each other, we felt good hugging each other. he always pulled my arms around him, when i turned in my sleep. so he liked me doing that.... but would i do sexual acts on him, with him? i didnt know first, but within these weeks, i came to the conclusion i could and i would like do some things with him and to him.

so i stood up and followed him to the small bathroom on the floor. i knocked on the door and waited for him to open it, but only silence. "suga? open the door" "no" "please let me in" "no. i am taking a dump. go away" "i know" "so go away!" "no i mean i know" "know what?" "what u doing in there" "i just told u that i am taking a shit" "no, u are ... jerking off" silence again. i heard steps and the door opend a bit. i only saw an eye. "what u saying?" "i know and i wanna take responsibility" "of what?" "for making u hard" he flinshed away and tried to close the door again, but i got my foot in the door and pressed the door open, got in and closed it behind me. suga scubed away from me and tried to get out. i had to grab his shoulders. "let me go" i leaned closer, put my hands on his hips and pulled them in mine. my lips were so close to his. i had to bit my underlip to held myself back not to jump him.*

* oh noooo... not biting the lip! i could melt right there. i wanted this lips on mine! i closed my eyes to get him out, but my fucking cock twitched so much, that it hurt. i had to moan, right into his face! how embarrassing! i act like a fucking slut! why cant i have more dis.....*

* he moaned, i snapt. i pressed my mouth onto his. i .... i really snapt. i didnt gave him any chance to end his sentence, or anything. i pulled him, more, pressed him into me, my tongue invated his wet cavern. but he kissed back, his arms grabbed my shirt and he played with my tongue. i felt his hard wood in his underwear, i felt mine becomming as hard. all my thoughts, all my concerns, my confusions were blown away. this here felt so good, so right, so fulfilling. we danced in this small bathroom around, scratching the others body, grabbing everything our hands could get on. this was it. this was my answer to all my questions. finally.*

* he kissed me so hard. his tongue cut off my intake of air, but it was my fault anyway, cause i sucked his deep into my mouth. i felt he was hard, i got more excited than i already was. i needed more, i wanted more. i bit his lip, my nails under his shirt scratched his back, he bleeded a bit. i licked my bloody fingers, right in his face. i should knew that this was a bad bad idea, but... u know... i... i dont ... i dont know what happened. suddenly we were naked by the waist down, my pants were on my ankles. and we jerked each other off.*

tae and suga appeared after the break again in the studio and worked. they didnt talk or looked at each other. it was late again, when they drove to taes apartment. it was friday anyway. suga walked half into the livingroom, when he stopt his tracks and swirled around. "would u fuck with me?" tae froze. "what?" "would u ... u know... fuck me?" he had his hands on his hips, starred into taes face. tae stood still and stared back. slowly he walked up to him and locked sugas head into his hands. taes forhead touched sugas, he stared into sugas eyes and puckered his lips. "do u want my lips all over u?" "yes" suga whispered, leaned a bit forward to caught taes lips. tae smirked. "what else do u want?" "u fucking me" "thats all?" suga shook his head.

* i wanted him to say what he wanted from me in detail. i needed to hear his comands. he squirmed after hearing my request, but he took a deep breath and whispered into my ear. "undress me, caress my body, kiss me everywhere, make me horny" i smiled at him and pushed him to my, or more our bed. i yanked his clothes off his body, he layed naked there, i stared at him. my hard work to get him to the gym and eat properly showed on his body. he looked really good! he wasnt so pale anymore, still like snowhite, his few black body hair stood really out on his white skin. i should push him into a solarium once in a while! i could eat him right there. he looked so delicious. i started with his feet, sucking on every toe, licking over his sole, made him giggle, up to his knee, sucking around it, nibbling on his thighs, sucking hard on the inside of his thighs, made him moan out. oh i loved this, i loved his airy moans, i needed him to give me more. i came up to his most sensitive area, he was already hard. what a sight. i mean i already saw him and his "friend" today, but now he was bare like a newborn and he looked so vulnerable to me. i stood up, got rid of my own clothes and came down on him again. i caressed his face and went down. i sucked his nipples, twisted them a bit, sucked and nibbled down to his dick and enjoyed the twitching muscle. he was a quite good size and somehow i wondered how he would feel inside of me. but right now, i wanted to give him what he wanted and that was my cock in him. i didnt know if i could suck his dick, but as i licked over it, i knew i could. i think i overdid it, it was new to me, so i took advantage. but i overstimulated him, he came and sat up. "why did u.....? fuck..." suga fell back on the bed. he stretched his body. i knew he felt good. i snatched my lube. i knew i had to finger him, to get my cock in, i saw his porn. his upperbody and hips arched up and moaned so great, that i had trouble not to fuck him right there*

* o h m y g o d !!!! i didnt know how long i didnt have physical contact with anyone, besides the one thing earlier today, but this felt so good. he touched me all over, he sucked me, he fingered me, he kissed me. i couldnt get enough. his mouth on my ear, giving out sounds what made me shiver, his slick fingers thrusting me fast, i hung onto him and shut my mind and brains out. i only wanted to feel him. funny.... i never thought i would lay in bed with him, doing this. wanting this and him. i always had pretty boys and i always was on top, i think i was bottom the last time in school, when i had something with my pe teacher. but it felt normal, wanted and right now with tae. i pushed my thoughts away, as i said, i wanted only to feel everything.

after a while i got impatient and begged him to fuck me. i really am a slut.... when he pushed in, i felt so stretcht out, but so good. he stopt and looked at me. "keep going" i husked out. "arent u in pain? i wont continue, if u are in pain" "i am not" "but u look like" "tae! please! i need u!" "but..." ooohhhh fuck it! i thrusted my hip hard up and met his hips. finally he was all in. i saw his expression, his eyes closed, his brows high up, his mouth open. i pursed my lips and nodded. yeah.... he felt good in me! i bucked my hips a few times, to get him going. his eyes opend, his mouth got into an O shape. "come on! fuck me" i whispered. his hand trailed over my lips, he smirked and carefully started to move. that wasnt enough! i needed him to get hard on me! i moved my hips faster and harder on him, hoping he got the clue and oh boy, he did! he grunted into my face, sucked my underlip into his mouth, stayed like this and started to fuck me to heaven. my lord.... *

suga woke up in taes arms as usual, only this time he felt different. everything was different! he sighed. "are u up?" "hm" suga hummed and turned to him. "are u ok?" "u have an ass big dick" tae grinned. "sorry?" "idiot" they smiled at each other, still to tired to wake fully up. tae held him tighter and closed his eyes. "lets stay like this for some minutes" "wont get me up now anyway" suga grunted and nuzzled into taes neck. they drifted into sleep again.

they were now fucking everytime they could, everywhere they wanted. mostly they almost got caught from others, but they were lucky. so nobody in the company had an idea of what they were doing. on the outside, they were good friends, suga made some new hits, tae as his assistant got credit for it too, everything was great, so it looked like.

tae sat on the chair and tried to finish his own song, when suga came in. "are u done?" "no and u shouldnt be here. i will play it for u, when i am done" suga grinned. "ok. i am going in the park for a bit" he turned around and started to walk to the door, when "hey!" stopt him. he turned to tae. "what?" "come here" suga smirked and walked back. "ok" tae grabbed him on the sweater and pulled his chest down. "bye" he kissed suga sweetly. suga burst out in laughter. "what was that?" tae looked hurt. "why are u laughing? i just wanted to say bye" "sorry.... thats so.... we are not together" "i know... about that, we should talk, dont u think?" "about what?" suga sighed. he leand up again and walked to the door. "about us" "why? its working perfectly" "still" "yeah, whatever.... see ya later" tae looked at the closed door.

* what is he thinking? we are not a couple. we are.... friends with benefits... kinda. he is still not my type. okay, mostly he fucks me, but still.... i like him, but thats all. he is my friend, we know each other, we work great together, we have fun together, i can relax with him, i feel good with him... but we are no couple. never ever!*

suga walked around the park, deep in his thoughts. tae had finished for today, the song wasnt done yet, but he had no nerves now to concentrate on the damn song. it was a love confession for suga. he walked in the park and looked for him.

* where the hell is he? we really need to talk, i need to know what he thinks about us, what he feels and if there was a chance for us. i want him to be my love, my boyfriend. i want us to be official. i am confident that he is the love of my life. suga... suga... i dont even know his real name... is that a sign, that he doesnt want me? what should i do?....*

"hey tae! my god! i didnt see u since school! what u are doing now?" "kookie?! u grown up!" tae laught. there was kook, his old friend from school. he didnt saw him since kook went to university in another town after school. they fell into each others arms. they chatted and laught. tae forgot totally that he looked for suga.

suga stood there behind a bush and watched them.

* who is that? is that a friend? why are they laughing.... moment.... wait.... am i ... JEALOUS??? ... naaaaaaa... why should i be jealous? thats stupid... yeah... wait... where are they going? i thought he would look for me.. i know he wanted to talk and.. wait! where are u going?!*

tae and kook went into a cafe, sat down and ordered. they still chatted and laught. suga creept in, sat near and held the menue infront of his face, but glanced to them. the longer they talked and had fun, the more suga got furious. he was jealous, but couldnt admit that he was. after hours, tae and kook walked out of the cafe, suga in their shadows. tae walked kook to his car, they hugged and bit their good byes. suga had enough, he fast walked back to his studio. he needed time to process all the feelings he had.

* i had a great mood and whistled, when i walked back to the company. as i walked in, it hit me. suga! shit! shit! i ran to the elevator. i thought he would be in his studio. and when i walked in, and i saw him there on his sofa, i sighed in relief. "hey" "who was that?" he stood up and crossed his arms. i was dumbfounded. "who?" "the guy u had so much fun today!" oh! he saw us??? "jungkook, kookie, my old friend. i didnt saw him the last few years.... suga... if u saw us, why didnt u came to us? i could introduced u" "oh and ruin your get together with him?" his voice dripped with sarcasm and anger. i was surprised and cofused. what was with him? "no it wouldnt, i would be happy to introduced u to him... why are u so pissed?" "i am not" i crossed also my arms and tilted my head. "u are. and it would be fun, u would get a lot of embarrassing stories from my school days."

i smiled at the memories, what only made him more mad. he yelled things at me what made me backed away. what was wrong with him? he followed me and stood that close, that i felt his breath onto my face. he acused me of things, i never thought doing, specially with kook. and than he said suddenly "u are mine!" and i snapt. i pushed him from me, pushed him to the sofa until he felt down on it. "i am yours? since when? i wanted to talk with u about us, but u only ran away. i wanted to confess to u with my song, but wasnt sure. hell, i even dont know your real name!" "yoongi" he whispered. "what?!" "its yoongi, min yoongi" i backed up and inhaled deep. "yoongi.... " he was still on his back. tears trailed down and dissapeard into the fabric. we stayed like this for some minutes, or seconds, i dont know how long. i gave myself a push and sat on ...yoongis... lap, grabbed his arms and pulled them up, over his head. i wont gave him any chance to ran away from me again. i leand down to look him straight into his eyes.

"why are u jealous, yoongi?" i used a mild tone, i didnt wanted to fight anymore. i wanted to know. his eyes got big for a second, than they were normal again. he looked away. "look at me, baby" he looked back and sniffed, his tears still ran down. "i...i...i was so angry" "why?" "u with your friend. i watched u all day" i was surprised. "really?" he nodded. i sighed again. "yoongi... he was just a friend" "still... i felt so bad, when i saw u two laughing and having fun, i felt so ... alone and lost... i was jealous" "why? hm? why?" "u know why" he hissed into my face. how cute! he looked like my old cat when she was pissed. i needed to grinn.

"u love me" i stated. yoongi looked big, but after a while he rolled his eyes. "whatever" i laught and connected our foreheads. "admit it! i wont get u out of this room until u say the words" "u...u are an asshole!" "hm.. say it" "than what?" "than i can say the same words to u" "u... what?" i sighed frustrated. "u know u are intelligent enough, but sometimes u are just stupid! i love u for a long time, but was afraid to tell u" "why... no nevermind, i know why... i was... u know... sorry" i shook smiling my head. yoongi leand up and kissed me softly. "i am sorry, i had no reason to say all the things i said before. it was unfair, i was only pissed" "yes u were... " he kissed me again, more hungry this thime. in no time we had a steamy make out/make up session. we layed naked there, devoured each other, i pushed in, i needed to feel him so bad. as i thrusted in and out of him, he wrapped his arms and legs around me, held me tight with it that i almost couldnt move anymore, with his lips on my ear he stuttered a "love u" into it. my cock twitched hard, what made him moan out loudly. i was thankfull that the studio was soundproof, cause he let out some loud sounds today! with everything we felt more intimate with each other, more connected than ever.*

* after i pressed it out, the words he wanted to hear so bad and my brain wanted to scream out so bad, i felt different again. like after the first time we had each other, it felt so different. our sex felt more.... intimate, more, much more than ever. was it, cause we finally admit to our feelings for each other? all the stress, frustration and sadness i had the day all over, i felt great, relaxed. as if a huge weight was off my shoulders. lightheaded i let myself go. i never let myself go, but now... i dont know how loud i was, or what i said to him, i only knew i came so hard as never and mostly fainted. i woke up when the alarm clock went off, but i didnt felt tae next to me. i paniced and shot up, only to see him on my chair, headphones on and working on his song. i had to calm my poor heart down. here we were, in my small studio. i looked at him and my heart hurt. i knew that this was a beginning of something wonderfull. this was taehyung, my love and partner.*