the storm / sorry sir, there are no other rooms

finally vacation! yoongi sighed and sat down on this seat. he was on his way to one of kyushus small islands. he earned this 2 weeks of sunbathing, a lot of alcohol, beach and beautiful water. he couldnt wait. "hi! i think my seat is there" a man told him nicely.

yoongi looked up and starred in beautiful eyes and the rest of the face wasnt bad either. he got up from his seat and let the man to his seat. after all was settled the plane rolled to the runway. "are u going to kyushu too?" the pretty boy started small talk.

yoongi smirked. "all people are going there. this is a plane, not a bus" he mocked. the boy got embarrassed and noded. "right" yoongi chuckled.

"ladies and gentleman! welcome on board, our flight will take about 3 hours and i hope u will have a great vacation. i wanna introduce u now to the crew. if u need something like a lot of drinks, please yell out heather! if u need assistance with your bowlmovements yell for denise and her very strong disgusting coffee! if u have problems to get out of this plane in an emergency yell for gwen, she will be the first out and away. if u need more love in your life, please call sue, she will smooch u and suck the air out of you!"

everyone was laughing at this point and in a happy mood. the plane took off.

the pretty boy held his armrests tightly and was pressed into his seat. his expressions were not the best. "please dont puke on me" yoongi begged. the boy looked at him. "no worries, just have problems with the start and the landing" he sighed when the plane got into the travel hight.

yoongi nodded and leaned back, closed his eyes and tried to relax. an hour into the flight there was suddenly a commotion. people in the back got panic. it smelled burned. the air hostesses examined the back and one of them hurried smiling and resuring that "everything is fine" to the captains phone. after some minutes the captian talked to the people.

"u already figured out that something is wrong with the plane. we will fly to an island near our location just in case. i am very sorry that we cant get u to your destination right now. but its better to be carefull with a plane, than to plunsh into the water" t

he people growled and complained, but in the end were relieved to get down saftly and not in pieces.

the pretty boy looked at his seat neighbour in panic and grabbed his hand, almost squeezed it to death. yoongi scrunched his face. "ouch! not so tight!" "sorry....but....i think i need to puke...." yoongi looked shocked and leaned down to get the paper bag and held it to his face. the boy vomited and yoongi padded his back. it was disgusting, but at least it didnt get on him.

the airhostess with the name gwen looked at them and handed the boy a cup of water. "sorry for the mess. i hope your partner will get better soon" she smiled. yoongi wanted to tell her, that she got it wrong, but the plane suddenly swung from one side to the other.

panic spread. the boy puked again. it was horrible. after some horried minutes the plane started to get down, it became more stable. everyone clapped when they landed safetly. all started to get out and went to the gateway. they were rallyed around airport workers and airline workers, who told them that they had to stay for a night, cause of the planes problems.

the people werent happy, but stopt complaining after they heard that the hotel was near and it was payed by the airline. so everyone got carried to it. yoongi stood with the boy in line at the reception desk.

"thanks for taking care of me. by the way i am taehyung. or tae" he introduced himself. "yoongi and no matter" they smiled at each other. finally it was their turn. one of the airhostess handed them the keys and checked on her list. "we are very sorry! please enjoy your unvulantary stay" yoongi looked at the nametag. "thank u heather" yoongi looked at his key and walked to the elevator.

the hotel was small, only got one other floor. tae followd him and looked for the room number. both stoped at the same room. yoongi looked surprised at him.


tae looked on his key, than back to him and nodded. "we have the same room?" yoongi sighed. he opend the door. just one bed. *oh great* yoongi rolled his eyes, he threw his suitcase onto the bed and turned around. "i will ask the desk for another room." tae nodded and followed suit. "u coming with?" "yeah" yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

they came to the desk and told the girl that there was a mistake. she looked surprised and searched in her computer. "sorry, but we put couples together. is the room not clean enough?" "thats not it. we arent a couple, but strangers." the girls mouth formed an O and smiled apologetic. "i am sorry, sir. we dont have any free rooms anymore. i mean we have some others, but they are under construction. i am very sorry. the airline gave us a list with all the families and couples on." she bowed often.

yoongi sighed. "great, just great" tae watched the encounter in silence. he didnt understand shit, since this all was in japanese. "i give u a coupon for the bar as an apology" yoongi took the coupon. "its just for one night, right?" the girl nodded. he turned to tae. "looks like we have to stay together for a night. have a problem with it?"

tae shook his head. "whats this?" "we can get drunk tonight for free" tae smiled wide. "yeay!" they went back and put things out they needed for the night, after that, they went down to the bar.

the weather started to get bad. the wind whiped the hotel, windows rattled, the sounds got loud. the boys just got wasted at the bar, tae very fast, yoongi slowly. they wobbled back to the room and fell on the bed.

"iamsodrunkthewindistooloudiamaffraid!" "whhhaaaatttt?" yoongi mumbelt back. "wind...loud....scared....drunk....tooo....muuuccchhh" yoongi chuckled. "u lightweight" "hm....cantgetoutofclooooothhsss" yoongi sat up and started to pull on taes clothes. they were laughing hard, when taes shirt stuck on his head. "help a bit u drunk!" yoongi growled. tae struggled and laught more.

yoongis eyes got wide when he saw the face again. he blinked fastly. *wow he is beautiful! the prettttieeessstesstt man ever* he didnt noticed that he leaned more into taes face. tae was drunkly smiling and couldnt focus his eyes. suddenly he felt lips on him.

"hm..." he smooched back. yoongi lost his balance and both fell onto the bed. they giggled. yoongi kissed him again. tae wrapped his arms around his neck and opened his mouth to get yoongis tongue. they started to kiss hard and ripped the rest of their clothes away.

tae huffed and pressed his hands onto yoongis body and caressed it all over. he licked his lips when he pinched the nipples. yoongi grunted and rubbed his dick on him. they were out of their minds, thanks to the alcohol. it seemed like that they didnt care with whom they had sex, just that they needed it.

yoongi prepped tae and didnt leave his mouth. finally he pushed his cock into tae and started to thrust. tae arched his back up. he wasnt in pain thanks to the alcoholic clouds in his brain. he just wanted to get his climax, this felt so good. tae pressed yoongis butt more into him to get more friction, yoongi went with it and thrusted harder.

the weather went to shit. a typhoon ravished the small island. everyone stayed in the hotel. no flights allowed today. tae woke up from the sound and growled of the headache he had.

he rubbed his eyes and slowly noticed his state. he looked around his body and than to yoongi. he was shoked and stood up to get to the bathroom silently. in the bathroom he saw himself in the huge mirrow. *wow! what the fuck?* he had a lot of red spots on his body and suddenly he felt something dripping out of his behind.

he looked shoked again and wiped his hand of his hole to see what it was. there was a sticky creamy substance on his fingers. *what that?*

"thats my cum" came from the door.

tae jumped and saw yoongi leaning naked like him on the doorframe. "cum? what? why?" "we were drunk last night and obviously fucked." he stated cooly. taes eyes almost popped out. he scaned yoongis body and saw deep scratches and also red spots.

tae pointet at them. "uhm....sorry for that" yoongi smiled. "sorry too. are u hurt? i think i was really hard on you" taes face flamed up in red. "only...headache...what u mean?"

yoongi guided him to the shower. they got in and started to clean up. "turn around. i need to clean you there" he put a finger to taes hole. he flinshed. "ahhh....i do it myself?" yoongi shook his head. "just stay still." he started to clean taes wonderland carefully. tae scrunched his face first, but after some seconds he let a loud moan out.

yoongi and tae looked at each other surprised. "what was that?" tae whispered. "a moan? did i stroke a nerve here?" he pushed his finger in again to search for the place. tae started to breath heavy and grabbed the end of the glasswall of the shower. "ooohhhh...." "here?" tae nodded.

yoongi was fascinated and thrusted his finger in and out. he liked how tae reacted, he wanted more. tae came fast. he turned around and looked confused at yoongi. they went back to the bedroom, yoongi went to the window to look outside. tae still panting hard, layed down on the messy bed. he felt some wet spots and looked at it.

"more cum" yoongi turned and came to him. "yeah. we must did it more than ones." he stated and sat down. "i will ask for new bed sheets" "why are u so cool about this?" yoongi shrugged. "it was good. u are beautiful. i like u"

tae looked surprised. "i am beautiful?" yoongi nodded and smiled. "thanks" he whispered. "do u want something to eat?" "u know u are still naked?" tae asked when he saw yoongi stood up and was on his way to the door. yoongi stopped and looked down on himself. "oh yeah" tae giggled. yoongi came back, tae couldnt get his eyes of his dick, suddenly he held yoongis hips and pulled him closer.

"hey, what..." tae sucked the underbelly and the thin hairline down. yoongi sucked hard for air. "tae..." "let me do something" he sucked more, used his tongue. yoongi let out some small moans, until he felt taes finger on his hole.

tae put his hand back to the face and looked at yoongi surprised. "cum? from me?" yoongi smirked. "looks like" tae smiled. "did u like it?" "apparently" tae smiled wider. "good. i think we should stay in here until our flight is ready. what do u think?" "i think u are right" he pushed tae back on the bed and sat on his lap. "lets get another round" he grabbed taes hard cock and pushed himself down onto his length.