
The maid, Maria

Far far away from Devalon in Somira, sat Lilo at the dinning room eating alone in the big mansion. Where's everyone? she asked a maid.

Milady, i am sorry but i am not allowed to tell.. the maid bowed.

Seriously? we're going to do this now? Lilo asked the maid. Look I'm already pissed.. don't add to it okay?

The maid gave no response but a bow. My apologies Milady, but that's all I'm allowed to say.

So you want me to die in this huge creepy mansion right? Lilo cried dramatically.

Not at all Milady, i will be in a lot of trouble if anything happens to you milady. Pardon me!

Of course, all you have to do is tell me where everyone is at? Lilo tried to trick the maid.

"If you keep doing that, i will have no choice but to have my way with you, a deep familiar voice said".

Lilo woke up hungry this morning, she search for the wall clock, it was 11am already? she quickly headed to the kitchen to ask the maid for breakfast fast but she found out that the owners of the huge mansion were absent at the dinning room. She went to Jaden's room but he wasn't there, she even tried peeking on Harriet's room but she wasn't there as well. Lilo had already met Harriet once, she was used to not seeing her in the mansion. She remembers Jaden telling her he won't be around last night.

Where could he have gone? it's my perfect opportunity to escape from this place, she thought, but no! she told herself. How far can i run before the devil catches me? she asked herself. What a shame if i have to leave so hungry, she scolded herself.

Make me some breakfast please, she demanded.

Yes Milady, the maid bowed and left.

Umvwait! the maid stopped and turned around quickly, yes Milady?

Where is he? Your master, she asked the maid but the maid gave no response.

Lilo didn't have the time to start interrogating this maid now, maybe later she thought.

Please hurry! i am starving, she said to the maid.

After her meal she decided to ask the maid again, where are they? your Queen and your master?

Milady, I'm not allowed to say anything, i was told to only make you food and make your bath, the maid said with her eyes casted down.

Okay fine! maybe later, Lilo thought, i will let you go this time, she smiled in her thought.

Why not you go and rest? take the day off, Lilo said with a smile.


I insist, she looked at the maid intently, she wasn't the same maid that took her to her room the previous day, what is your name? she asked.



Yes Milady.

Go and take the rest of the day off, i will bath myself and don't worry i won't tell anyone, she winked at the maid who wasn't buying the idea, maria finally left to her quarters.

Lilo was finally alone and she thought of hatching her plans of escaping but she thought about what might be waiting for her outside the walls of the mansion, take the strange creature for example, that's if it wasn't just a bad nightmare but she wasn't ready to take chances either. Ah! She exclaimed, how do i leave this place.

Later that evening Lilo laid on her bed reading a book, humming the words like a song.

[In Devalon]

At the police station, Daniel and Franklin were having a conversation with the sheriff in his office when Daniel's phone rang, it was Mabel, excuse me! he said and left the office.

Hello Mabel!

Daniel! Daniel! Mabel called softly.

Yes mrs Mabel, what's wrong?

Where are you? Mabel asked

At the police station with Franklin, is everything okay?

Honey it-- it's Lilo

Daniel exhaled softly and then said, I'm handling things here in Devalon Mabel, so don't worry too much okay?

No no i-- i um what i mean is that i-- I've spoken with her, Mabel exhaled, i have spoken with my daughter, i couldn't believe it, i just couldn't.


You know ever since her father died i haven't been myself and now the thought of Lilo leaving for days hurt me so badly, she sniffled.

Momma? Are you certain about this?

"Yes" i spoke with her last night.

Okay i will return back to Aeveel as soon as possible. Is she okay?

Yes, she sounded fine but I'm still worried, Mabel said with a sad face.

I am extremely excited about this.. Daniel said with a smile, i will be there in no time, he assured.

See you soon honey, Mabel hung up.

Daniel rushed into the office and told the good news to the sheriff and Franklin.

That's a great news, Mr Daniel, the sheriff commented.

Yeah, i will be heading back to Aeveel today, Daniel said.

Hmm, it's good, don't forget to send my regards to Mabel, the sheriff said.

Of course Weiss..and thank you for your help, Daniel said in appreciation.

Oh you don't have to thank me lad, you're like a son, he smiled and Daniel nodded.

Come on, Franklin said.

The both men moved out of the police station and headed home.

I will call father to cancel the meeting, Franklin said.

Yeah sure, Daniel responded. I will let you know if anything comes up.


[Back in Penciway]


Come in Maria, Lilo said.

Milady! sorry to disturb you but dinner is served, Maria said with her eyes casted down.

Okay, after you, Lilo said with a smile.

At the dinning room, Lilo decided to trick the maid who had failed to tell her what she wanted to hear.


Yes Milady, the maid responded with a bow.

Your master wouldn't mind if you told me anything, infact since the master and mistress of this mansion are unavailable, i think you should answer to me now, Lilo tries to persuade the maid but unfortunately Lilo was caught in the spider's web again.

"If you keep trying to take advantage of her, i will have no choice but to have my way with you", Jaden said walking towards them.

Lilo became stiff, her throat became dry, she couldn't say a single word. Why didn't this Maria tell her about their early arrival? she cursed herself inwardly.

Trust me, it's not good for your health when it's too hot and intense, he said with a mischievous smirk.

Leave! he told the maid and she gave a bow and left.

I um-- i-- Lilo stood up immediately as he approached.

"It thrilled me when i heard you were asking after me", he smirked. You're so delightful to my eyes, he added.

Please forgive my manners fine sir, she gulped but i didn't mean to take advantage of the her, she said casting her eyes down to avoid his gaze. Lilo didn't want to taunt the devil, he might rain fire on her.

Jaden chuckled, always curious, he smiled, "it was just a few hours and you missed me already curious one", he rubbed her cheek that was burning red and she shivered.

Just when she was about to say something, she saw a tall beautiful woman with red short hair, she had the most attractive green eyes, she was wearing a long black leather jacket that defined her body shape with a short brown boot, she was stunningly beautiful, why does she look so familiar? Lilo wondered. The beautiful woman walked pass them with a frown, she took a sit and ordered the maid Maria to bring her food.

Wow! Lilo muttered, ignoring Jaden was even there. How's everyone in this mansion so beautiful? she asked herself.

Maria! the woman called and the maid ran to her trembling.

Your Grace, she bowed deeply.

Bring my meal! the woman said.

Yes Milady, she bowed and left. Maria was the assistant chef of the mansion, a loyal maid, she gets terrified easily, she was a lower witch.

Come on Laura don't scare Maria, Harriet chuckled, taking a sit at the edge of the long table.

I wasn't.. She decided to be terrified, Laura replied.

Smiling briefly Harriet took a glance at Lilo who was still standing dazed.

Have a sit Lilo your food isn't gonna eat itself, will it now?

Lilo whose gaze was still on Laura was lost by this woman's beauty came back to reality.

Yes! I-- i mean no.

Eat Lilo! she said with a smile.

I know, it's not everyday you see or meet breath-taking beautiful woman like Laura, Harriet said noticing Lilo's gaze on Laura.

Lilo just smiled and took a sit opposite Jaden who was already eating. She glanced at him and then muttered "pervert".

During the meal, Lilo became dazed by the adorable family, appreciating the beautiful people who surrounds her now, oh how she wish she could take pictures of them, she thought to herself. It can be possible if i go get my camera, she nodded.

Excuse me please! she said and ran off to her room.