

What? she asked with a crouched brow. Finally retracting her behaviour she said, UHM--i mean what do you mean? You seem like a well doing man with absolutely no need especially the ones coming from me.

Jaden mischievous smile was still plastered on his handsome face.

I don't like to repeat myself, he said.

There's no harm in trying new things, she said raising her brow.

Really? he asked.

Yes, curious one, she muttered the last.


Huh? um-- what i mean is that, it depends on what you're asking, she smiled.

It depends on whether you can do what i want, he said licking his lips.

What do you want? she asked with her heart in her hands.

Relax Lilo!

She gulped as she nodded with her eyes closed, she heard him say. Warm my bed!

Lilo's heart was going to explode before she even grows old.

But we're no-- she gulped again trying to calm herself, okay! i will do whatever you want but please just give me my backpack, she said.

Jaden's smile widened, okay! he handed her her backpack.

Lilo quickly took it and ran up to her room to put on her phone, she dialed her mother's number. Finally! she muttered when she heard it ringing after trying it several times.

Hello momma! she said excited.

Li-- Lilo? Mabel called.


My baby! where have you been? I've been worried sick about you, Daniel and the rest our friends have been on a search party for you. Are you okay?, Mabel cries softly.

Momma I'm fine, i--

Tell me where you are and i will come right away, Mabel said with teary eyes.

"Mom i don't know, i-- i really don't know where i am", Lilo replied.

How could you not know? were you kidnapped? uh? talk to me baby, they want money? who kidnapped you?

No..no mom i-- it's not like that, um it's really complicated. it's um-- it's somewhere in Devalon, Lilo said.


You were already in Devalon?

Yes momma,

So what happened?

I-- i don't know. It's um a place, Penciway.

Mabel was taken aback by the name "Penciway", wasn't it the same place? she thought. Penciway was a place only for witches, aren't they all extinct? she asked herself. Harriet! she muttered.

Mom don't worry, i will come back soon and i will tell you everything, Lilo whispered.

But baby--

Mom i am safe, really safe, Lilo almost bit her tongue for uttering the word "safe".

Um take care of yourself, okay? i-- i love you baby, call me soon okay?

I love you too mom, i will..


Mabel exhaled loudly, fear ran through her spine, she only prays that her daughter is safe in Penciway.

Dropping her phone Lilo smiled widely, she was happy to have spoken to her mother after so many days, Finally! but on the other hand Mabel was troubled, deep down she was scared of history repeating itself.

Happy now? Jaden asked as he rest his back against the door.

Huh? Uh-huh, yeah.. sure, Lilo nodded, My phone and camera are in good shape, she smiled.

Good! I'm glad you are.., he smirked. He turned around to walk away but stopped on his track and then said, "don't forget your promise", and he continued on his track.

What promise? she asked obliviously

Lilo didn't want to reply but she couldn't stop herself. Of course not you're so kind, she said with a small smile. She watched him walk away before she exhaled loudly, she scoffed, it was a deal!

No need to come tonight, i will be busy tonight, she heard Jaden said.

And she gasped in excitement.

[Next morning at the Jacobs mansion]




Yes Bianca?

Oh I'm sorry! i-- i just wanted to know how you're doing?

I'm doing just great Bianca, you don't have to worry about me.

It is my duty to worry about you sir, she replied.

Daniel scoffed, seriously you don't.., come on tell me something i don't know, he said raking his fingers in his dark short hair.

Is it about time? Bianca asked. Bianca was Daniel's junior in high school, they've known each other for a long time, she fell in love with him the first day she saw him at the canteen hall, it is what they call "love at first sight" , once or twice she told him about her feelings in college but Daniel always made sure to push her away with "you're like a sister to me", he would say. They've gone a long way as friends but Bianca didn't want to be just friend.

I mean work related, he rolled his eyes.

Oh of course sir, um-- i received calls from Cyclova and Acreel, she smiled. Mr Watson said, he wants to consider his company and our company working together.

Consider? Did we even ask to be considered? Daniel asked irritated.

Not exactly sir, um--

Watson would never change, he scoffed.

So proud, she muttered, that's by the way, he also said he would like to meet Lilo in person to arrange for his upcoming company anniversary, Yay! On the other hand, Mr Fry from the Acreel's company said, he would love Lilo to come as a guest to Australia in two weeks time for his new fashion show.

What? no.... no! shit! two weeks? damnit! Lilo is yet to be found and...

Don't worry sir, i will try and make up something to tell them, Bianca suggested.

Yeah.. just tell Mr Watson, we are very pleased and we're looking forward not to consider his offer.

Um-- yeah i will definitely look for something else to tell him, Bianca said.

What no, I'm your boss you--

See you soon sir.



She cut the call, he chuckled.

Lilo where are you? he muttered worriedly.

Why is your face so cold? a female voice asked.


Look, I've made you something to make your cold face warm, she smiled.

Daniel smiled then said, Good morning Mrs Blaire.

Morning! she responded with a smile. Get your ass up and take this.. she handed him the cup of hot tea.

Daniel took a sip, mmm it's delicious, just like always, he commented and winked at her.

Aww! you're so adorable, Blaire smile, I've missed you.

I've missed you too Blaire, he kissed her forehead. It wasn't a new thing for Daniel to call her by her name, infact she loves the idea. She treated him like her son.

Now come on, breakfast will be ready in 3.. Go freshen up and get down in 3.. okay?

Yes mom, he answered.

Blaire smile and went down to the kitchen, Sophia! come give me a hand.

Coming Mom, Sophia walked down sluggishly.

It's too late to be walking like this Sophia, Blaire pointed at Sophia's direction.

Too earlier you mean? look it's 7:32am, she pointed at the wall clock.

Is this how you plan on working at the company? Blaire asked taking a glance at Sophia who was still on her sluggish track.

Come on Mom, it's Saturday, she went to kiss her father who had been reading a News paper on the dining table.

Good morning Dad!

Morning Sophy, what's wrong sweetie?

Dad I'm just too tired today that's all, but Mom won't understand, she frowned slightly.

Of course my angel, her father smiled patting her head and she smiled back.

Come on Blaire, let her be, today isn't the day, he beamed at his wife.

"I don't think you want to encourage her Jacob, don't spoil her".

He blew kisses at his beautiful wife and then continued reading his News paper.

The Jacobs were a very rich family that rather lived a simple life, they were the definition of "beauty with brains". Blaire has been a good friend of the Daniels like forever but unfortunately Daniel's Parents lost their lives in a fatal car accident. She's always been there for Daniel, after all she adores him.

Where's Mr Jacob? Daniel asked dramatically.

Over here Danny boy, Jacob chuckled.

Well of course, Mr Jacob, how long has it been?

Um-- 2 years? 3 years? Jacob asked with a dramatic tone.

Hmm, which is it? Franklin asked walking down the stairs.

I'd say it's just 365 days, Daniel said.

Such a tricky move, Jacob chuckled.

Trying to play the fox? Franklin asked with a dramatic tone.

Hmm i see, Jacob commented

You give me no choice, Daniel responded dramatically.

"I gave you two choices Danny boy", Jacob said.

You just didn't know which to pick, Franklin added.

"I picked 365, he chuckled".

"It's more than 365 days brother, said Sophia, i heard always wanted you to visit, but you just couldn't", Sophia frowned.

Come on Sophia, i will make it up to you, said Daniel with a smile.

Okay! okay! people, take out your swords and let's dig in to food town, Blaire commented with a wide smile.


If there was one thing the Jacobs are known for is being extremely dramatic.

After breakfast Franklin and Daniel both left the house for the police station, while Jacob prepared for his meeting with the commissioner, Blaire and Sophia went to the mall.