Chapter 1: Grams and Gramps

"Goodbye Mom, I love you" I said walking onto the airplane tunnel and waving goodbye to my mom.

YES, it's finally summer time. I have been waiting for so long to go back to La Push, I feel like it has been forever since I've gone back. I missed my grandparents so much, their life their was just exactly what I have been wanting since the first time I came to La Push. But there were people I was even more excited to see. The pack, Jacob, Embry, Sam, Jared, Leah, Quil, and Emily and lastly the newest member of the pack Seth, Emily and Sam had, had a baby like a month ago and his name was Seth.

I finally took my seat on the plane, popped in some headphones and sat there waiting for the plane to take off. Luckily there was no one next to me so I had the whole row to myself. The plane finally took off I was listening to my favorite songs as the flight went by fast. I fell asleep and was woken up by a flight attendant.

"The flight has landed." The lady said with a smile.

"Thanks." I said getting up and walking off the plane and into the airport.

I walked out of the airport and got in a taxi. I told the taxi driver the address to my grandparents house and then I popped back in my headphones. The drive went by fairly fast, but not fast enough I was so excited to be here. The taxi driver finally pulled up to a two story house with woods surrounding it.

I got out of the car and I could hear the waves crashing onto the shore the ocean was only 2 miles from the my grandparent's house.

I paid the taxi driver and told him "thank you".

I walked to the door and knocked. I heard a women yell from coming down the stairs "coming" she continued.

"MADDIE!" my grandmother exclaimed.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me very tight. I hugged her back even tighter than I thought I did.

"I can't breathe Maddie." She said trying to get the words out.

"Sorry Gram, I'm just so excited to see you." I exclaimed.

My grandmother brought me inside and before I could walk another step my grandfather came in running from the kitchen wrapping his arms around me.

"MADDIE!" He exclaimed.

"Hi Gramps" I said joyfully hugging him back just as tight as I did Grams.

once again I heard " I can't breathe".

"Sorry Gramps"I said.

We talked for a little while longer then they finally let me go into my room which was upstairs in the way back of the house. I unpacked everything and placed everything either in the closet or the dresser. My room had light blue walls, a bed with dark blue sheets and a black comforter with matching black pillow cases, a night stand next to my bed, the dresser was right next to the closet because I didn't like to walk far for my clothes, I also had a bathroom of my own in my room. I looked out of the window which was facing the beach and woods. I could see the waves crashing when I opened the window taking in the smells from outside. I loved La Push it was my home. I put on a black hoodie that was a little baggy on me and some high waisted jeans.

I walked downstairs to see Gram and Gramps kissing and making lunch.

"Ewwwwww. " I said laughing.

"Just wait till you find the love of your life Maddie." Gramps said laughing.

" Never that." I said still laughing.

"Can I take the dirt bike to the pack's house?" I asked after laughing for another 5 minutes.

"Sure you can, you know we let you go anywhere as long as you call or leave us a note telling us where you are." Grams said with a huge smile.

I ran as fast as I could to my Gramp's workshop, he liked to fix cars and all sorts of stuff and so did I so the smell of oil was a beautiful smell to me. I grabbed my dirt bike on my side of the workshop where I had left it the last time I was here. I topped it off with gas almost spilling it because of how in a rush I was.

I pulled up the kickstand with my foot started the engine and zoomed out of the workshop. I was going as fast as I could. The wind in my face and hair was amazing I missed it so much and all the smells from everywhere was hitting me all at once. I finally made it to the pack's house in 3 minutes. I hopped off the bike and ran towards the door.