Chapter 2: The Pack

I ran up to the door at full speed. I threw the door open.


Everyone's eyes shot up to me seconds later they realized who it was. They all ran at me full speed and tackled me to the ground hugging me and kissing me on the cheeks and laughing their heads off even Emily and Leah.

"Let me up you smelly mutts." I yelled laughing my head off pushing them off of me.

"Omg your here", "Your back", "When did you get here", "Your the smelly one", "Omg your so grown up", "We have missed you so much", "Don't leave us anymore".

They were all yelling at the same time I couldn't understand what they were saying.

"Woah guys take a breathe one at a time form a line." I said laughing.

Emily was first in line.

"Hey there girly I've missed you so much." Emily said with a bright

"I've missed you to Ems." I said with a bright smile to match hers.

We hugged and then it was Leah's turn.

"Sup Mads." She said with a hug and a our secret handshake.

Leah was like an older sister to me.

"Hey Lee." I said hugging her back.

Next was Jared's turn.

"What's up cinnabun." He said hugging me.

" Sup Jay." I said hugging him back.

Now was Sam's turn.

"What's up kiddo." He said smiling and holding me by my shoulders looking at me from head to toe.

" Hey Sammi", I said just smiling at him.

Next Embry.

"What's poppin Peanut." He said hugging me tight.

"Nothin much Big Bean." I said hugging him back tightly.

Next Quil.

"Hey Buggie." He said with a smile and a hug.

"Hey Q." Is aid hugging him back.

Last Jacob.

Jacob ran to me picking me up and twirling me around. We were both laughing, He finally set me down.

"Hey short stuff." He smiled at me with his bright, joyful smile.

" Hey BFG ( Big Friendly Giant)." I said smiling trying to make mine brighter than his.

"Soooo where's my nephew?" I asked excitedly looking at Ems and Sammi.

Then a baby started crying. Everyone looked down the hall to a room just across Ems and Sammi's room.

"Wanna go get him?" Ems asked with a smile.

"Of course I do." I said then taking off to the baby's room.

I opened the door to reveal a light blue room with wolves painted all around. Then a white crib next to a rocking chair. I walked over to the crib to see a tiny little baby with jest black hair and a blue blanket on top of his squirming legs.

"Hey little one." I said looking down in the crib smiling.

When Seth had saw me he stopped crying immediately and started smiling giggling.

I picked him up in my arms and wrapped the blue blanket around him cause it was cold.

"You may not know it yet but we are going to be best of friends." I said smiling walking out of the room.