Chapter 3: Hot Stuff

I walked out of the room and into the living room with everyone's eyes staring at me in awe.

"What?" I asked looking confused,

"How did you do that?" Jacob asked.

"Do what?" I asked still confused.

"Make him be quite he never stops crying once he start." He said with shock.

"Jake's right I only can quiet him down with a bottle and you did it by just picking him up." Ems laughed.

"Oh I don't know." I said giggling.

Ems then handed me a bottle to feed Seth. I grabbed it and went to go sit down next to Jake. I sat down next to Jake and started feeding Seth. Sammi turned on the tv and put on football which was my favorite sport after softball which I played for my school back home I was going to try out for the varsity team as a freshman this year when I got back. We all watched the first quarter and of course what's a football game without making bets, yelling, cheering, getting upset, and feeling victory when your team scores a touch down. But before all that could happen I went to go put Seth bake down in his crib he was sound asleep so I took him back.

I gently set him down trying not to wake him up. I finally set him down. I then walked out the door and headed back to the living room closing the door behind me. When I got back Jake was taking the whole couch up.

"Will you sit up so I can sit down." I asked.

"No I'm comfy here." He said.

"Here let me in and you can lay in between my legs and I'll give you head scratches." I said trying to convince him.

But I already knew he was going to say yes when I mentioned head scratches my head scratches were legendary everyone one in the pack loved them. I knew this because every time I offered someone head scratches the whole pack would want them to.

"HEY that isn't fair only Jake can get head scratches we all need them to." Embry said while everyone else agreed.

"Fine I'll give everyone 10 minutes if head scratches." I said trying to get them to apply.

"Ok." Everyone said in unison.

I sat on the couch and let Jake lay down between my legs. Jake was warm like really warm like a fever warm. I just ignored it and gave him head scratches he had long jet black hair that went a little past his shoulders.

"Ok your time is up Jake, my turn." Embry said with satisfaction.

"It hasn't even been 10 minutes." Jake argued back.

"Sorry Jake it been actually 11 minutes now." I said giggling.

Jake got up and switched paces with Embry. Embry laid his head in-between my legs. He was warm to just like Jake was. I still ignored it just thinking it was the luck of a draw. 10 minutes go by and now it was Jay's turn him and Embry switches places once again and his 10 minutes began. There it was again the warmth. Maybe it wasn't luck I thought. Once again 10 minutes go by, and this continued till everyone got Madilyn's famous head scratches even Lee and Em got them. Then the cycled continued until it was about 8:30 at night.

"I got to go guys." I said with sadness in my voice.

"Are you sure you have to go everyone is all staying the night maybe you can ask your grandparents to let you stay." Em said with a smile.

"Yeah I'll call them." I said getting up from the couch and walking to the phone.

I dialed my grandparents number and waited. My Grams finally picked up. I asked her if it was ok if I stayed the night here and that we were all going to have a big sleepover. She called Gramps and asked him he said he didn't see why not so then Grams said it was ok to. I thanked her and told her that Ems had stuff I could wear. We hung up and I walked in the living room all sad. I wanted to trick them and pretend they said no.

They were all waiting for my return.

"What did they say?" Sammi asked.

"They said ." I hesitated.

"What did they say spit it out." Embry insisted.

"They said... YES." I exclaimed.

They all groaned and shook their heads. I was laughing at their faces.