Chapter 4: Sleepover

Once couch turned into a bed and the other didn't and then there was a twin mattress which only could fit one of us because everyone was huge with muscles. Even me and Lee were. So we came up with a plan Embry and Jared would share the couch bed then Lee got the air mattress since she was the oldest, and then me and Jake would share the non pullout couch.

"Hey Em can I get some shorts for bed?" I asked.

"Sure" She said.

She handed me a pair of white cotton shorts with blue flowers on them. They were tight because I had more of a butt than Em did. I put them on a walked back out to the living room. All the guys stared at me with their mouths open.

"Stop looking at her like that you perverts." Lee said with a disgusted look.

"Sorry, but we couldn't help it you have....well.... changed." Jay said looking at the rest of the guys.

They all agreed while laughing. I rolled my eyes and punch all of them in their arms. I then went to the couch and sat down watching tv. All the football highlights were on so we all watched those. By the time they ended it was about 12. We all decided to lay down and go to sleep. Embry and Jay were the first ones out you could hear their snoring. I thought it was so funny. Then lee knocked out so it was just me and Jake left.

"So how are we gonna do this?" Jake asked.

"I can lay on your chest if you don't mind." I said.

"Yeah I don't mind but I hate sleeping with a shirt as does all the rest of the guys." He said while turning to Jay and Embry who's shirts were on the floor.

"Ok that's fine it's not like I haven't seen you without a shirt before." I stated.

Jake them took off his shirt. Oh my gosh Jake was ripped. His abs were rock solid and his biceps were huge. I was dazzled and Jake seemed to notice.

"Like what you see?" he said with a smirk.

"No it's just your a living boulder." I laughed quietly trying not to wake anyone.

"Come here then." He said with his arms open.

I then climbed onto Jake's chest with one leg in-between one leg and my other leg pulled up into a sideways L and lastly with my head in his neck taking in his scent. He smelled like oil and forest it was so addicting. He then rested one of his arms one the back on my thigh right below my butt and then the other holding my knee to keep it in place.

"Comfortable?" Jake asked softly.

"Yes very, you?" I asked talking into his neck.

"Yup I'm all good." He said.

Jake fell asleep before I did because I could hear his snoring. I giggled to myself making sure not to wake him up because he was such a grouch when someone woke him up. Then I drifted to sleep in his arms taking in his scent once more before dark come over me.

I heard Seth crying so I slowly climbed out of Jake's arms and walked to Seth's room. As soon as I got there Em opened her door. I could tell she dealt with this every night. I told her go back to bed that I could get Seth, she agreed and went back to sleep. I went into Seth's room and straight to him crib. "Hey little man" I whispered to him he stopped crying and looked at him with his hands raised in the air, I picked him up and wrapped him in the blue blanket once again walking back into the living room and then into the kitchen I looked at the clock it read 3:15a.m, grabbed some milk that was in the fridge which of course it was Em's and warmed it up I then put it into the bottle. Seth was still laying in my arms not making a noise just playing with his foot. I gave Seth the bottle and walked around for a bit until he finished and fell asleep once more. I didn't want him to wake up again so I went back to the couch and told Jake sit up so he could lay in-between my legs. Before laying down I unzipped my hoodie revealing my sports bra I did this because I knew babies liked the skin to skin contact. Jake sat up and I laid down placing Seth on my bare chest letting him body relax and feel my skin. I put his blanket over him and myself . Jake then laid in between my legs and fell back asleep in seconds. Before I closed my eyes I peeked down to see Seth fast asleep. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep.