Chapter 5: The Morning After

I woke up to everyone staring at me, Seth, and Jacob.

"What?" I asked confused.

"How long have you been like this?" Sammi asked.

"Like 3:30 ish." I said whispering so I didn't wake up Seth or Jake.

"You know I think your a baby whisperer or something." Embry said.

"Why is that?" I asked still confused.

"Because no can get him to sleep and stay asleep, barley Sam and I can do it and we are his parents." Em laughed still being quiet.

Everyone laughed at this as well. I felt Jake starting to move between my legs. He then sat up and looked at everyone surrounding us in confusion.

"What are you guys looking at?" He said is a raspy sleeping voice.

Jared just pointed at me and Seth. Jacob turned around to look at me and Seth still laying their. His eyes almost popped out of socket.

"How in the hell did you do that?" He said whisper yelling.

I just shrugged my shoulders. Seth started to move around and wake up.

"Well good morning handsome." I look at Seth with a smile.

He smiled back and giggled. I then handed Seth to Em along with his blanket revealing my sports bra and chest, and stomach. Jacob just looked at me in awe and so did all the other guys. I just laughed and zipped up my jacket. I walked to the bathroom to do my morning routine and putting back on my jeans. I walked back out into the living room where every one was eating.

"I have to go guys." I said.

"We are all going to the beach about 2 if you wanna come." Jake said with a smile.

"Sure I'll meet you guys there then." I smiled.

I walked up to each of the guys hugging them and giving them a kiss on the cheek this wasn't new I always did this before leaving and coming. I hugged Lee and we did our secret handshake then walked back into Seth's room to say goodbye to Em and Seth. I finished saying goodbye to everyone and walked out of the house to my dirt bike.

It was a bright and sunny today perfect for a beach day. I rode home feeling the wind in my hair and face. I finally made it back to Gram and Gramp's house. I parked my bike in the workshop and headed inside. I walked in smelling food. Today for some reason I was hungrier than I usually was. I walked in the kitchen where Gram just finished plating the food and Gramps waiting for her.

"Good morning Grams and Gramps." I said while giving them a kiss on their cheeks and sitting down.

"How was the sleepover?" Gram asked.

"It was good and I had lots of fun I missed everyone so much, I guess I'm a baby whisperer." I said laughing.

"Why is that?" Gramps said.

"I guess I'm the only one that can get Seth to sleep and to stay asleep through he night and stop him from crying by just picking him up." I said giggling.

"Wow that's impressive." Gramps said.

I then ate all my food fast because I was so hungry. Grams looked at me weird. I told her I was supper hungry today. I then told her that everyone was going to the beach t hang out and that they should come. they told me they were going to go visit Billy which was Jake's dad at the same time I was going to the beach. I said that was cool and to tell Billy I said "Hi and that I would stop bye maybe later tonight. They said that they would. I smiled at them thanking Gram for the breakfast and that I was going to go get ready. They smiled at me and watched me climb the stairs.

I went into my room and tried to take a hot shower but the I was burning up like the pack was. So I took a cold one instead. I finally got out and then went to go find a baiting suit. I grabbed my favorite one from my dresser which was a dark blue bikini with little white wolves on the it. I dried off and put it on and then looked in the mirror. I was a darker color than I was yesterday but I thought it was just my imagination. So then I put on a grey hoodie with grey sweats to match. I then grabbed a beach towel. It was about 1:30 now so I went downstairs and said goodbye to Grams and Gramps and told them I would be back later.

Since the beach was only a couple miles I decided I was going to take a run because I felt like running. I closed the door and started to run I was running fast, faster than usually which I thought was weird. But I didn't care because it felt good so I ran. I finally got to the beach after about 15 minutes. I was the first person there so I set my towel down I then took off my hoodie and sweats then laid down to sun tan. 15 minutes went bye and then I heard a yell. I sat up and looked at Jake who had just jumped off a cliff and was falling I heard a splash and I started running towards Jake.