Chapter 7: Dreams

"Don't ever talk to him like that you slut. I don't know who you think you are coming into his life and playing around with his emotions like a ragdoll and then to break his heart every single day by going with Damon even though you know damn well Jacob has had a hug crush on you since you moved here and the worst part is you know he loves you but you don't care you just keep fucking around with him and playing him. You know your going to choose Damn over Jacob and you choose not to tell him your gonna do it, and for what Yolanda and FOR WHAT?! I'll do the pleasure and telling everyone why. It's because you like playing with him you love it and you love to see him heart broken every time you find so much pleasure in it because you are sick and you know Jacob will always go back to your fucked up self. One more thing don't tell me I'm saying this just to mess your guy's relationship. All I want is Jacob to be happy but I will NOT let you play him like this I refuse. So listen here your gonna tell Jacob how you really feel about him and your decision is that your going to choose Damon. Got it?!" I was burning up and shaking then I felt Sam throw me over his should and into the woods before something happened.

I finally woke up Jake was still on my chest in the same position as last night. I sweating like crazy, I guess it was just a dream but I had no idea you Yolanda or Damon was. Who were they and why was I so mad at her. I don't know what's gonna happen in the future but if that does really happen I don't know what his happen to me or Jake. I was more upset at the fact Jake might get hurt by some rat face bitch.

I was softly pushed Jake off me trying to make sure he wouldn't wake up because I know he hasn't been getting much sleep except for last night and the night at Sam's. I finally got Jake off me and got up. I took off my jacket and shorts to but on some spandex. So I was just in a sports bra and spandex. I walked to the bathroom and out my hair in a pony tail. I walked out of the bathroom and wrote a not to Jake that if he woke up and wasn't there I was going to be on a run.

I walked out of the house and started on the trial by the woods that led to the beach. I started to run at a pretty good pace passing the tress with wind in my face it felt nice since I was sweating like crazy from my dream.

I still couldn't get the dream out of my head. My heart hurt because I would never want Jake to go through that. Also why was I so angry like I get it I was mad at her but I was mad because of something else the only feelings I could feel in the dream was anger and heart break. Wait did I develop a crush for my best friend Jacob Black? That scared me because I knew Jake could never feel that for me but right now I love Jake but only as my best friend. I don't understand how I could love him more than that. But I really hope that my dream didn't come true and for many reason. 1. I didn't want Jake to get hurt and be played. 2. I could never have a crush on my best friend. 3. I didn't like this Yolanda girl. 4. I was going to turn into something I had no idea what is was. 5. I didn't want the pack to end up hating me in the future because I was yelling at a rat face girl who hurt Jake. Even though in my dream the pack was just staring at me in awe and then Sam grabbed me and took me into the woods.

I finally gave up on the dream and forgot about it. Then I finally made it to the beach it was a cloudy day and looked like it was going to rain but I liked the days like this. The run was about 2 miles but I wasn't tired at all. I then heard yelling and water splashing.

It was Sam, Embry, Jared, and Quil. No Leah or Emily. Th boys were cliff jumping so I decided that I was going to join them for a while.

"Hey guys." I said smiling at the boys.

"Hey Mads, what are you doing up here?" Sammi asked.

"I was on a run and saw you guys so I thought I would Join." I smiled.

"Oh ok" Sam said while smiling.

"Where's Jake he didn't come back to Sam's after dropping you off?" Embry asked.

"Oh he spent the night at my house." I smiled.

"Oh shoot I see you making them moves." Jared said laughing.

Everyone laughed at then Jared ran and jumped off.

It was my turn to jump so I ran and then leaped. The rush was amazing, the wind in my face was so refreshing. Before I hit the water I held my breathe. I splashed into the water going below the surface and then swam to the surface where I heard the boys cheering me on. I laughed and swam to the shore. The water felt like it cooled me down, because lately my temp has been way over 100 but I didn't feel sick at all. I just shrugged it off and went back up to the cliff.

"I have to go guys I'll see you guys later." I said smiling.

"Oh there's going to be a bomb fire tonight at Billy's everyone is going. He is going to tell the legends." Sam said.

"Oh ok bet I'll be there, what time?" I said.

"8:30 the boys said in unison.

I laughed and waved bye. I then started to run back. I felt the runners high and started to run faster on the trail. I went faster and faster, I have never ran this fast but it was amazing it was like the runners high never ended. About 2 minutes later I got to the house and walked in. Grams and Gramps were on the couch watching tv when I walked in. I walked over to them and greeted them with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"Why are you all wet?" Grams asked.

"Oh I went on a run and then went I saw some of the boys they were cliff jumping as usual and so I cliff dove just one time because I was burning up." I smiled.

"Oh I used to love cliff jumping with grams over there." My gramps said with a smile and turned to grams.

"Oh I didn't know you like to cliff jump." I said looking at grams.

"I used to now I'm old." She laughed.

"Your still beautiful to me." My gramps said smiling at grams.

I laughed and walked up to my room. I walked in and saw Jake still sleeping. I giggled to myself and went to go shower. I walked in the bathroom undressed and got in the shower I was burning up again but I had no idea why so I took a cold shower instead of a hot one once again. I finally finished and walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me. I went to my dresser and started to get my clothes.

I then felt warm hands around my waist and someone's head on my shoulder. Who might this man be.. it was Jake of course.

"Well good morning sleepy head." I smiled and looked at him.

"Good morning." He said in a sleepy voice.

"Go lay back down I'll go lay with out in a second let me get some clothes on." I said kissing his forehead.

"Ok." He said walking back to the bed and laying down watching me.

I grabbed a sports bra and some legging and then a black pull over hoodie and went into the bathroom and changed. I changed I was just going to let my hair air dry.

I walked out of the bathroom and jumped on Jake.

"Get off you me you big log." He said out of breathe.

I just laughed and got up and then started to get off the bed.

"Oh no you don't." Jake said while grabbing my waist and pulling me into him.

"Let go of me you punk." I said while laughing and trying to get out of his grip.

Bu that only made him hold me tighter and pull me closer. After a couple minutes I stopped struggling cause trying to get out of his grip is so much work. I turned to face him. He just stared at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

"What?" He asked laughing."

"Nothing I just like your eyes." I said smiling.

"Their just brown." He stated.

"I know but their a different brown and I love them." I smiled.

"Whatever you weirdo ." He said puling me closer then I was before.

I smiled and snuggled into his chest he was shirtless so I could feel his skin. It was comforting and I felt safe with him. He slid his hand under my hoodie and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What is it with you and feeling my skin." I asked giggling.

"I don't know I just like to be able to feel you is all." He smiled his perfect smile.

I just giggled and sniggled closer even if that was possible we were already touching. We ended up falling back to sleep and didn't wake up till 3 in the afternoon. "I'm hungry can you let me go so I can go eat. I asked Jake he told me no at first then I told him that I would give him head scratches at the bomb fire. He then lit up and then me go. We walked downstairs to see grams and gramps still watching tv. We greeted them and walked into the kitchen. I just got cereal and I asked Jake what he wanted he said nothing that he was going to go home and eat before the bomb fire tonight I said ok and walked him out. We waved goodbye and asked me if I wanted him to pick me up I told him no that I was going to just ride the dirt bike there.