Chapter 8: Change of Plans

After I walked Jake out I went to the living room to go sit with Grams and Gramps for a little while I laid my head on Grams lap and see gave me head scratches. After we watched tv for about to hours I got up and went back to my room. It was about 5:30, so I went to my book shelf and grabbed a book to read for a while.

I had finished the book and looked at the time is was 8:00 so I decided to get ready. I knew it was going to be cold tonight so I put on a pair of Nike sweat pants over my spandex and put on a matching hoodie.

I went back down stairs and said goodbye to Grams and Gramps and told them I was going to be home a little late because of the bomb fire at Billy's and we were going to listen to the legends and how that might take while. They just nodded and said have fun.

I grabbed my keys from the table and went to the my workshop to grab my bike. I walked in and grabbed my bike and headed out. It took me about 10 minutes to get there because Billy only lived about 6 miles from my house. I pulled up and parked my bike next to Jake's car. I walked to the side of Billy's house and I heard everyone yelling.

I walked up and saw the whole pack except for Jake.

"Hey Billy." I said walking up to Billy and hugging and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Mads." He smiled and hugged me back.

"Ok so I guess you don't see us?" Quil said as he pointed his index finger and pointed it the rest of the pack.

"Awe you pore babies come here you punks." I said smiling and opening my arms wide.

They all ran to me tackling me to the ground hugging me and kissing me on the cheeks.

"That's enough you big lugs." I said trying to push them off me.

They finally got off me and sat down. All the seats were taken so I sat on the floor next to Embry.

"Hey where's Jake?" I asked looking up at everyone.

"He is inside sleeping." Billy said with a laugh.

"I swear he is always sleeping." Jared said while laughing.

"Ok don't start without me I'm going to go get him." I said getting up.

"I wouldn't do that you know he goes into grouchy pants mode." Sam said mocking Jake's mad face.

Everyone started laughing.

"Well I don't care." I said walking to the door of Billy's house.

I walked in and went straight to Jake's room. I opened the door and Jake wasn't there. I called out for him and searched the house he wasn't there. So I walked back out.

"He isn't here." I said looking confused.

"I swear if that boy left when I told him not to he is going to be grounded for a month." Billy said looking upset.

"Maybe he went for a run or something." I told Billy trying to make him less tense.

"I'm sorry everyone but I'm going to have to cancel the bomb fire tonight, I don't want to tell the legends with bad intentions because I am furious with Jake." Billy said looking down.

Everyone told him it was ok that we could come over another time. Everyone left except me.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Billy.

"Yeah a little, why?" He said looking at me.

"I can make you diner if that's alright I don't really feel like going home right now." I said looking down at the floor.

"If it's not to much trouble." He said smiling.

"Oh it's no trouble at all." I said smiling back.