Chapter 10: Tickle Monster

I woke up around 5 in the morning still on the ground where I had fell. My head hurt so bad. I walked in the house and went to my room. I walked in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I had a huge bruise on the right side of my head next to the hairline and my eye. I was all black and blue, I showered but this time it was a hot shower.

I sat on the floor because I remembered what Jake had said last night. I started to cry, I was crying really hard I hadn't cried this hard in a long time. I just held my legs up to my chest and let the water hit me. I finally got the strength to get up and get out. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out to go get clothes.

I just put on a Nike sports bra and some navy blue sweats and went into the bathroom to do my hair. My hair was black and curly and it went about to the middle of my back. I brushed it out and put some curling cream so it wouldn't frizz with all the rain.

I packed a bag with my bathing suit, towel. I wanted to go to the beach and chill out there. I went down stairs and saw Grams and Gramps eating breakfast it was already 9 in the morning. Jeez how long was I crying in the shower for I thought to myself.

"What happened to your head?" Gramps asked.

"Oh I fell as the bomb fire and hit a rock but I'm fine I didn't black out or anything." Is aid making sure they didn't worry.

"Oh ok well be more careful." Grams said hugging me.

"I will." I said with a smile.

"Can I go to the beach for the day I just want a self day you know?" I asked

"Of course just don't fall and hurt your self." Gramps giggled.

"I won't I'll be really careful." I said giggling to.

I walked out the door and down to the beach. The walk was peaceful, I just listened to the birds chirping and the little animals run when they heard me walking by.

I finally got to the beach and set up my stuff I changed into my bathing suit behind a tree and walked back to my spot. My bathing suit was just simple navy blue bikini. I went for a swim to cool down and laid back down.

I must have fell asleep because I was rudely awakened by a bucket of water spilling on me. I shot up and gasped for air.

"What the hell guys!." I screamed.

It was the Embry, Jared, Paul, and Quil. They were laughing so hard.

"So who was it?" I said standing up glaring at them.

They all stopped and looked at Paul.

"What the hell guys your selling me out like that?" he said getting offended.

"I am going to kick your ass Paul!" I yelled starting to walk up to him.

He ran from me and I ran after him he was fast but lately I've been faster. He ran down the beach, I was on his heels the entire time. He looped back around to head back, when he was close to the boys. I ran faster and jumped mid air and tackled him to the ground. We came crashing down and started rolling. Once we stopped I was on top on him and I started to tickle him on his sides. He was so ticklish and I knew that was his weak spot.

"Still think it's funny?" I said laughing

"No I don't." He was stuttering because he was laughing so hard.

"SAY IT!" I yelled still laughing.

" I won't." He said still laughing.

I started to tickle him even more.

"SAY IT AND I'LL STOP!!" I yelled laughing harder at his pain.


"Good boy." I said while I stopped tickling him and got off him.

He laid there in defeat trying to catch his breathe.

"As for you three you guys owe me piggy back rides until I say so." I said looking at Jared, Quil, and Embry.

"Yes boss." They said in unison.

"And you to Mr." I said pointing at Paul.

"Yes ma'am." He said still laying there.

"Well I'll see you guys later I guess." I said while grabbing my stuff.

"No wait where are you going?" Embry asked.

"I was going to go home why?" I said turning around.

"We wanted to hang out at Emily and Sam's and we wanted you to come." Jared said.

"Oh ok I guess I'll go." I said packing my stuff and grabbing my clothes.

"Great!" Quil. smiled.

"Hold on I'm going to change really quick." I said walking behind a tree.

I finished and walked back to the boys.

"Ready to go?" Paul asked.

"Yes now carry me." I said holding up my hands.

"I am not carrying you" He said with a smirk.

"Do you want me to tickle you again?" I smirked.

"Ok, ok." He said relucktently.

He bent down so I could hop on his back. I jumped and he wrapped his hands around my legs so I didn't fall. We walked back to Emily and Sam's. He put me down and we walked in.

As soon as I walked in my heart dropped.