Chapter 15: Pain

We walked outside and phased.

"So how you feelin?" Paul asked while we ran.

"Empty, lost." no emotions added.

"Damn, what are you going to do?" He asked.

"Nothing there's nothing I can do but watch, I know what's going to happen I may have not lost him completely yet but over these next few weeks I am watch. He is going to stop coming to my house less, he's going to lie to my face, he's only going to talk to me here at Emily's, he's going to fall in love with her deeper than he already feels. Paul I'm going to lose my best friend and there's nothing I can do about it." I said.

Bam a sharp pain hit me like a boulder. It felt like my heart was in flames I just fell to the ground hard. I was whimpering and crying in pain. Then before I knew it Paul was on the floor to whimpering and howling. Then I heard more howls from pain.

"Phase back please phase back." Embry said crying.

I phased back and then the howling stopped. I cold still feel the pain it hurt even more the only way I could take it was in my wolf form but I didn't want to hurt my friends, I didn't want them to be in pain like I was.

We ran back to Sam's. I put on my spare clothes crying. It hurt so bad I couldn't focus. I fell on the floor and hugged myself rocking myself trying to stop some of the pain. It just kept getting worse and worse. Everyone came running from the house yelling my name.

"I'm, I, I'm soo, sor, sorr, sorry." I finally got out.

"It's ok." Sam tried grabbing me.

I pushed him away.

"I can't take this anymore I have to phase. I cried.

"Ok no one phase until she phases back." Sam yelled.

I phased but it only took the pain away for a split second. I heard a howl it was Jake, he must be in wolf form I was hurting him. I couldn't put him through this. I phased back cradling myself to hide myself from the boys. I screamed louder the pain kept getting worse and worse. Then Jake came out from the woods in human form.

"What's happening to her why is she in so much pain?" He yelled coming towards me.

"It's her imprint even though she hasn't imprinted she can feel that her imprint loves someone else. It's like she been rejected but 10x worse." Sam said in panic mode.

"How do we stop it?" Jake was in full panic mode.

"Pick her up and run her to the beach everyone follow." Sam ordered in his alfa voice.

Jake tried picking me up but his touch made it hurt way more. I screamed and he put me down. Then Paul picked me up and the pain lightened up but barley at all. They ran me to the beach.

"Paul take her in the water and submerge her till it's up to her neck" Sam ordered

Paul did what he was told and when I felt the freezing water the pain lightened and lightened until it stopped when I was up to my neck in water. I finally stopped screaming and I was content.

Then I realized I was naked and Paul was holding me. He could feel my whole body. I jumped out of his arms and stood backing up from Paul a little bit.

"Are you ok, what's wrong?" Paul asked confused.

"I'm naked and you could feel my while body." I explained.

"Wow your worried about me feeling you naked body but not concerned about the pain you were just in?" He laughed.

"Yes, now go get me a towel please." I said looking at Paul and laughing.

He walked out of the water and grabbed a towel and stood by the shore with the towel open.

"Turn around you perverts." I said through mind link.

I could hear the guys laugh and turn around. I walked out of the water covering myself just incase. I then grabbed the towel and wrapped myself in it.

"So who's carrying me?" I asked standing behind the boys.

Before anyone could say anything Jake swooped me off my feel and carried me bridle style to the house.

"I'm sorry I put you in that pain I didn't know you were in your wolf form." I said not looking at Jake.

"It's ok, I know you would never do that on purpose." He said smiling down at me.

"Where are we going this isn't the way to the pack house?" I asked Jake.

"I know I'm taking you to my house." He said.

"Oh" I smiled to myself.

We walked a little longer and I finally got to Jake's house. We walked in, Billy still wasn't home yet. He walked me to his room and set me on the bed. He then went to his dresser and grabbed a sports bra, a pair of his boxers. He then threw them at me and he turned around so I could change.

"How come you have one of my sports bras here?" I asked while changing.

"Because you always leave your stuff here so I just put it in my dresser to keep just incase." He said still waiting for me to finish.

"I'm finished" I said walking to the door.

He turned around and looked at me confused.