Chapter 16: The last Sleepover

"Where are you going I wanted you to stay the night." He said walking up to me.

"Oh I didn't know if you wanted me to stay or not." I said looking down at the floor.

"Of course I want you to stay the night. Why wouldn't I want you to stay?" Jake asked holding my hands.

"I don't know." I said stilling looking at the ground.

"Look at me." Jake said.

I still didn't look at him, I didn't have the strength in me to do it.

"Madilyn look at me." He said lifting my chin up.

"I love you Madilyn and nothing can change that, you have been my best friend since were little. I don't care how bad of a fight we might have, I'm always going to be your best friends. And I promise that no one I mean no one can come in between us. I love you and that's all that matter." Jake was tearing up.

I looked him in his beautiful brown eyes and hugged him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his hands around my waist and then he picked up my legs so my legs were wrapped around his waist, then he placed his hands under my thighs so I wouldn't fall.

"I love you to Jacob, and I always will." I said starting to cry.

"Don't cry cause your going to make me cry." Jake was sniffling.

He walked to his bed and sat down with me still hugging him. We stayed there for a long time and then I got off his lap. Then I laid down on his bed opening my arms.

"Come here you big baby." I smiled.

"Don't mind if I do." He smirked.

Jake then crawled onto my chest and kissed my cheek. I then kissed his forehead. I lifted the back of his shirt and started rubbing his back. He then sat up took off his shirt and threw it.

"Before we get all comfy I'm going to go shower and then can you braid my hair?" He said grabbing his towel and walking out the door.

"Of course I can." I smiled.

He left and I turned to my side laying on his pillow. I then pulled the blankets up. His blankets and pillow smelt just like him. He smelt like oil, pine trees, and rain all mixed together, it was breathe taking I thought to myself. I guess I fell asleep because I heard Jake walk in the room and laugh. I turned around to face him.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"You." He laughed.

"Why me what did I do." I asked.

"Hi scent is breathe taking." He said mocking me.

"Wait you heard that?" I was shocked.

"Of course I did I can hear your thoughts remember?" He laughed.

"I only thought you can only do that in wolf form." I asked looking confused.

"Your right no one else can hear your thoughts unless your in wolf form and they are to, but we have a special bond I guess so I can hear your and you can hear mine whenever we want." He giggled.

"Then how come I can't hear your right now." I raised my eyebrow.

"Because I created a wall, you can to." He giggled again.

"Take it down so I can hear then for just a second please Jake?" I begged.

"Fine." He sighed.

"She smells like lavender and oil even though those two things don't go together she smells so good."

I blushed and then I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore.

"Lavender and oil huh?" I laughed.

"Yeah." He laughed.

I just smiled and turned back around so he could change. I then felt big hands slide across my waist. I turned just my head to look at Jake.

"Don't look at me like that you know I have to feel your skin." He giggled softly.

"I know, but get off so I can braid your hair." I giggled.

I braided Jake's hair and then laid back down turning the same way. I felt his hands again but this time it was just his finger tips gliding up and down my side. I'm very ticklish on my sides so I started squirming.

"Stop moving." Jake laughed.

"Hey it's not my fault you know I'm ticklish." I glared at him in a playful way.

He just laughed and then wrapped his hand around my waist. I turned to Jake who was starring at me. I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed my thumb across his cheek.

"I don't know what I would do with out you." I sighed.

"And I don't know what I would do with out you." He kissed my forehead.

"All right you big baby wanna lay on my chest because I'm about to fall off." I giggled.

He smiled brightly and I scooted to the middle of the bed and Jake laid on top of my and buried his head into my neck as always. He put his right arm under my arm and cradled it and then his left just held his left my right shoulder if that makes sense. He kissed my neck and I kissed his forehead.

"Good night Mads, I love you." He smiled.

"Good night Jake, I love you to." I smiled.

Jake fell asleep. His mind wall was down and I could hear his thoughts I tried to block them out but I couldn't they were so loud it was like he was screaming.

Jake's thoughts:

Yolanda, wow she is so amazing. I love everything about her, I would do anything for her. I knew I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life when I first met her the day I went into town. When I'm around her everything just seems to be in place, nothings wrong and nothing can ruin the moment. I lover her with everything I am and everything I have.

I love you Yolanda.

End of Jake's thoughts.

I felt tears running down my face. Those were the last things I wanted to hear. I needed to cry but I didn't want to wake Jake. So I slowly slid Jake off me and walked out of his room. It was about 5 in the morning. I kissed Jake on his head and walked out of his house. I phased and went onto the porch connected to Jake's room. I laid there and curled up into a ball and listened to the birds and all the early rising animals. I just listened and then I saw Sam coming out of the woods headed to Jake's house. I got up and ran to him.

"He is sleeping and he needs his rest." I said through mind link.

"Ok did you get any sleep?" Sam asked me.

"No." I said.

"You need to get sleep especially after that episode you had earlier." He sounded concerned.

"I can't sleep, well I refuse to sleep because when I sleep I dream and I don't want to dream." I STATED.

"I know but you need your sleep so I will just go get Jared to do patrol with me." He said nudging my neck with his snout.

He turned around and walked back into the woods. I turned back to face Jake's house and went back to the spot on the porch. I curled up and listened some more. I didn't sleep I just laid there. It was about 2 in the afternoon and Jake still hasn't woken up. So I shifted back and walked into his room, then I phased back to my wolf.

I started licking Jake's face.

"Ewww Madilyn that's gross." He said turning the other way.

So I did what any best friend would do I pulled off the blankets with my teeth and started licking his back and the side of his face again.

"Madilyn you got your slobber all over me." He said laughing.

I made a little grunt which was me laughing. He finally sat up and petted my head. I phased back and threw on his shirt that was on the floor and his boxers and a pair of basketball shorts.

"Well good morning sleepy head." I laughed.

"Good morning slobber monster." He laughed.

"Well I better be getting home I have to do chores and check on the house." I said walking out.

Jake walked me to the door and hugged me. I knew that was the last hug we were going to have for a while. He didn't know but I knew this was our good bye hug. I hugged him tightly and walked outside. I still had my dirt bike parked in the drive way. I started it and drove off.