Chapter 17: Drifting

I got home and parked my bike in the work shop and went inside the house. I cleaned and then went to my room.

* 2 weeks later*

Jake has started coming over less and stopped talking to me. I knew this was going to happen so I didn't fight it, It really hasn't hit me that I was losing him everyday slowly. I haven't left the house in 2 weeks. Today was Sunday so that meant Sunday night football. So I was planning on watching the game tonight. Then the phone rang.

"Hey Madilyn" Billy said happily.

"Hey Billy, what's up?" I asked happily it has been 2 weeks since I last saw Billy.

"I was wondering if you could come over and watch the game with me?" He asked happily.

"Of course I can, I'll be right over." I was so happy.

"Ok see you in a little bit." He said really happy.

We hang up and I went upstairs to change and shower. I showered and put on a black Nike hoodie and matching sweats.

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

I went into the workshop and grabbed my dirt bike and headed to Billy's.

I got to Billy's and parked my bike and walked up to the door. I knocked and then a couple minutes later Billy answered.

"Hey Madilyn, come in." He had a huge smile on his face.

I walked in and we walked to the living room. I could hear laughing it was a girl and a guy. I knew that laugh any where it was Jake's and Yolanda laughing. I sat on the couch and Billy turned on the football channel.

"So how have you been I haven't seen you in 2 weeks?" Billy asked looking at me.

"I've been miserable, I haven't eaten, or slept in 2 weeks, I'm a mess Billy with out him." I said looking back at Billy.

"I know I can tell, you've gotten so skinny I think it's unhealthy." He looked so concerned for me.

"Billy I'm losing him more and more everyday." I looked down at the floor.

"He is so stupid." Billy looked upset.

"But I'm not going to say anything because he is happy and that's all I want for him." I said looking back at Billy.

" I know but I miss you, I don't like her at all. Your way better, she doesn't like football, baseball, cooking, dirt bikes, getting dirty, nothing that Jake likes. Oh did I almost forget she's a bitch." Billy said laughing.

I couldn't help laughing.

"I'm sorry I haven't came to see you, I promise I'll be here every Sunday until summer ends so we can watch football." I laughed and smiled.

"Thank you Madilyn I appreciate that." He smiled, his smile looked just like Jake's.

Then the football started. Me and Billy had a great time. We cheered and booed as usual. We laughed and got upset. This was the best time I have had in 2 weeks, I can't wait for next week.

It was the final quarter and only 30 seconds to go we were down by a touchdown once again like the last game we watched together.

Our team scored with 1 second to spare. Me and Billy yelled really loud and cheered because our team won. I hugged Billy and we were so happy.

"What are you yelling for?" Jake came out of his room with Yolanda following him.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. I looked at Jake he was holding her hand and it broke me I was numb again. I broke my stare as fast as I could I had to get out of there asap.

"I have to get home Billy I'll see you next week." I said hugging Billy and kissing him on the cheek before heading for the door.

I ran out and I was trying to start my bike as fast as I could. I heard Jake talking to Billy and I heard Yolanda adding her opinion but I didn't care about her. I finally got my bike to start and I rode off going as fast as I could. I finally got home, parked my bike and headed inside really fast.